Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 4 Mar 2003, p. 6

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6 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, March 4, 2003 SCOMMENT POLMS OUCOL] Two-year contract means unfastening purse strings The provincial govemment may have to shoulder some responsibili- ty should high sehool teachers in Halton and elsewhere in the province 6 ultimately choose picket lines over contract settiements. Late last year, when the Ontario premider proclaimed money would be :1 ,> available for the province's school boards to give 3 per cent raises to teachers, he did so with a ominous string attached. The province insisted school boards sign two-year deals with their respective teachers unions. Are we missing something here? It sounds like the Province is mak- ' ing administrative demands that dramatically exceed its fmnancial corn- mitmnents. Does the promise of one year's worth of money really give any . school board in Ontario the leverage to reach a two-year deal? School p,~e board administrators and trustees aren't stupid. They know if they sign two-year deals with significant increases each year, and the Province Çf doesn't provide any second-year funding, then they're on the hook for the différence. ~A VfPii~ The Province bas got two choices now. Either it can let go of its two- -----N------~~J5 year contract expectation or it can unfasten the purse strings. é:- N' '44< ~ O UR READERS WRITE Mr. Radcliffe's recent letteqagr regarding smoking bylaw issue faits to mention a number of significant points, says reader Dear Editor: After having read Mr. Radcliffe's recent letter about the smoking bylaw issue, l'mn Ieft very dîsturbed. Let ttee pose a few questions that Mr. Radcliffe doesn't touch on. If these estab- lishments shut down, who will pick up the economic slack created by the loat jobs? Is he gomng to hire the cooks, thse wait staff or the dishwashers? If flot, is he willing to pay higher premi- ums to keep these now unemployed people on stme sort of govemrment assistance? Box 248, 191 Main St. E., Milton, Ont. L9Tr 4N9 (905) 878-2341 Editorial Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertising Fax: 905-876-2364 Classified: 905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 Ian Oliver Publisher Neil Oliver Associate Publisher Jili Davis Editor-in-Chief Karen Smiith Editor Wendy McNab Advertising Manager Steve Crozier Circulation Manager Teri Casas Office Manager Tim Coles Production Manager Further, is he prepared to put up the money taken from the local economy as a resuit of thse reduced spending? Not likely. Alto, the notion that this wilI attract busi- ness to Milton is, in my opinion, nonsense. Business isn't going to operate in an atmos- phere of govemmental interference and favourititm. Next, I'm curious as to why only smok- ing is being targeted? Alcohol kilîs, espe- cially when combined with cars - a tact this town should remember very well or as lest those who lived here in 1984. I know Thea Canadian Champion, publitlrer every Tassday and Friday at 191 Mais Si. E., Miltas, tnt., L9T 4N9 (Bos 248), is one ai The Metrolaad Printing, Patlistîag t Distribtig tI graap ai sabarbas campasîsa starS ncladea: Ajax/Pickring News Adasatisar, Allintas HeraldCsarier, Barrie AIsance, Barry's Bay This Week, alin Esierprias, Brampton tuardias, Burlingisa Pans., nasîagîaa Shopping News, City Passai, Ctly ai York tadian, Callingwoaaititaaga Cassectias, Eant Yark Mîrrar, tris Advscate/Caaairy Routes, ticaie riardias, Flamtasaagr Pot, Fareasr Young, Georgetawn lndepeadeatActaa Frns Press, Maltas Basiness Times, Harasia Bussîs Tims, Kingston Thiis Week, Linsay This Wnek, Markham Ecasamîsi & tS, Midland/Pnnguishese Mirras, Mitas Shpping News. Missîasaaga Businss Times, Miaaisaaga tes, tapasse tuise, Natssasaeya tes, tswmarke/Aarasa tra-tasser, Northumberland tes, Narth Yark Mirros, tasailin Beassa, takaille Shopping News, tlimes Hackîey News, trillia Taiiay, tsawaNititby/ClarisgtaslPart Penny This Wseek, Peterborough Thisa Week, Picias Caasty taîde, Richmond HillfTtssstil/aagiîas LiteraI, tcartaraagt Mîrr.r tsaiiille/tstridge Taibuae Aiiaertaîang as accepie nr a the condition tat, an the eassi ai a typa- graptical sîrr. ihat partion ai the adaeiing space accapiel ty the erra. nta itsar, tageter witt a reasatie allawance for nignature, ai ast te ctarged fos, bt the talance ai the advertismeat ai ire paid fas ai the appli- catie rate, The patlîster reservea tire iight ta caieganize adveriSmenîn as itecline. Tre Mites Canadias Cramnpron es atycabie Prnduct I do. So why flot ban booze and cars, too? Third, he refera to health care costs being out of hand as a result of smoking. 'Mis argument has a number of flawa. Firat, given the amount of revenue amokers put into govemrment coffers in the form of sin taxes they've probably paid more into health care than you or 1 ever wiII. Ini addition, Mr. Radcîiffe's letter ignores the fact that societal changes such as fast food, increased stress levels, obcsity and chemnical usage (pesticides, food preserva- tives, etc.) have all contributed significant- Iy to increased demand on our heaîth care system. So let's flot be naive and blame smoking for ail of society's ilîs and let's flot assume that money alone will fix the health care syatem. Perhaps the biggest issue Mr. Radcliffe overlooka is money. A total ban on smok- ing would coat the town a substantial amount of money since a total ban wouîd have an impact on both the alots at Mohawk and the bingo hall. (Hence the reason exemptions were granted in the first place.) So 1 again ask, are you prepared to psy higher property taxes to make up for the loat revenue from the abots? Personalîy l'mn flot and 1 don't imagine the community as a whole is either. Are you prepared to increase your charitable donations to make up for the bast revenues from the bingo hall? Again I doubt it. So we're back to the heginning, two sets of rulet, a aystem that can't work. H-owever, the point I take greateat offence to is the cavalier attitude with which he dismisses the rights and opinions of those who smoke. Mr. Radcliffe states, "It matters flot how many votera are amok- ers..." Excuse me sir? Whether we agree with the habit or flot smokera do maintara the samne righta and freedoma as you or 1. And until the federal govemrment puas tobacco into the category of illegal, amok- ers have the right to amoke. Business owners have the right to allow smoking if they tee fit. That'a unleas the phrase "these rights only apply to non- * se SMOKERS on page 7 'a Y Have your say with a letter ta the ediffr. Fax ail of your letters to (905) 878- 4943. Pud by Steve Nease +THE CANADIAIV CÏI4IPoN

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