Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 28 Feb 2003, p. 7

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v*"EÎght-year..oîd boy batties exhaustion to carry home The Canadien Champion. Friday, February 28, 2003-7 *OUR READERS WRITE aisiteî who was tra'm pied by Zerotol[Ace sneddtoemnt a cow in Nassagaweya Zeot-eac i ed oelmnt 'Time Capsules' are gems of information extractedl from past issues of The Champion and other publications to pro- vide a window into Miltons past. Fxplanatory comment is sometimes pro- vided to place the situation in context. September 1899 Last Thuraday cvening Katie and Willie, children of Gilbert of Kingtbury, Nassagaweya, agcd six and eight yeara reapectively, were sent for Uic cows. One of Uic animait had several imes shown a dialike to Uic childrcn, but was not consid- cred vciout. However, she tumcd on Uic liale girl, knocked ber down and nampled on ber, breaking one leg in two places. WiIie pluckily fouglit Uic cow off it is- ter wiUi a stick. As Uic children were a baif a mile from Uic bouse and alone, Uic little fellow could not leave Katie wbile be wens for bclp. Although of such a tender age, be took ber on bis back part of Uic way, then changcd her into is ams whcn ired out Uiat way. The brave little man bad carried ber nearly home when bis mother noticcd Uicre was sometliing wrong and ran to bis assistance. Dr. Livingstone of Rockwood was callcd and Uic injured limb set. Katie is doing as wcll as can bc cexpccted. WilIic was nearly exhausted whcn relieved of bis burden, but shows no serous result of bis heroic labour. Few children, andccd few grown people, would have sbown such presence of mind as abus young hero. (Brandon Times) Miss Bastedo of Milton, one of Ontarios best known artiats, is viiing fricnds in Uhit vicinisy. She is on a sketcbing tour in Uic Northwest and will visit Uic moat important points but may decide to fonis a dlata and remain in Uic ares for tome tme. Miss Bastedo bas stud- icd wiUi J.WL. Forater, Canadas greatesa portrait painter, and reccived bigh recogni- tion for ber work as Uic Wrlds Fair and Toronto and London exhibitions. Her pupils have been anoss succesaful as Uic leading eastcrn art exhibitions. Her own work, specimens of whicb are now sbown in Campbell and Campbells window, includes many artistic and bigbly cred- itable productions. A Town Council commisae bas recoro- mend purchase of Uic property belonging Time Capsules to JRB. Scott, lying on the nothothod cemetery and east of the traveled road (l3ronte St.) containing about haif an acre, known as "the dump" for the swrn of $25 and that on completion of a clear deed $25 be paid. Town Counicil bas autborized, through a motion by R.K. Anderson, aeconded by T. McDowell that the followmg notice to manufacturera be inserted las tie Toronto Mail and Empire and Uic Globe on four consecutive Saturdays. "The Town of Milton County of Haiton, situate i one of the nicbest agriculaural districts an the Province, witb every advantage in the way of water and railway, is prepared to grant liberal concessions to manufacturing firms desiring a location. "Every inducement compatible wiUi business principles will be offered. Its beautiful acenery, diveraified by mouassain and plain, forets and stream, combine to make Milton a favorite residental quarter as well as a desirable summner resort. Correspondence solicited. Address, R. Coates, Town Clerk." Murray Crawford bas purchased Uic brick works and other property in Campbcllville, whcre it's rcportcd he intenda to move his sawmli and branching oua in Uic manufacture of baskets, ataves, etc. He wil bhave an auction taie of the brick on Uic property on Saturday. October 1899 The council is puaig down granoliUiic (a kind of concrete) pavement on Brown an-eat, froro Main an-est to Uic court house. George Hewson has charge of Uic job and from presens appearances it will be a suc- cesa. The projeca was complctcd as a cos of $11923. This material is assembled on behaif of thse Milton Historical Soc iety by Jim Dilîs, who can be -reached by e-mai! ai jdills@idirect.com. our nuge Iittering problem in Ontario DmarEditor: It really doesn't matter wbcre we go - litter is evcrywbcre. 