22-The Canedian Champion, Tueaday, March 4, 2003 ffl ffl mwRiNaÙ ï-iMl i(u iiAzs BEG(UN. TH-E MODEL AND TALENT BUREAU US SCOUTING NEW FACES IN VOUR AREA. Audition tee $34.50 is refundable if you do flot quality. Scouting for Movies, Commercials, catalogues, Etc. We are looking for new faces -ail sbapes and sizes, newborn to senior' Screening Mon. Mar. 10. Model aod Talent Bureau is a Member of the BBB & COC. Cali 519-249-0700, betwoen G a.rn. - 5 p.m. expei fce s ong s ihgNrtadh VR i Aderihand 0 d ea Appic ntsfrbt a p mride a an d c rm n lrc r e h A p HiGHApsi tions mn ar s provîtdeace Wera offe r clent gs'a eta op tnpac a tien ontac uist taio abut, o Harmac Transportiation Ine., a leader in the Buik liquid industry, han the foliowing immediate opportunitias for their North Yorko and Hamilton locations: FUEL COMPANY DRIVERS Requirements: ci AZ License ri Clean Abstract, Criminal Search, CVOR n FueVTanker exp. an assai ri Min. 2-pru verittable driving axperience n Pre-employment dmug test Wa Bfer: n Compatitive houri y and mileaga rates CI Nawer lte modal equiproant ci Excellent benaefits package ni Emptoyae incentiva plan ni Safeiy bonus prograîx nl Fuel training provided n) Opan door poticy to, management 71 Continental shift Oualifiad appticants uhould contact John ait 416-642-0515 or 1-800-828-6615 Fax resuime, driver and CVOR abstract and criminai saarch ta 416-642-0933 Apply on-lina: www.hanrmactransport.com *Commitmenf fa Excellence» ToI nC R1EýNEE for Georgetown, Milton, Action ares. Muet be 25 years or aider with dlean driving and cniminal record. Expenienca praferredi but witt train. Piaasa cati 905-873-4800 or Fax reaumne 905-873-8730 GROUMDSKEEPER required for a large, private Fiamborough area rest- dence. Fuiltlima position availabte immtdiattly. Rt- sponsibitities inctade: Lawn maintenance; generai ta- bour; upkeep af buildings & grotnds; & speciai pro- jet as reqaire. The ideat candidate mast be abte f0 work independenty, with min, supervision, must own a vehicte & must be ftexibte f0 wodi overtime. Pios fotwrd marnas Io: P.O. Box 1948 CIO The Burllngton Pal 5040 Malnwy, Burliqolin, ON L775 Please tNs Paper No years' .enca abstracts (no itions must icants for aur n finger print anada exparienca. enensiv Denanits ur options! Drivers 1 Own.r Operators OPERATORS ONLY Neederi Immedjulelpi *b 22003000 mî/week " Future dedicaledi " Att bridge loits paidi 0/0 Cap Cuit uvailabte Start making $$$ Cuti. (800)231-5209 ext.6322 Now you can broe Exporienced MOBILE AUTO GLASS TECHNICIAN raquired fuiltime AppUy tn persan: 4235 Fairview St., Buntingion, or Fax: 905-639-0128 Required S.pray Foaau Oausulation Tecuuuoeaas Pl-aa oiaf 9084301-8706. FIT CUSTODIANI roquired tor turne Oortîontnn Chorch. Good knowledge of operuln of physîcal plunt, building & propert Nelson United Church 9:30am-4pm, Mon.-Fri Send application & renomne uloon with cooerng leOter beloro Uridav March 21S : AOon Bruce Hoock PORIT NELSO UNITED CNIJICN, 3132 Smui or. 801160ion, Ontario L71 1N17 ICURVES FOR WOMEN Ist accepting applications for 4-9pm are iooking for somreone enjgei atch l, 2M0, to: I and self-motivated who loves ta work T.M. Davis R with people. This part time position le Administrator, Human Resources Services %111 - a perfect opportunîty for someone Halton Catholic District Schooi Board returning ta the work force. Kerr/ 802 Drury Lane, Buriington, ON L7R 4L3 Speers area. L.G. Piovesan, A. Baiiey, S.nd resumne te Director of Education Chair oft the Board Curves-forwomen@hotmai.com or fax: 905-339-2391 Lead and/INSPECTORSI FREE TRAINING ESIATR Drive 4 Us. For busy afternoon Shift. o~aopr School Bus Driver's Wanted ExelnYenft, Fuil training providtd Cail 905-877--4448 wages. *Car required Laidlaw is an eqeuai *Burlinglun/Ouicville opportunifr Company Fax resumne to: 905-878-4489 . & surrounding arta or apply in person [ Quaiy itads provided JANITORIAL- Truck Town Service Fax: M0548-M3 Mature Persons 10862 Steeles Ave. Milton Ait: Humas Resource il .3Opm-7.30am and EUI.r afternoon shift 2pm. i LR5IING 7pm Light-Duty Cieun- CAREERi pet oek Mingh 5 do POTN The United Way of Milton is a o for profit registeed cttucity whose mission is: to act us u