32-mhe Canadien Champton, 1-nday Febnxary 28, 2003 FNOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS fa- . Mary A. Willisi Peuisioner Deceused s, ieabùve menioned, iaie ofthle Town of Mitron, in the Regionat Mucipaiity ot Huiion, who died ut the sad Town of Milon,conAagast 30, 1asa, are reqaired to fie proof of samewiihîthe udrindo or before Aprli 11, 2003. auesedc Ater that date the Public Guadian aud Tustee ciii pro- ceed tu disinhte the estate, have regard ceiy tf0tme clams ut which she theu shail haue had ntice. Anyne hautng knowedge ut a t/tit or next-ot-kis ufthte above mentimne is aise reqaesied f0 contact the undemtigued. OATED ai Tronto on February 7, 2003 PUBUC GUARIAN AND TRUSTEE, E5TATE TRUSTEE 595 BAY STREET, SUITE 8000 TORONTO, ONTARIO MSG 2M File: 81525W-011 FIT caregiver nee idn our Kilbnide home. Loving responStble & reiable. 2to 3days per week. 3 child- ren grade 1, JK, & 16 months. Cati 905-331 -83008or fax resume 905-331-8311. l487 Laurier Ave., M A IUq111wLUfJ Mat- treax Set with rame. New sn plastic. Cost $1590.00 Sacrifice $65000. 905-567-9459 APPLIANCES Fridge, 2 door Steve; Maytag automatic washer, ry- er. Also, aparfmest set. Under Warranty. Fi- nancisg available. 905- 637-0320. BED Queen Pillowtop Mattreax, Bos, Frame, Neyer used stili pack- aged. Cosi $1.025.00 Sei $45000. 905-567- 4042 BEDROOM set. pce cherrywood. Bed, ohesf, tridresser, mirror, sight stands, douetail con- struction. Neyeri opened. In boxes. Ccet $9000. Sacrifice $2800. 416-740-3993. CARPET i have several 1,000 yrds. cof new Stainmsster & 100% ny-1 lon carpet. Witl do living- rooro & hall for $309. sn- cludes carpet, pad & in- stallation (30 yards) Steve, 905-639-2902 DININGROOM 1 3pce cherrywood. Double pedestal. O chairs, Buf- fet, hutch, server, doue- tai construction. Stillins boxes. Cost 11,000. Sacrifice 3,000. 416- 746-0095 NEW year sasie. Custom uphosterisg. Wepy the taxes. So a dic ror $708. - No GST or PSTl Chairs w/fabric froro $249. - No GSTI. Fields Fumniture & Fab- rtc. 9-9 dally, 905-875- 4427 $$$$ Wssted- Ail China, Slver, Otystal, Tea Caps, Royal Doutos, Swarovski, Glass, Jewelry, old toys, col- lectibles, estates. Cali John/Tracy, 905-331 - 2477. n i78.2U WANTED fo rent. Work shop or bam to store/re- store car. 905.693- 8582, please 1ev message. 1992 Ford F1 50. 5.0 V, 5 spd, cruise/tiltJair, AW/FM/Cass, sew duel fuel tanks, new front end, new brakes. $5000 OBO. Cerfified/Etested. SALES A LEASING NEW & USED 410 STEELES AVE. A FAMILY BUSINESS WITII FAMILY VALUES W - tUY - SELL - LEASE LARGEST SELECTIN OF UStI VEHICLES IN MLON 875-2277 île lease or purchaseI Iyour car or truck 878-2393 LCOME WAGON @New in town? *Geffing mamied in 3 monhs or more? *Havng a baby? *Establishing a new business? PLEAS CALL US Community Wilcome Lin/ta 905-854-1se3 Dos 905-332-4t79 Elize 90"-93-0313 BdI BuJProt Laurie 905-878-126 Baby Mchelle 905332 eeaa Laurte a05-878-012e a ..t à. J'j. L C*lb~t 0 t#t i creers, LOOKINO FOR WORK? Careers 2003 is packed with information on available jobs, plus advioe on eves-ytbing from rnaking the most of a job fuir experience to the breadth of careers is healthcare. We cover taiasgs 10, think about when sterling your own arts-related business, how t0 use the internet in your job search, innovative educational alternatives ad opportuasities for women i skilled trades. Wzk-117 AoeesxCeureeu2003 online at *Insld.tomnto.ca *duvunwegioncom *yos'kvgio.com *haftontsearCh..com *msaugaScom A Heritage of Quallty, Bu/lt Oe Home ai a Tme Sie 1978 RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATOR The Reid's Herituge Grxup of Companies is une ot the largesi humebuildixg operaions ix South Western Ontario, with projecîs uctixely underway al a number of sites in