,Group fears rampant NE dtvdlopment after lot severance approved By JASON MISNER The Champion An enviromnental watchdog group says land-use plans on the Niagara Escarpment have been seriously hurt now that Naturel Resources Minister Jerry Oucilette has granted a development permit to a popular tourist faim on Bell Sehool Line. The Coalition on the Niagara Escarpment (CONE) fears Min Ouellette's deeision to allow the 65-acre Springridge Faim to build a new home on its property violates provisions set up to proteet the 750-km escarpment. It was designated a World Biosphere Reserve by the United Nations in 1990. "What it looks like is an appaient mnove away fromt escarpment protection," said CONE execufive director Jason Thome of the decision. "There aie lots of people who would love to have a lot severed, but for the mntegrity of the escarpment as a whole, we have to have restrictions on these things. It's set a very dangerous prece- dent." The application for a permit was approved by the Niagara Escarpment Commission (NEC) in September, 2001 and was appealed to the Envirotemental Review Tribunal, on behaif of CONE and a local neighboui, in Januaiy of 2002. The tribunal tumned down the original application but lest December, M. Ouellette overruled the tribunal's decision and approved Springridge Farm's applica- tion. The ministrY's director of communica- tions, Gordon Prisco, said when a hearing officer disagrees - with the Niagaia Escaipment Commission, the minister must make the final decision. "h was baaed on the merits of the indi- vidual case," he said. "This is a (famidly- owned) business with student tours and a drop-in shop. It's pretty haimless. They e ee DECISION on page 4 The Canadien Champion, Fniday, February 28, 2003-3 IV It'5s t s 1 or NO GSI, there's wNotng this sale can't do!* Inodinm"lth. * La- oyRmlfe Jufi "Supe salectb4 qà*I> omlft ai B* bt donl tak.oiwad for it See tii "Suqo SwaleI lEi Mou La-ZBia , oeclnezI OCM" mé à 18 M 9sa, ngUi. datStop by m m La-Z.soyFun*w tb* todi* But hunfyl emaS i,*He du sý W' MSae"e It' s And back!v Visit Milton Toyota for Toyota's BIGGEST SALES EVENT 0F THE YEAR. Rates as Iow as O.9%* (select models & terms) 400 Steeles Avenue mext to Cord's Auto Croup) Big. Red,