26-The Canadien Champion, Friday. February 28, 2003 Datelin e Dateline is a free listing of coming events only. The column is avoulable ta local community groups ta assist in promoting their future events. Only charitable or non-promi community groups may use this service. We con only guarantee one issue of publicity closest ta the date of the occurrence although more Insertions are possible if demand is low. Notices for Doteline should be honded in at the office of The Champion, 191 Main St. E., mailed ta P.O. Box 248, Milton, Ont., L9T 4N9, faxeci to (905) 878-4943, or e-moiled ta mitoned@hotonseach.com. The final deadline is noon Fniday for Tuesdays edition and noon Wednesdlay for Fridays edition. Dateline items will not be accepted by tele- phone. Friday Feb. 28 Milton Concert Presentations hasts An Evening of Baroque as St. Paul's United Churcis, 123 Main St. E. (at James Street) at 8 p.m. Tickets coas $25, or $20 for students and seniors. Cati (905) 878-2432 for tickets or information. Doors open at 7 p.m. There's also, a fussd-raising silent asiction. Literacy Nordh Halton holds a benefit performance by the Second City eonsedy troupe as 7:30 p.m. as Milton District High Scisool. Tickets cot $25. For tickets, cail (905) 693-8458. Weilspring Halton Peel - Cancer Support Centre, 2545 Sixtis Lmne, in Oakville offert a drop-in relaxation ansd visuallzation session fromn Il a.m. ta 12:30 p.m. For more information, cal (905) 257-1988 or drap in. Saturday Mar. 1 The Brookville Minor Bail Association holds registration day for its teams from 9 arn. ta 1 p.m. as tise Nassegawaya Cominunity Centre on Guelphs Line ini Brookviile. The coss is $100 for tise firat cisid, which includes a uniform, and $50 for each additional child. T-bail coss $50 for the fiast child, and each additional cisild is free. Monday Mar. 3 Milton District Hospital holda a breastfeeding clinic from 9:30 ta 11:30 s.m. witis a certified lactation consultant. To make an appointasent or for more information, cati (905) 878-2383. Weilspring Halton Peel - Cancer Support Centre holda its Caregiver Peer Support Group from 10 arn. ta 1 p.m. Weilsprissg is located at 2545 Sixts Line ini Oakviile. For an appointasent or more iniformation, cai (905) 257-1988 or drap in. ~Ibesday Mar. 4 A paneake supper is iseld as St. David's Preabyserian Claurels at Guelph Line and Hwy. 401 from 5 ta 7 p.m. Ail praceeda go ta mnissions. St. Johs Anglican Churcs at Guelph Line and No. 10 Sideroad hasts a Shrove 'Riesday paneake supper. There are sittinga as 5, 6 and 7 p.m. Tickets coas $5, and lads uusder 10 years of age eat Who Does It...EBoMe IMPEUVIMENTS Macoald Design& Construction Complete Residential & Commercial Building Services 25 Y.aa lW Lblma»fy Additions Working Drawings Renovations 905-46-2854 Construction New Buildings Permit Process CARPTrENTRY * DECKS *GENERAL REPAIRS '0 YARDWORK ',No JOB TOO BIG OR TOO SMAL.L" ?« " UW 4~&( m4a JOHN (519) 853-2882 oR CHRis (519) 853-8740 FInished ioementsjobIsp *Rpairs, installations0 * cross Cuttlng * Storage &k Decks Ron Armstrong * Ci~W5Y1I Tel: 905-693-1737 Carpentry Mobile. 416-996-7139 Burfington Water--Tech 7 DAY EMERGENCY PL'MP 5ERVICE M.O.E. Lic. WeUl Technician SWater Conditioning, Pressure Tanks Well Pumps & Inspections WMMLburlinMtnwatertoch.com (905) 631-3007 1-866-892-3889 COSTRUTIO "Action Construction Cali for a FREE ESTIMATE *Commercial e Residontial *Bathrooms *Basoments - Drywall *Framing *Taping - Electrical e Plumbing e Docks & Fonces Cal Ian: 905 699-7695 or Craig- 905 699-7694 Os Construction * Basement Renovations * Ceramicfiles 0 Drywall & Taping * Handyman Jobs Free Estimates Cali Gary: (416) 788-0631 LOCALLY OWNED & OPERATED LICENSED INSURED GLOBAL PAINTING ..617e1797 No job too big, No job taD smail,s At Global Painting, we do it ail! Free Estimates e Senior Discount Look in Tuesday's and Friday's paper' each week for these features. Delivered to every ihome in Milon, Camnpbeflville, & Homby. To adver tise in this section, oe please cal! Catherine at mb e Ctî anabian Ctlmn 905-878-2341 for $3.50. There'a no charge for lads aged under 3 yeara. For infor- mation and reservationa, cail (905) 854-0275 or (519) 853-0605. Marna' Morning Out, in co-operation with tise Milton District Hfigs School graduation committee, presents its annual Shrove Ibesday paneake supper as St. Paul's United Churcs, 123 Main St. E. Dinner aittinga are at 4:45, 5:30 and 6:15 p.m. Tickets coat $5 for aduits and $3 for cisildren. Pre-achoolers est for free, and there's a family maxinmum of $15.* To purchase tickets, cati Natassa as (905) 878-5841 or Cindy at (905) 878-8895. The Art of Health5' Living holda a parent support group for parents of clsildren wiso are dependeat on druga or alcolsol. The group meets as 72-74 Mill St. in Georgetown from 7:30 ta 9 p.m. For more information, cail] (905) 702-7304. Help for Parents, a parent support group, mees as Pinelanda Presbyserian Clsurcs, 5270 New St., in Burlington at 7:30 p.m. This non-denomusnational self-support group helpa parents of cisil- dren who are in trouble as home, as school or wits tise law or who are abusive or takdng drugs. For information, cail Sean as (905) 842-1729. lanprave communication and leadershsip akilis wisls tise Miton Toastmiasters. Everyane is welcome ta attend tise meeting as tise Royal Canadian Legion, 21 Charles St. (upper level), as 7:30 p.m. For information, cali Rosa at (416) 953-9413. The Milton Fibromyalga Support Group meets as 2 p.m. at St. Paul's United Cisurcis, 123 Main St. E. For information, cail Joanne as (905) 878-4371. Pesticide Alternatives for Milton meets at 7:30 p.m. Visisors and new members are welcome. Cati (905) 693-9812 for location and information. Calliag New Parents, a free prograra for parents and babies aged 6 monts and younger, meets wits a public isealts nurse ta diacusa parenting and infant care. The group meets as tise Milton Community Resource Centre, 917 Nipissing Rd., from 1:30 ta 3:30 p.m. For more information, cati (905) 693-4242, ext. 7899. Weilspring Halton Peel - Cancer Support Centre offers tise drop-in Teen Support Group from 7 ta 8:30 p.m. For informa- tion, cali (905) 257-1988 or drap in as 2545 Sixts Line in Oakville. Tluesday Mar. 4 - 6 Hornby Co-op Nursery Sehool isolds an open house from 9:30 ta Il a.m. eacis day. The scisool is accepting registrations for September. Cati (905) 878-5211 for more information. Wednesday Mar. 5 Mons's Morning Out mees as St. Paul's United Cisurcs, 123 Main St., from 9:30 ta il a.m. Caregivers flnd friendship and sup- port wisile cisildren are cared for in Grahsam Mail. For information, cati Natassa at (905) 878-5841, Sherry at (905) 878-5976 or Linda as (905) 876-3659. *see more DATELINE on page 27 sO fo eou sOES le in eo a ' - e e 0 M".. 1 1 W-