30-The Canadian Champion, Frklay February 2 Trthri t is, Asthtna, Allergy, Sciatica, Back Pain, Headache, Insomnia, Fatigue, Accident Injury, Rashes, Shoulder, Hypertension ........ Dr. Ac. Jamnes Kim 416-788-3837 216-305 Finch Av. West 7460> Arport Rd. pd , ..ip..f. h. p 5l , . dy t. . k. W - fl,,,d E CARRIERS NEEDED FOR DOOR TO DOOR DEUVERY TUEUSDAYSL&FRIDAYS ON THE FOLLOWING STREETS Auger Terrace Bundy Drive Childs Drive Fourth Line Kingsleigh Cil. Martin Street Ontario St. N. Roseheath Dr. Stover Cres. Sunnyvale Ave. Tuxtord Dr. Waldie Avenue gi>t c~»~'805-878-5947 hoceycoach Ivxe knoxvn Win again -hf perfect ln Iomtyhyf reor ùac b d nrrwc f ns-e gin -alra - t in.thew to Cswek Brtù 434. Out in Ieftfield 1 caught Amie Parcels on bis cel phone Sunday night juat as he was going into the ACC to, watch the Maple Leafs play Nashvile. I had missed most of the previous night's gaine- the last, as it turned out - for thcernidget AA hockey teain, which he coaches. 1 was at another gaine out of town and didn't get back in time during thc snowstorrn and freczing rain. I wanted some information and commenta about Uhc gaine. When we were just about finishcd, 1 asked hum about next year. "irn retiring after this year. I'm done." lhe replicd. 1 didn't want to hear that, although 1 had an idea bcforehand, which was why 1 asked. Sti11. Uic answer came as a surprise. If it's hockey scason, Amie Parcels ia coaching. 'Mat's Uic way it's becn for thc isat 17 years. Most of Uiosc ycars werc spent in Uic Milton minor hockey systcmt, wiUi a couple of seasons wiUi Uic Jr. A Georgetown Raiders. In Milton, he won two OMHA championships and was in Uic finals two collier years. Hard-pressed to corne up wiUi a highlight whcn put on Uic spot. Parcels said: "It was just a great experi- ence. I've been associated wiUi a lot of fine young men and met a lot of great people." 1 can corne up wiUi one higbight - at least it was for me. The bcst playofi series 1 ever saw, cxcluding Uic 1972 Russia-Canada series, was years ago when Uic midget AA teain wcnt up against Port Elgin. Every gamne was cdgc-of-your-seat excitement, night to Uic final gane. But, 1 know he was also involvcd wiUi Uic Georgctown team Uiat came back froin a 3-0 deficit to win a playofi series, and Uiat had to, have beesa pretty special. A couple of people have told me iat Parcels didn't play hockey whcn he was growmng up. 1 don't know for sure if Uiat's truc, because V've neyer had occasion to ask, but whencver somcbody says something about a coach not mcasurng up because Uicy didn't play Uicmselves, 1 tel Uiern what a pile of bunk Uiat is. 1 bet I've said iis more Uian a dozen trnes: "The best minor hockey coach l'vc ever known neyer playcd Uic gane."a Ycs, I'd say Uiat Parcels is Uic best minor hockey coach I'vc known. Just by watching his teamas over Uic years, the way Uey've played and been preparcd, lis- tening to what be has to say about Uic gamne, and Uic class wiUi which he exudes represcnting himself and Milton. Not to mention Uic success he bas had, and how much hus tcams always sccm to improve over the season and into Uic playoffs. Soccer squad hopes to shine in Vaughan What a différence a year makes. The Under- 19 Magic girls won juat one mcasly gamne last season - their firat on Uic indoor soccer scene. But over Uic past thrce monUis, Milton bas cffeccively distanceil themscîves frorn last year's base- mcst-dwcîling status and is now set to compete in the Ontario League Cup quarterfinals tomor- row in Vaughan. The Sargent Farm Magic's advanccmcsat to quarterfinal play was starnpcd with Saturday's 