4-ibm Canadian Champion, Tuesday, March 4, 2003 BIDREQUEST #03-1,5, Pre-Quaflfiatiom of Generai Contractors for Drumquim Park Redeveopinent Bids on forms supplied by the Town of Milton will'be received by the Corporate Services Department, Purchasing until 11:00 a.m. local time on: - March 12,2003 Bid documents may be obtamned at the Town Hall, Coiporate Services Departnient, Purchasing, 43 Brown Street, 2nd Floor, Milton, Ontario during normal business hours, Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Any inquiries regarding this bid may be directed te Purchasing a t (905) 875-5404. If you would prefer the bid document sent by courier, please complete'the Requestfor Bid Document forn on the Town's web site:-w.onmitno.a Plan takers and current and upcoming bids are also posted on the web site. r' v MILTON Cross bravest perature Woodwi Despite wlndchi degrees MILTON HYDRO Issues Phase 2 Rebates Customers of Milton Hydro will receive their phase 2 rebates on their next bill (mailed after March 1 st). Who is entitled to a Phase 2 Rebate? Low volume (less than 150,000 kWh's annually) and designated consumers with an active account on November 25, 2002. How much is the Rebate? The total rebate owing is th e difference between what was paid for the commodity portion of your bill between May 1, 2002 and November 30, 2002 and what would have been paid at 4.3 cents per kilowatt hour. This amnount is then adjusted by your previous rebate. If your actual rebate owing is less than the amount previously rebated, you will only receive a rebate for the GST on your phase 1 rebate. What if 1 have moved since May lst? a. Moved within Milton between May 1, 2002 and February 28, 2003 and you remain a customer of Milton Hydro - Milton Hydro will refund the rebate you earned on your final billed account, along with your current account's rebate, to your current bill b. Moved outside of Milton between May 1, 2002 and November 25, 2002 - you will receive a letter from Milton Hydro which includes the calculation for your rebate entitlement, which should then be taken to your current utility who will calculate your total phase 2 rebate. c. Moved outside of Milton between May 1, 2002 and November 25, 2002, however you are currently flot responsible for utilities - you will receive a letter from Milton Hydro which includes the calculation for your rebate enti- lement, however regulations are forthcomning from the Ministry of Energy. d. Moved outside of Milton after November 25, 2002 - Milton Hydro will be issuing a refund cheque, by March 31, 2003, for any eligible further rebate. e. Moved from another utility between May 1, 2002 and November 25, 2002 and was a Milton Hydro customer on November 25, 2002 - Provide Milton Hydro with correspondence (bils/letters) from your former utility and we will credit your account for any eligible rebate. For questions concerning your rebate, contact Milton Hydro at (905)876-4611 Questions concerning Bill 210 can be directedl to the Ministry of Energy, Science and Technology at 1-888-668-4636 or vîsit their web site at www.est.gov.on.ca Trying to keep warm esing guard Louise Davis the minus 24 degrees C tern- res Yesterday morning et the Nard Avenue crossing. ethe bright sunshine, the 1111 made it feel like minus 37 es C. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE D O... M Ne feeling - e! I n'as behind - es, - brtable. 'he and W- q.r" r.mâ