2-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, March 4, 2003 Toyota's Biggest Sales Event o! the Year. it'sBig. It's Red. 505% LIME irscomigrch1U,8 IThe ail NEW & EXCITING And I"s b cki.2004 Toyota Sienna 10 Security Deposit on ail Leases!!t Lease Rates on terms of 24 to 48 months. See Milton Toyota for details. 400 Steeles Avenue 905 875-1700 ""'a www.mlltontoyota.com Ru" cSSW *W 250'x 1 *W i Regional smioking bylaw on hold Councillors waiting for municipal bylaws to be worked out By JASON MISNER The Champion Regional councillors Jeif Knoll and Rick Malboeuf may prove to be the soldiers who lead the march toward the creation of a Halton-wide smoking bylaw. Mr. Knoll says he's waitmng for Milton and Halton His to smooth out their smok- ing bylaws hefore he officially pushes for a region-wide smoking bylaw. "Wc firat need four clear smoking poli- cies from the municipalities," Mr. Knoll said. "I want to make sure a region-wide bylaw is sufficient and flot a flash-in-the- pan.,, But thc problemn is he can't act alone. Enter Mr. Malbocuf. A staff report was released to the Region's health and social services com- mincee rccently outlining what thc legal process is to reopen taika at thc regional level for discussion of a smoking bylaw. It wasn't up for a vote. Halton-wide bid died before Mr. Knoll had asked for the report because he said it's time thc Rcgion, once again, Iookcd as creatmng a Halton-wide smoking bylaw. A similar push dicd five ycars ago. He said bcforc hc pursues such a bylaw, hc will await for a draft bylaw in Milton Uiat will outline what's rcquired for bars and restaurants - required to he smoke- free - to create dcsignatcd smoking rooms (DSRs), as well as a reviscd smok- ing bylaw from Halton Hila. Once those changes have been finalizcd, Mn. Knoll said he wii then pursue a region- wide smoking bylaw. Now, according to Uic rcgion's legal dcpartment, only councillors who votcd in 1998 in favour of a region-widc smoking bylaw can bring forward a motion to recon- aider it. If that happens, three of Uic four lower- tier municipalities must eventually approve a mnove for regional counicil to establish a Halton-wide smoking hylaw. Mr. Knoll wasn't on council in 1998 and he can't bring forward a motion for recon- sideration. If someone legally brings it forward, Mr. Knoll can second it, which means Uic motion can be Icgally discusscd among counicillors and voted on. Malboeuf wii make motion Mr. Maiboeuf was on regional council in 1998 and he voted in favour of a Halton- wide smoking bylaw. He said he told Mr. Knoll if Uic opportunity arises, he has "no problcm bringmng forward the motion for reconsideration." But Mr. Maibocuf agreed Uiat nothing should be donc until aftcr Milton and Halton His dcal with their smoking bylaws.,