14-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, March 4, 2003 Irs been a grueling yet satisfying month for par- Fi ticipants of The Champions Weight Loss thre Challenge, as they'me cracking down on bad the habits and disciplining both mnd and body. If weit youre just joining us, welcome. con vPeople 's friendly support helping motivate McNab Wendy McNab knows the folks at Goodife are 100 per cent supportive of ber - participation in The Champions WeightL Loss Challenge.eS Each time she walks through the doors, 1P she's greeted with a big sign that reads, Wendy MeNab ~ ' We're rooting for you, a]s Wendy!' In facs, Ms McNab said she feels like ail .0o of Milton is roosing for ber. be 'Perfect strangers corne up to me on the street and say what a great sing this (challenge) is and g . offer their encouragement," said Ms McNab, by The Champions advertising director. boile Its this friendly support and motivation that ltsni apura Ms McNab on - and the facstbat she feels lt great and is already noticing some lotse clotines. Of it- "You'd tbink you'd be exhausted afser one-and- Me a-half bours (exercising), but you're not. Its the iiiche exact opposite."'l Ms McNab visits Goodife Fitness For said. Women, at 409 Main St. E., tbree times each my c week - soon 50, be four - and bas iost several Ms pounds. More importantly are the inches she bas weig] dropped, said Ms McNab, a diabetic, and the fact cons that ber blood sugar levels have decreased. SN asue HAVING on page 15 OFFER EXTENDED! 12 *Primce Dues! Jol. fliday & Vougl Ais» et $150',u FREE GIFTS! #~1 EN GoodLif 70 Ce"d & W....,,OUIy alubs la Canada' <(S 876-PI8409 ManSt.,WomenOnly <(0S> 576-RIT 855 Steeles Ave. E. Coed wwwgoodlifefitnesscom e, nitiatioon fçe &suctiosav PPIy For six months, The Champion is following grams, and maybe even flnd one thats rnght: for weight- losa race, and is more about participants ,es staff members and one freelancer through you.. challenging themselves to meet their personal upe and downs of their chosen exercise and Each month until August, we're bninging you an goals. )ght loss programs. Ifs our hope that you'l wel- article detailing the progress of the four partici- So grab some celery, and join Karen, Murray, me the introduction to0 the four different pro- pants. Athough titled a challenge, ifs in no way a Lea Ann and Wendy in their attempts 10 gel fit. -ea Ann Page ha bat juat oVer 20 Inch- -aye-S-- --v she fnlMl IllOqt R nn. bage is 3 pounds and more energeic. ,head of sehedule -Smith losing fat; )ver the pass montb, as Lea Ann Page bas ýfollowmng Herbai Magic's weigbs bass pro- n. ber boyfriend bas lost several pounds. )ne nigbt I wanted Kraft Dinner. My friend, Tom talked me out of it. He's lost ýpounda," Ms Page said, laughing. "We eat of chieken and broccoli. Tom's getting sick Is Page bas lost 12 pounds and juat over 20 tas as a resuit of tbe program. fy pans are starting to fall off," Ms Page ". b ave tbe closhes I uaed to fit into ail in c1oset, patiently waitmng." Is Page said people are starting to notice ber bht loas - especially in ber face - and are inenting on it. e said tbe Herbai Magic prograrn - wbicb a see PAGE on page 15 gaining muscle For a wbabe, Karen Smith was dsappomnted with ber progresa in The Champions Weigbt Loas Challenge-lit seemed like every other par- ticipant was melting off the pounda wbile ber weight plateaued. Then Tracy Hasaelfeldt, ber personai trainer as the Milton Leisure Centre, 43 Brown St., set ber straigbt. "She was disappointed abe badn'tsaeen the numbers," Ms Hasselfeldt said. I asked ber bow ber pansa felt, and she saad, 'Looser'. You have to realize that muscle weigba more than fat." For tne past montb, Ma Smith bas been work- ing on a beginner weigbt prograni. see HASSELFELDT on page 15 when you're stressed, do you find yourself binge-eating? *decreases cravlngs for high fat high sugar foods e normalizes hormones related f0 stress-induced eaing e gets you through a bad break-up, a lost job and even a visit from your mother in law. Get ready for0 summer with 000 -Weight Management and Nutrition Centres ask for the impossible. it's our specially. "Providing a Natural Way to Relier Health and Wellness" 905m693m9594 -Townsend has lost 21 pounds M u r r a y Townsend is feeling pretty proud of bini- self these days - and witb good reason. He's now embarking on bis second month in The Cbampion's Weigbt Loss Challenge, and bas already lost 21 pounds and a totai of 16 mnches. Murray Townsend says "I sbould lie he's Iearning more about a poster boy the righ o st e. for weighs tfos oct loas," he boasted, adding tbat bis weigbt boss must lie a record of some sort. Altbougb that migbt be stretching it a bit, Marion Healy, owner of Beverly Hills Weigbî Management Centre as 550 Ontario St., agreed tbat Mr. Townsend la doing very well. "Hes doing amazing. He's making greas changea, and bis weigbt (boas) la awesome," Ms sec TOWNSEND on page 15 IFeel the Difference à : il .............. "Il,"",,, 11, 1 1 Karen Srnfth says she's feelinq stroncer vu