vStepfather, son facing charges in 9arena fight A boy and is alepfather have been charged with assault afler a fighî broke out as John Tonelli Sports Centre Sunday at about il p.m. Halton Regional Police said a 15-year- nId boy was watching a hockey game when he was approached by a youth who wanted to flght im. Police said the victim declined, but was later confronted by the boy in Uic parking lot. The boy so-uck the vicîim in the nose and a fighî broke out. Then a man approached the pair and joined in on Uic skinnish, police said. Charged with assault is a 15-year-old boy and 30-year-old man, boîb of Milton. Break and enter A break-in at an Ontario Street bouse occurred Monday between 11:30 arn. and 3:45 p.m. Unknown suspects enlered the bouse by forcibly opening a side door. Stolen were electronc items worth $3,350 including a Police BMotter Hewlett Packard computer, keyboard, mouse, modem, VCR, portable stereo, Sony Pîsystation ansd CDs. Theft at construction site Unlcnown suspects stole construction materialo from four lots in an unfmnisbed subdivision in the Derry Road and Trudeau Dnive ares. Three hundred sheets of three-quarter inch roofing plywood worth $10.500 were reported stolen Tuesday. It's flot known exactly when thc thefs occurred. Golf cart stolen A white, Yamnaha golf cart worth $4,000 was stolen from a bouse on Fourth Line between February 14 and 18. The vehicle hadn't been secured. /Furnaces stolen from homes Halton Regional Police are invesîigatimg four break-mns at Uic same subdivision that lefi several new homes at Third Line and Den-y Road without fumaces. Sometime ovemnigbr February 18, thieves entered Uic secluded residential development and went to four différent bouses, each baving a new fumace chairted to a pool in Uic basement. They proceeded to smash down the poles wiîh a large tool. Tbhey Uien removed eacb of the four fur- naces from Uic basements wiUi Uie chains 1W-A& RICLINI 4 THON Crime Stoppers 0 F H A LTO0N still attached, and left with them. The total loss is estimated at $5,200. If you have anv information that Ieads to an art-est in this or an v other miarte, vou mas' be eligible Jbr a cash reward. Cal! J - 800-222-TIPS (J-800-222-8477). Do Not Pay iTU 20041 S(SSe stoe) Non-Stop Comfort! Limited lime Savings! Hurry in and save on the Iatest La-Z-Boy' styles and bring home reclining comfort that goes on and on... The Canadian Champion, Fniday, February 28, 2003--g --------------------------------* Milton Chamber of Commerce Communit Awards Your 2002 CITIZEN 0F THE VEAR NOMINEE IlBARBARA BURTON " l Barbara willisgly takes as leadiership raies ttiat reqaire detilcationanad cammitment without compensation or recognition. She lads with a servant heart asti humble sature, seeking as rewarti ' She is as active member ai St. Georges Anglican Church en Lawvilleasts soa many committees pranîiing astreach visita. I "Barbara has matie signifîcant contributions ta the Millon cammanity dtirng her involnement witli the Miltan District Hospital andi H altas Healthcare Services. As a cammitteti,tiedicate Boarti member, she ha pranided the hospilal witb the leadership neetiedttacas- tisse ta provide qsalily heallh caretso ssr cammasities tuirng a time oi rapid grawlh anti inascial challenge. Mer knowledge, strength and perseverasce, lasg with her compassion and cancers tfor the paienss e serve, has earneti her the respectaif esery Boardi mem- I ber as well as the staff, physiciansaasti nlunteers of the haspital. I bBLANCHE HINTON " l Over tbe years Blanche bas bati the philosopby that she woulti make a tiutterence sn her cammusity. She bas brogbt culture la Mlon asti eves naw is organizing a concert serins ior chiltires ageti 4 ta 9 years la begis Ibis taîl." 