M5.Vi on AU o a.Viust bu 25 yeara or older with cleen driving and criminel record. Experience prefferred but wil I train. Pleasa caîl 905-873-4800 or Fax resumne 905-873-8730 Drivers I Owner Operators EXCITINO OWNER CAREER OPEROS ONLY OPPORTUNITY Needed Immedaelpl métIs Oakvilleas -TOSAnI <US Premier Salon & Spa * 2200-3000 ma/seee Oukîiile Tows Ceaire * Future dediceled! * Ail bridge taiu puitil I M A G E S 0/0 Ouy Cab aveilae= Staff makiog $$$ Culi: Now 1 (800>231-5209 Hrn ext.6322 .2 FULLTIME STYLISIS O Pieuse rail Judy at 905-334-1592 Fax: 905-338-9551 JOB3 OPPORTUNiT-Y teace lankina toc diigent anal cehable Pant-fiee cetaner (Itndieiduet ar teacl Place: HteY 258& Campbeaniae Rd leenunal HigS Point) CleaninO lme: 3hen/dap Ihetween 6 pnt 12 perI Mon - Fnaday (5 days 'maniai Papa $10/hi IS3O/aas lPaid enep 2 manias Sp cheaque) Cantact te- 4t6-417-3663 IPlease oeil between neen-eperI Regunired- Spray Fo1m Inaslaeion Teabaiclan. If ynu are SeSfmotevated c aca score urnu perviued and Suave v 'can do' wttiturfe saut a goU driveng record. Weflung t ramn Pleas ecau 90"401-2706. Geai pay, profit abaringl & health beneifita CROUNDSKEEPER reqareU fo a large, priate Flamba ougis u ea reoi deace, Pull lame posoaaialbe innedisteiy. Re- soasabaiiieo asclude: Lasa naitenance; generul la- hour; upkeep aI buildingo & grouads; &, opecia pro- lecto ao reqaired, Tise ideul candidate nust be able ta sork aadepesdeatp, sais Mna saperson, nust osn a ueicie & nuot he flexible 10 sars sedine. Pieas otiward resuntex te: P-0. Bux 1948 c/e TTho Beriingtee Post 5040 Maineay, Burfinpten, ON L7L 7G5 FRIEE TRAiINING Drive 4 Us. Sohool Bus Driver's Wanted Cali 905-877-4448 Laidlaw is an equal opportunity Company _ Tolamarkotors . JOBS kmft For Pommaoq iAVAILABLE Shlift 9t3-t3M Prouction mark ta erience preferred in the MILTON ares. but sali train qualifieri $11-$12/hr. applicavi. Cumpetasie Ail shafts assiiebia. staring sage plus ex- Fan resemne te: callent bous pkgs. HCRI FaaUOO4Sl-U300ar 416-622-7258 ar cail 905-681-8103 Tai: 1-888-411-1660 EXP. EINESTflAN HM cm FAC'JT Experfened *0<IID8EEPER MOBILE Falîtiase. Acqaiated AUTO GLASS witIs ail tescoar & lait tatmsgemeat eqaip- TECHNICIAN met.onsokn reqeired feiltimeNa-mkg Appiy In persen- eaeîroamreal. 4235 Fairvias St., Fan resuate wîith Barlmngten, or reteences ta: Fax: 905-639-0128 U58502 - ~i I/t iCiIC LBýLAi J LE"LJLILJ ULJUjLL O&V Enterpnise, a division Of O&Y Properties Inc., is besed in Toronto and offers e fuît range of real estate services through regional offices in Halax, Montreal, Ottawa, Winnipeg, Regina, Calgary, Edmonton and Vancouver. 00e currently manage a portfolio ot office, retai, residential, mioed-use and indesînial properties of neary i1GO million square feet. We're seeking great peopie who are energetic, enthusiastic and results-oriented wîtta a strong commit- ment to goîng beyond service for our clients. We offer a great woreing environment, growth opportuni- lies and e competitive ealary and benefit package. Currently, we're looking fora: Arn the auccoeful cadidatle, pou wli have: -Performi caiculations, coding and or data entry and folios up ofl outstanding race vabie payable accounts. -Provîde generai administrative support including research int Tenant histories, invoice problema etc. -Greet visîtors, answer/direct încoming telephone oeis and receive Tenant service requests -Sort and distribute, încoming and outgoing mail and couder packages -Prepare and distribute correspondance, loge, reports etc. -Wor on specitic projects designeri to imprve communication between Tenants and thse Management Teamn - Strong