voluntury 7:3Oum. Qualified wifth Oakvilfe's fundraising organizaion lu serve the peuple of the Milion urea witii tise funded ugenctes ta ensure human Applicania muai have Premier Salon & Spa services thut enhunce tise quai îy of life in our Community. Transportation. Fao Re I M A G E S Uewyt îtnsseigvruiemîvîdta lyrwosrslsoiue.w gt s -uma: (905)637-7033 i tAixn 0ENi ,,TDý b ýP to moiti tusk und assume chunging job responsibilities us fundruising campaign deudlines dictute. Piuba Piuba 1>1111111 Now Hirng Position - Administrative Assistant/Receptionist Join Cotario's lasiesi 2 FULLTUMIE 30 hours/week. Reports lu and works directiy with the Executive Director growing Totos Mobililp STYLISIS eurmns Cuilshi suie oiin i XO ULI olid experience iu A/R. A/P & Puyroll using Simply Accounting Software uuie salr posibeneis 1EX' SA L SSI. : cient computer skiuls asiug Microsofi Word, Excel & Acceos comsions &aay beih ' AO SS.-o experieuce iu recepiion & general office duties includiug excellent oral & written pemison &gu theound Pleaso cati Jody ut communication Fek ga m 05-49-121 90-34792illing to leurs United Way specifiC data base system Fulsax s 90-49-:1 905-33-956 -sound knuwiedge of the Milton commaniîy a defrnite asset. pilmie.ca This job opportuniîy lu work wiihiu a nul for profil organizatiuo that exisîs ta enhance tbe quality of life in Our community. Staff are valued members of a large ieam osf volunteers dedicaîed lu ils mission. Hours of '1reec empioymeui may be scheduled lu suit a fumily persan retueuing lu the workplare. T re HRIN àResumes including salary expeetatton may ha dîreciet 1: FOAKu, HAMIO Anne Eadie, Executive Direcior, lJnitedsWay of Milton, .0. Box 212, Milton, ON. L9T 4N9. FrnMS.LOATON Only individuais receiving an interview wiII ha contacîed. 3/ seasonat LEGAL SECRETARY horticutturat L R Wth solid expeidence labourers. a Eocellent wage & Junior position avaitabie with building in Real Estate (inctuding Teraiew) Aprit- benef if package; materiais distributor in Campbeiviiie. Rqie yBapo im November e 0pprtn for Somae axpenience prefarrad on the AS400 Rqie yBapo im November advanctment; syetem. Knowiedge of building materiais pieNchlFo Hourtywages (n-sore adaoced heiptul. Must be very detaiied and accu-SpgeNih sFx $850 w ge in-toren adnd rate. Transportation required. wwwv.ontlawcom Plese5at cbutng asses Please fax raxumne to: 905-54-1800 brendon@ontlaw.com for an e Equipment provided; appomntment * inel neesay .ls ife Ph n 8O-2 4 OlS dFa 7 -3 4 1905-875-3220 905-815-3217 i TOARE AN ERV E , 1118as11 cali KYrn at 905-849-808, Ext 221 Whaqt's black 9 whiteI and rend aU1 over? classified section, of coursel Cati 905-875-3300 today ta ptace your ctassified ad! Or fax us at 905-876-2364 i - i 1k HEA IH N 3I.- gl HEATH NDSAFETY OFFICIER- Under thie direction of the Administalor, Humas Resources Services, Heatt Promotion and Wellness, plan, develop and maian compiehensive Healith and Safety Progrxas and Services. Provide advice and participate in the devekipment of corporate guidelines, procedures and poic,. QUALIFICATIONS / EXPIERIENCE: " Cualified applicants should have a minimum Community Coilege in Human Resources or Occupationa Health and Safety Certificate or certification in Heaith and Safety that ta acceptable to the Board; "a Knowiedgeable of the Occupationa Heaith and Safety Act and Ots Regulanions; tamiliarity with other building, tire & safety legistation, codes & standards; " Eligibiiity to meet requirements of Canadian Registered Safety Professionai iC.R.S.P.i wouid be an asset; " Excellent knowiedge of persona computera; LI Excellent interpersonai and communication silis, written and verbal; excellent organizational and time management akilta. Those interested in appiying muai submit their resume, evidence of a satiafactory Tubercutin test, idated reithin the last year), a carrent crimi- Recruiting Departiment Rosedale Transport Limited 6845 nvader Crescent Mississauga, ON L5T 287 ' Tel: (905) 670-0057 T4 Toil-free: 1-877-588-0057 I &j Fax: (905) 670-0065 O8 Dfl e-mail: recruiting@llrosedaie.ca Ouose oiek it appe Weý- thank ail applicants; however on/y those seiected for an interview mili ha contacted.