1 really can't faUiom why. Why do certain people litter and othera don't? We need to have zero toler- ance for Uiose Uiat litser if we want to stop Uhit ugly practice. Ontario tnily is a beautiful province, so why do we blemaish Uhit wonderful image with litter? I he Uc yca of many, Uhit act is vicwcd as dcfac- ing, skias to graffiti application on structures. It isn's acceptable to moat Ontarians. We need to bavesa province-widc awarencss blitz abat littcring is an unacceptable set. There needa to be a reemnergence of enforcemena of fanes for litsering. We nced to actu- ally be aougb on offendera. Nos only ahould we penalize Uiose found guilay wiUi befty fines, Uiey should be made to belp dlean up wbat they'vc caused as a contri- bution back to socieay and our cnviromnent. Our tax dollars sbouldn't be utcd to dlean up litter. 1 do sec many volunteer groupa actually doing litter dlean up on our roadways and in our fields and waterways. Tis is truly comsncnd- able, but isn'a Uic lasting answer. We nced to stop littering as Uic source. I beieve abat moat lisser is dis- carded wrappings and containera froan food/bcveragc takeout estab- lishmsents. Should wc not consider retumnablc-for-refund containers raaber than preaend they'rc biodegradable and abus acceptable for littcning? Lisser is lisser and wc need to stop abe aca of litsering. ight we sug- gesa to our govemmnent abat a law be passed wherc every takeout food or beverage order would bave a $2 fée addcd to Uic total cota so as to ensure Uic return of Uic used containera and wrappings? Every takeout order could be in a "keep Ontario dlean" bag and wbcn you retuan Uic bag wiab Uic used wrappings and containers, you'd gea a toonie back. Sure, abere would stili be a few "*toas it oua of Uic car" types, but there would be a heck of a lot lest. Those abat don't lisser will ask, "Why should we have to pay when we don't cause Uic lister problem?" Wc muta take a "keep Ontario dlean" stand and lead by example. l'an sure Uic food and beverage takeout establishmnents wossld cons- plain, but like us, Uiey would have to accepa retponsibility to belp cor- rect tis growing littering problcm. On bebaif of Uic non-liatering public, I'vc taken Uic liberty of sending tins letter to Premier Erme Eves and minitacra' Nora Sterling and Chris Stockwell for abeir Uioughts and consideration. l'an sure Uicy want to tee our province become more lisser free, juta like wc do. We can and musa curb littering. Robert (Bob) A. Bey.tte CampbeIlvli Bu=t tWe t=arsae epeeau dita Mmt wlmues there was sarnetilascte. la was terne poor attempt 1to ok Michaecl Jasn . hne media çaoeaes to portray Oertalo sco- ries li certaina ways, aid ir's up 10 Uie people 10 decide for tlamselves if they believc la or at Howvever, I neyer thouglt1 would tessola a sissg ara osa Chamispion as 1 did receaay. TIse Chamion la ment to infoan ad brlaag aur carmunaty daser. W. don't need anaberm edi&a «aourpinmg trasla lke abat, for wlaat they Uamisl a good laaagb. l's sad wlaen people are dying al aver Uic world and war la on Uic brink, abat we're more coatccred with Michael Jackson's bebavior instead of m rtel- low man and our future. Curt Vandwwato As a fteau=fidoOfot% aOlal*«km I, qula. êmhrwihde nespça nd lhetyfpcW *log Bu 'e coma n way kSuaaaelilde boy wlao mm d*lvaed for youuNew on sty wa te flinla- Ing Muy &nt Yeu Of rnvaty st tbe'Univm Oy f Ottawa, rve knsd a few tàwi *=tane 've sftaOur great tows Of Mutant Onte 0f wlicb as 1 leunaed lsow anuehla m lv Miltam.Be gaway frarn at ao long lasgb,bha its maade me atrager. rve laid 10 scios ta sIthe bigger, clty, but I've doma well. Howover, on wlaat waa an excitiag taip borne, I quickly became moua as 1 bappily picked up our loca papM~ whrsi1lalad come to Usjoy, especially flow d tlalo'aad aa ed it. 1 stasacc by claeckig out Uic fron page ta Sec wbat was tse top news, snd theatas umaal, I turned to tebigla sebool section I've rend the 'Mustang Mlessesager'sinc e beinnirig, and my ficnds had wittenit in the past. 1 was isateested 10 tee wbat Uhit year's students wcre wiing about. 1 was imipressed abat our sua- )OM oom zoo zo m zo m z om oom zoo zoo zo m z om oom zoom zoo zo m z om o om Achillos sol es. St. (Elvyl>) Acte, OU lits ahie s.ui PSu Fai0aPOE and Tum Cdli bilai Rý ,.Fnaoe coy 0 *t nmd another m«Ua source printing tnwh

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