erganizationa and intarpersonal skilis with tIre abiiity tb work effectively in a team environ- ment - ceIlent customer service akilis wits abiiity tb partnier with clients tb meet client needs; -Proven organizationa akilis; able ta cope wiîh changing client neede and deliver successfu reseits withmn agreed upon time frames; - Sait motivatad, protassiona and tlexible; able to work both iodapendenty and as part of a team. To join our team, please sand your rasumne and covar latter by March 3rd, 2003 tb: O&V Entarprise Attention: Kim Eisby Milton Mail Administration Office 55 Ontario St. S., Milton, ON LgT 2M3 feu (905) 878f-8792 ormait kelsby@oyp.com tee thank ail candidates for thaîr inturest, but se cen oniy contact thosa seieclad for an interview. O&Y Entarpnise is an equel opportunity employer. uN111VOIcING CLERK IJunior position avaîfabia teith buiding Imatarîsîs dîstrîbutor in Cempbelvilie. somne expertance preferred on the AS400 systeer. Knowiedge of building metenials haîptuf. Muet ba vary dataiied and accu- rata. Transportation raqeired. jPi ase fax rasama f0: 905-854-1800 Oruwîsp cumpuuy is lusking for Secretary/Doata Entry Clark for duiies such as A/P & AIR us veil as recepiion. Basic compuier sisilis required. Microsouft Windows, Wurd and Escel are imýibnaund geseral accusîng knowledge vould he heseficial. office located ai 401 & Wisen Chuechil. Positionnisrequired îmmredîaîeiy anal wiii uffer mach rntm for grewih andl advncemenî asithin the cempa- opuas we groas. The position wili puy $13.50 -516.00 per hur dependisg os aie esperieuce anal wiii aber yeaeiy cuise as welleas opperismities for funther salaey iscreeses in the future, CAFETERIA STAFF DANA HOSPITALITY as alweys inter- esead in meeting people who wouid like to join our groming taam of: Caoks a Food Service Staff a Dishwashers Wa offer FIT or P/T Mon. - Fn. mork schad- ules and thre opportunity f0 grow with us in Burlingtion, Mississauga and Oakvilia. Tiroel of working nights, weekends & holidays? Fax ym resune te us ai 905-548-4191 ~a y ~, ALcassified Ads Monday to Fria appear at... 9am -a 5pm M mnhmr The Canadien Champion, Fndcay, February 28, 2003-33 Sales Representative MetrolaendtNewspaperh inhlMilton viseekingnacSales resuits in an aggressive sales atmosphere. Be part of an award winning team with an attractive com- pensation package including salaey commission and car allowance. Your responsibilfities include: e Seivicing and growing existing accounts. a Prospecting for and acquiring new accounts. a Preparing forma, wtitten and visual presentations. * Post secondary school diploma or 2 years expehience in marketing. a A keen desire to succeed and advance. * The ability (o manage several products concurrently. e Good communication, organization and team skills. Please forward resumne f0 tfbr iCm-aatta Cbampoe Attention: Wendy McNab, Advertising Dîrector 191 Main St. E. Mîlton, ON L9T 4N9 Fax. 905-876-2364 N/o phone cuiis pieuse. Onip appicunts to ha interoiewe. mii Se cuoracred. Wajus. ahe Casadiun dealer for Hysier forkihs anal a JoiR ftlhagtuaS leadeinisirkifissalesis seekinuan inalîsîduuiîtoha pant of nue sales ieam. a tAu Wauas seek, a desiicated andîsadua vrish a k ee ses se DOieriOt p of alciail an vers an sur inssicinp anal marketing Positive, eeperîeoced deparament. Sales Amecletes Doues an inciode: suis excellent cuotoner tesoicang eqnapmesa. checkiug cnsaang, prepurisg satiofactian skius, repents and saher relaîrd deaies. ssaried ta lais sur teanti Assistane marketing depenvesai as requied. lObII affrr Benefits, Escellena computer skiis mequired. e eerp campeitase psy plan & car