2-1 performance ina Toronto, wherc their efforts were bighlighted by a 2-1 opcning-round victory over dcfending provincial champion Pickering. Ainsley Kent doublcd as boUi Uic star and hero - capping a two- goal outing wiUi a sccond-half header deposia Uiat would stand up as Uic winner. She also struck in Uic carly going on a nifty set-up by Holly Goddard. Erinn Grcenfield beat a check and dclivcrcd a spirit- cd rusa down Uic sidelines before feeding it in front for Uic initial tally. Amy DiPalma made a number of kcy saves to preserve Uic lcad recciving ample defensive hclp along the way from Krista Lenardon, Erica Ercolani anid Erin Grcvstad. Miltona was whitewashed 1-0 by Unionville in its second gaine, but rcboundcd to topple Etobicoke 2-0 and book passage to the next round. Asbley Rainey and Jenna Adleman dcntcd Uic twinc in Uic crucial victory, wbilc grcat pres- sure by Val Fazio and Kclsey Orpen allowcd for the second marker. DiPalma and Emma Goddard split Uic goaltending duties in Uic latter win, wiUi topnotch support offéed by Ashley Grant. "The team played cxtrcmely will Uroughout Uic toumnament and showcd tremendous discipline in the firat game againat Pickering," said head coach Louie DiPaina. The local ladies have also tbrivcd in regular-season play and now sit Uird wiUi a record of 5-3- 3. Among Uicir more memorable moments wcrc a 1 -1 stalemate wiUi league-leading Scarborough United and I -0 decision over Richmond Hill. Grcenficld and Orpen did the scoring in Uiosc key encouniters. The Magic will look to continue their success tomorrow during Uic League Cup quarterfinals. Their competitiosa will include Thunder Bay, Ncwmarkct and London Forest. ?8, 2003 Min0r bents ,1?arcels is the best mio l'vc had a few opportunities to get back into coach- ing over Uic ycars, but wasn't comifortablc. My plan was to ask Parcels if 1 could he an assistant ini tome capacity to a tcam hc was coaching, which 1 flgurcd would prepare me hcttcr tha anyUiing cisc. Last ycar. I actually pickcd up Uic phone and calcd. There was no answer and Uicn I got busy wiUi oUicr Uings and put it on hold. There was always ncxt ycar. Now, Uicre is no ncxt ycar. That's too bad for me, but more unportantly, Uiat's too bad for Milton minor hockey. I'vc been around a lot of missor hockey, and I'vc neyer scen a tcam Uiat didn't have complaints by Uic parents about Uic coach. One tcam I know even tricd to oust a coach after Uiey bast in ovcrtim ini Uic OMHA AAA championship game because Uicy wcren't wmnning evcry game Uic foilowing scason. But, I neyer heard a bad word about Parcels. Whcnevcr 1 askcd anybody, Uicy would reply Uic same: "Hc's a great coach." Not even a "good" coach or "okay" coach, but a l'great" coach. Parcels wants to spcnd more turne wiUi his family and more timce at his cottage. That alto means Tammnie Parcels, a tirclesa member of Uic Milton Minor Hockey Astociation executive for ycars, is bowing out. T'hat's a shame, on boUi accounts. But, you can't argue wiUi somcbody who wants to he wiUi his family more. lt's been a lot of ycars and a lot of turne spent wiUi oUicr familles. I Uink coaching is in your blood, cspccially his, and 1 dosais Uink he'll stay away from it for good. At least I hope not. l'Il speak for myscîf when I say Uiat I appreciate somcbody like him who has given Uiat much for Uiat long to Uic community. And l'Il venture to spcak for cvcrybody cise Uiat's been involvcd wiUi Amnie Parcels in Milton hockey when I say: "Thanka." &AIR LIGI E Indluatm.iaI g Under-19 Magic girls advance to League Cup quarterfinals 2E www.aliliquide.com