Guelph, Cambridge, Kitchener, Waterloo, London, Cxiingwuod and Huntsville. We have a challenging and rewardixg position avait- able fr ax experienced Residenliat Estimator. The suc- cesotul candidate witt posseso strxng computer okilis axd home building experience. Exceptioxal organiza- lionat and communication abiities are a must. To lers more about our cumpunies yxu cao locale us t www.rlds@haagegrup.co Piu"e fax acovarmlltter and reauie by Maroh7, te 519-654&9748 Attention: Naman fesurcas supervse Please, vo phone catis. Only thxse applicants seected, for an interview witt be coxtacted. Are you a team player? HJM Insurance & Financiai Services tsas Progressive, general insurance and fuit financial services brokerage. Wa currendy require a Customer Service Reprasentative, minimum 2 yars RfIBO icensed. Espenience on TAM ta an as uset fyo dae utgoing and enioy dealing with 1citants, hn edyour resume f0: HJM 1nuac & Financiai Services Ltd. Attn: Aaron Macarane, 245 Commercial St. Milton, Ont. LOT 3T4 or Fax 905-876-1457 or emnail T% peiltln... primariiy ivoxives layots for med- icai and marketing xiîdes, plus administrative support lx the Crealive Team. - Yo... have ait axi 1 yeur PowerPoint oxperieuce,a meticuixus epe for delai, au/t initiative, Wa... are a successîsi medicut communications ageucy, xpecialiiîg in the phurmacealîcat inutiy ,PIleorward IDUr rase te Box 1947, oie BurllnobteaPut, 5M10Milony, unit #1, kurllnfon, 00M L785 - -' un~ - -LCN-INGOFAS-ITO Plese apply in witng en conftdence 1: FRT HR Deparmnst Firit CanailnTMft, 4 e AN 2M3 ShvrdOn GardesOdIv, OakvIlle, ON MYM Fax: f905) 207-1000 TITLE ml: hron*emtctdn.com 1 Wu "* i,' ' oiv e ,',,iu h , oeo.i uod , oeoî, , uuziibn ' , ' rm i-: VILLAGE 0F SANDALWOOD PARK, BRAMPTON DIRECTOR 0F NURSING CARE Imeite aprui o i rectofiNurslng Cars (DNC) reportlng directly te the General Manager of a TeDCwl:Long Term Cars (LTC) facllily. " impiement ail nursing programa and procedures " deveiop and maintain resident care plans " hire, orient, train and evafuafe performance of nursing staff The successful appt/cent must have: " previous DNC expenience preferred, however, RNs with a min. of three (3) years LTC experience witf be considered, " proven organizationai and interpersonai akilîs Apply in wrting by March 5 f0: General Manager The Village of Sandalwood Park 425 Great Lakas Driva, Brampton, ON LIA 2W8 rax: 905-4M-1312 NEW BURLINOTON'STORE OPENINGII OPEN OUSE - ATURDAY MARCH 'IST B@U(L<Ut wwss, ýbCu'CtEkr.coCm Corne and ment with us! BOUCLAIR is a leading progresstve rete er, specializing n home decor and fabric. We are looking for Customer service drives dysamic, am- bitous candidates ta jion our team! STORE MANAGEMENT SALES ASSOCIATES Saturday Mach 1 2003. 1am-5om 3230 Falrview Street, Unit 1, Burlington or fax us your resumne la 905-507-6268 or e-mail: hr@bouclair.com ARCHITECTURAL TECKNOLOOIST Residential Buîlder requires Architectural Technologist with the following: CI Auto Ced (3D design an essel) and OBO 1 Microsoft Office CI Canadian residenlial construction exp. Fax resues te: 905-829-3236 An excltlng career inftness. Canadas Ieading womens fitness chain nom hir- ing. If you have a strong interest in fitness, a desire f0 succeed and an enthusiastic personality, this may be the career for youl We offer the highest compensation package in the indastry and provide a positive, challenging environment with continu- ous training. Positions available in fhe folfowing areas: Supervisors, General Managers, Progrars Directors, Sales Consultants, Aerobics Instructors, Ftness Directors, Floor Instructors, Maintenance Handyman, Internai Career. Forward resumes f0: Fax: 905-761-852 e-mail: itnessposting@yaboo.com AIIract Puyers! Place your ad ini the Classifleds! - - - - - - - - - - 