ailoauce, Mail arfae rancunes te: Olauio iiuadai Wajes tndusaries Lad. 21 lisR.. 8ît Sarcles Avenue East 2016ngon Plan SdE. Milton, Osa. L9T 5H3 Fas: ()05-693-i1r0a4o0i raiS AITNTtON: Marketing Deparomena , No Teiephone Ceeus Plrose Json Onfario's fusteol a eaierip. boride & Sa e e r se t t v Outaîde sales positioas An eppertesiay raist for anèTpeneneeaiisperser' seuil. Selarp, henetots e Use Honîicelaurel tadest fer a distribution compaey conmmissions & tie heot oased a the vesa end of the OTA. parka prugruer anaaad. Iais as a nery esarase position wiah a fusa grewasg Fax 90-489-1212 leadîng edge - compauny ashîc offers competiaise Euiit seuua@ aiar andhbeneffias tonticalaura esperiesce as sua esseetal Sles espenience anal eeasersiay educataun as reqeareal il anarresteal applicuets pIeuse repty te Huate Reseerces Manager ai Teil Free Fus 1-877-245-3115..- An eutehiissed local flaaring catapaay as noang lt nem iseedquaoters an Berilin We are loaking for a cus- tamer service lacusel sales proiesuioal to mode out of cor t sec sisacrmom. Cuali candidates should hue aotrang workîag kaowledge cf finorccserng productsand expert- esce wts colsar and desagni Pequiremnts anciade a frieady, autgaiaq perseaity and stron orguniataoa Find the job and apetationa akills Eaperience an desiag matin aterror you've aiways designers, archîrecro, deselopers and coatrectors wanted in consaderel an asset, as are computer akills. ( aab Pieuse lau pour ceauné math caser letter ta (905) %4-2339 (b and state tise position 1cr mic pou are spplpang. Thaak casfes pou an adesoce lot pour application. 0aip tinose applacants casfes selectei 1cr an interview miii ha conactei. REGISTERED MASSAGiE Exp. Denta THERPISTRocoptionisi Needral ammrdiety pare aime in Miton. requiei tor (boy Potenîja for fuit cime. Phone 905-876-1515 or Oakaille office. Fax 905-876-3737 Fleaible tours. Please tan A&a in ta. elassf lied ha»> ta lesume lo-: peeaamn. bn,...pn~f 905-827-423 An estuhiohed lcul floriag cumpany as mosirrq 10 rew heudquarters an Buriingtan. We ruse un eeciriog oppor- tuvatp for a brigisi. dprumîc cilice clers ir 0cr oem isead- quartes. Tise ideal candidate miii have sony relared office eeperîence, otrorg computer akîlis, anal w/Il be proicient an erder eotrp lesoinsihîliries include readîng architecturul dramrngs and coordinaring installer files and istructiors, If pou posseco a prolessiona mavrer tise ahiiitp bo avamer and direct phone cails, enrer and icrecesu orders, und poa enîcp deaîîog minis clients and asîstîog cor office staff, tiser pou lest tma ha tise perses sesve heet Iookîng for. Pieuse lau pour rceaune mît coser letter bo (905) 664-2339 anal niais the position las mnicis pou are appliig. Tiseok pou an ailseoce for pout application. Ooip tisoe applicants selectei loa utnîterview wîli ha conacted, C[RRRF Val lieabiiofieiviomn Charley la looking for < al» energettc Team Players. Now hiring FuUl Time Cooka & Part Ime Dishwasbers Il&tiIhÔI Apply in peruon: rAi a ASWV 55 Ontario St. N Milton The oniy thing botter than aur foad? Simple. Dur Pooplo. Are yau isterestnd in a cureer milS Canadu's lasiesi gosiva restaurant compuny'> tf 50, hev we're inter- estea in YOU. tee are a grmai cumeuns so vou toi, uvaicaivu s buîiling a 55050g Sana anal stiaing so vohasce the tioing enverence ion oui ualueri cusiomers, We offer mny cppurtuniities loi those whs hase a siroso dev sire to suoceval Nec bUidn mil anaitan for ur new catian n Seurching toi Lise Ceoos, Sersers, Sanesaders, Hasts Mlasoe drap by and aee as betwaon lOam a Opmn at 777 Guelph Lina. ta persan Mon -Fri. Wo tank fortilard te meeting %ient 1