'Blanche bas matie a signiticant cosnibution sner the years 10 the Town sf Milon asti ils citîzens. She serveti as Town I Cauncil for a term ant iina member ut tht Rotary Club ai Milton asti serveti os ils enecusîne. She fis da diti sti h1 heavily I isnvledti îh Mlton Csncert Protiuctions- a beneftl laal music lavers in Mitos. Mer worle wîlS the Ernest C Drury Scbosl fo tIhe Deafi n combisation with Rotary Exchange bas conînîbstedt labath the ysnlh asti tiat csmmsnily is Milton. She iineti s a "lump-starter" tor Milon asti ils ctîzens. I LAURA McKEE "Laura bas hees snîeltîsbly tianalîng her ime 10 sarînus casses here sn Milon for many years. Lasra bas bnen a member ot tht Mlon Jaycees for tht pas il years anti bas rcntly "ageti ost" anti maeti on la tht Mlon Opimîsî Club. Dsrîng ber lime mîlh tht Jaycees she sngle antintly saneti tht chapler tram tiemise anti, wilh tht hnlp ni tht new members she recrsiltid, buill I il sp tIna promirntsîasti respecleti lncal nrgasîzalion. Through ber involvement wth tht Jaycees she came la serve on many local cam- * millets, mnal sotable tht Santa Claus Paratie Cammitet ati the Canatia Day Cammite, ni wbîch she bas bets cn-chair toi tht pasî S yeara. Il requires a special persan lti enale sncb a large part ni Iheir sparetime la prnjncls af Iis magnitutie.Fai snmeane la willingly accepl Iis challenge, year ater year, is rsly remarkabln. * COMMUNITY AWARDS 2002 SPONSORS I GOLD Proaperity One - The Donaldson Financial PRIZES * SKI) Company Community Banking Croup mnc. Brancier Jeweller- * Dufferin Aggregaies Kwik Kopy Printing McCuaig Insurance Ltd, Gemologiat SIV RPage One Services Milton Canadien Harrap Art Gallery SILERChampion Harrop Restaurant * Toranto Auto Auctions FRIENDS Kalena Ftawera M & M Meat Shopa IMiliowne Insurance Labtaws Market Shappers Drug MarI - * BRONZE Agency tflç. Wordsang Don Bell1 Johnson Contrats Ltd. Robert (Pie) Lee Communications The Wine Rack Roxul nfic. Insurance Agency r:-s hos n mie n aifxo deliver ta the Miffol Chomber 0f Commerce by i *Must be 18 years of age. Ail incompiete ballots will b. dlsregarded. Mlease indicate one naminee.1 Milln Cmpn/RsdeîMail 10: Miltn C mpay/Rsidnt:Milton Chamber et Commerce1 251 Main St. E., Suite 104,1 Milton Address: M O ,N LTP *Phone: __________ Postal Code:______ Fax te: 905-878-4972 Golf Ontaro Ail Summer Long!1 GOLF &TRAýVEL S HOW 4 Presenteti by ACURA February 28 - March 2, 2003 Mehro Toronto Convention Centre South Building EN R TO VWN A DREAm GOLF uDF? 1711 TE MUSKOKA GOLF TRAII, R«a at 3 A FEE OLD Rs» ndGolfai 6 of the Top MuskOM aCourse! OF GOL FROM A ý 'aâONIea BOOK YOUR TEE-IMES AT (MER 50 ONTARIO COURSES! Angus Glen* Wooden Stcks Vvlalsle Bear Batlfleld Tangle Qreek iMldfire - Rebel Creels Copper Oreek - Cedar Brae Royal Niagara -bllow Valley limber Rdge. Royal Ontario Weson - Wndemnere - Pheasant Run Hoddley Valley and moret GOLF &TItVEL SHW4 FREE PARINGpQ~ coejrtesy ofG 16 m m m m Eger off LotwrSmS mm atSisol ouSFtMoitvaa-S Satatday Susday 1"- Of LtMIgîtt8ht mt s$12 sens$i Isu e s -5 6 nmmwd&U n jG A __~~cLu3LINm M ttM I '-1-