11 1-S la 16 11 1 Administrative Assistant, Golf Programns & Services: Reporting directiy to the Manager, Member Programs, this posi- tion ta responsible for: maintaing records, correspondence, an- swer incoming inquires, manage and maintain ail internai databas- ea, word procesaing needa 0f the department, mainteining an ac- curate and accesaible filing system, arrange meetinga, liaising with golf associationa and golf clubs, and other dutiesasaate- iquired. The annual aalary for thia ful-time position ia $28000.00. The succeasful candidate for thia poaition wiil posseas and dem- onat rate: the ability to multi-task and prioritize, exceptional com- munications & customner service skilis, above average attention f0 detail, superior organizationai skiffs, and have the sbility f0 work in a team environment. The succesaful candidate will aiso have proficiency in the foiiowing applications: MS-Access, MS- Word, MS-Outlook, MS-Excel, Powerpoint and have working knowledge in desktop pubiishing applications. Sales Centre Assistants: Reporting directly to the Sales Center Manager, duties of the posi- tion include: order entry, order fulfilîment, taking phone orders, general office duties, reception coverage and other duties as're- quired. The ideai candidate wili have esceptionai communication, organizationai and computer akilis. Preference will be given f0 those candidates who are bilingual. There are openinga in this hourfy-rafed position for summer help (May fo Auguaf) and on contract basis (March-September) The deadiine for applications f0 ail these positions is Match 5, 2003. Please submit your resume to: ROGA, 2070 Hadwen Road, Unit 2, Mississauga, Ontario L5K 2T3 Attention Human Resourc- es; or by emaii to gsskin@rcga.org Information about ail RCGA events and programa cen be found on the Intemet et www.rcga.org The ROGA appreciated and thanks ail applicants in advance; how- ever oniy those selected for an interview wili be contact ed. No phone catis or faxes will be accepfed Customer rte. Professonal. Resuits 0,lented.-Suppertie Team PRayer. If these words describe you, let's taikI As part of a global family provding the worlds leading real estate re/ated financiat and information services, we sîmplify and expedife the way real estate transactions are c/osed wth tiffe insurance and other innovative serv'ces. We became the global /eader by focusing on our customrers, needs. Along the way, we'v learned that being truly innovative means that our people have lo be empobwrad 10 anticipate and respond 10 llrose needs. Thats why we are committed to creating a work envirosmrrent that offers challenge. purpose, and growth wthin a team based culture. Located in Oakville, we currenlly have the tollowing opesing... Law Clerk eResidential Real Estate Team oriented and dedicated f0 esemplary customer service, you will provide support f0 our residential tifle insurance and home closing services departments. Able f0 maintain a superior ksowiedge of procedures a nd producta, you will essisti n the preparafion and presentation cof information seminars and meetings to internai and esternal customers to advance awareness of concepts and procedares. You wilt have a minimum of five years' esperience in a law firm environmenî dealing with residential real estate, specialized and technical knowledge oi the practice of real estate iaw, the mechamics of reai estate transactions, and resoluing requisifrons and the operation of the Land Regisiry Office. Professionai sud customer service tocused with excellent communication skills, you are computer proficieni wiih MS Word and Conveyancer, have reined muti-tasking skilîs, and are comfortabie working in a fasi-paced, ràmp--IqL» ý- - - - - - - . - - --- j ý ý% . .'t - '. . C.8 J.m iý