14-The Canadian Champion, Friday, February 28, 2003 nterta i rment Magic show with animais to entertain crowd H emade a 6,OO-pound elephant vanish in front of hundreds of people, and counts tigers, lions, jaguars and cougars as members of his family. Next Friday, illusionist Claude Haggerty titI bring bis magie show to Milton District Higli School, 396 Williams Ave. 'Me show, presented by the Optirnist Club of Milton and Walace Pontiac Buick Cadiflac, will begin at 7 p.m. and wil delight both the young and the young-at- heart, said Optinsist Club president Jef Knapman. "If aduits without kids want to Cone, theylfl have just as good a time," lie said. Mr. Haggerty performed bis frst card trick at the age of 12 and immediately began researching, studymng and performn- mng the art of magic. By the age of 25, he had combined his love of animais with bis love of magie by adding bis farst exotic cat to the show. Since then, he has raised sev- erai exotic cats - including tigers and lions - from imfancy, boule feeding and training them. Two animais wili accompany Mr. Haggerty when Îlieperforms in Milton, Mr. Knapman said, aiding himn with bis .magie." "Hes an illusionist. He makes things dis- appear. First theres a cal in the cage, then a drop cloth goes down, and then bis assis- tant is in there," Mr. Knapman said, giving an exaniple. AH proceeds from the show wiiI go to the Optimidst Club of Multons projects. The Optimist Club is dedicated to the creation and promotion of programts that benefit youshs, including the Santa Claus Parade and various sports programa and sponsor- ships. Tickets for the show cost $12 for cil- dren aged 13 and under, and $15 for adults. They can be bought at the M&M Meat Shop at 420 Main St. E. For further infor- mation about the magic show, cai Mr. Dance-a-thon to raise funds foir MD Claude Haggerty combines hie love of animais with his love of magic in hie show coming to Mlton District High School next Friday. N'a a fundraiser for the Optimist Club of Milton. Building media relationships An educational seminar for Arts Miton members and members of the public Find out how to build relationships with the media, Ieam about press releases, discover how to make the most of a small newspaper ad and get "plugged in" on cable TV. Presentations by: Lana Burchett ..Certified Advertising Agency Practitioner Stephanie Thiessen . . Arts & Entertainment Reporter, The Canadian Champion Wendy McNab.Advertising Director, The Canadian Champion Sandy French ..Producer, Cogeco 14 - North Halton Date: Saturday, March 22 Mime: 8:30 arn. - 1:00 p.m. Place: Milton Lions Club (Memotnal arena - upstairs) 77 Thompson Road Complimentary lunch provided by The Harrop Restaurant Door prize - free advertisement In The Canadian Champion FREE for Arts Milton membersi (2 members per group) Members of the public are aiso welcome: $25 for aduts $10 for seniors or associate members of Arts Milton Advance egistration ony by March 12 Please cali 905-875-1328 to reserve your spot. Thank you ta our sponsors for this worlshop... - Jsberwok Arts& mhe Haop Welnesa Restaurant Tumbuil-Thompson Retreat vii u e -sit ww.r slonco Participants can either CAMEO0 (Canadian Association of Mobile get ledgs o pay$10 Entertainers and Operators) and the get ledgs o pay$10 Halton-Peel chapter of the Muscular admission at the door Dystropby Association Of Canada Therell be shamrocks andi shenanigans Shake the Sbamrock is scbeduied to take -ail in the naine Of raising money for place Tuesday at Buringtons Club 54, muscular dystropby - next week at Shake 3345 Harvester Rd. Doors open as 5 p.m. the Shamrock, a dance-a-tbon and ItîIl include dancing, karaoke, free foodi karsoalce party. and door pnizes. The event is a fundraiser organized by Participants wbo get a minimum of $25 Spring 2003 Couirses INTRODUCTION TO POTTERY FOR ADUITS - USING THE WHEEL 10 Wednesdays starting March 19, 7-1lOpm Cost $1 73.50 INTERMEDIATE POTTERY FOR ADUITS -1 10 Thursdays starting April 17, 7-1lOpm Cost $1 96.00 DECORATIVE STAINED GLASS - BEGINNER LEVELS I & Il 8 Thursdays starting March 20, 7:30-1Opm Cost $1 36.00 Stained Glass Stepplng Stone - Experence Required 9 2 Thursdays & 1 Saturday June 5, 12 & 14 Cost $80.00 ARTSKILLS FOR ADUITS 10 Mondays starting March 17 7:15-9:45pm Cost $26000 ARTSKILLS FOREVER 3 Mondays starting June 9, 7:l5-9:45pm Cost $88.00 INTRODUCTION TO WATERCOLOURS WORKSHOP Saturday May 17, 1lOam-4pm Cost $47.50 + Supplies WATERCOLOUR TREES WORKSHOP Saturday, June 7, 9am-4pm Cost $39.00 +î Supplies SUMI E - JAPANESE BRUSH PAINTING 4 Saturdays starting Aprîl 27 2-4pm Cost $6300 WET FELTINO A PICTURE Saturday May 31 9am-4pm Cost $5900 + supplies KUMIHIMO - THE ART 0F JAPANESE BRAIDING Saturday June 21, 1Oam-4 pmn Cost $84.75 THE 5 HOUR SCARF Saturday May 5, 1 Oamn-4 pmn Cost $30.00 Kid'5Komner LEARNING HOW TO DRAW FOR KIOS (AGES 10.12) July 7, 8, 9, à 10 9-11:30 amn Cost $9000 INTRODUCTION TO POTTERY FOR KIOS (AGES 8-12) 3 Thursdays starting Marcb 6, ater school 4-6 pm Cost $8400 INTERMEDIATE POTTERY FOR KIOS (AGES -l) 4 Saturdays starting Marci 29, 9:30-11:00 arn cost $7350 For information and Ragistralan pleasa cali Karen Caissia 905-873-7182 Course Lista are availabla ai Ibo Publie Library and Tha Arlisans' Atlic, 73 Main St. Georgetown. e in pledges get in free. Those who don't get e pledges are charged $ 10 at the door. r CAMIEO is a non-profit group of DJs a and entertainers who paricipate in work- sbops to promote business standards and retbics in thse industry. The group tras Iooking to heip out a local charity and heard about the MDAC's newly-formed Halton-Peel chapter. The Halton-Peel MIDAC chapter formed over the asat few months to give a voice for MD patients and people with other neuro- logical disorders in the area. This is the ftrst fundraiser organized jomntly between CAMEO- and thse Halton- Peel MIDAC chapter. Anyone interested in attending 'Shake the Shamrock' can visit www.cameodli.com or cal (905) 546-5538. -Local artists' works shown in NE exhibit Three Milton artists and photographers will participate in an art exhibition in Hamilton next montb. Presented by the Giants Rib i Dscovery Centre, the exhibition entitled 'A Sense of Place' will take place at thse Hamilton Art Gallery from March 18 to May 4. The purpose of thse exhibition is to bring together art and photography inspired by the Niagara Escarpment. Miutons Neil Hester is a photographer who wiIl showcase bis works, Milton resi- dent Brigitte Schreyer is an arist who will display bier interpretations, and Canipheliville resident Gayle Hutchings is a visual artist taking part in tbe exhibit. The exhibition bas attracted 49 of Ontarios premier artists and photographers who have captured the Niagara Escarpmnent from Queenston to Tobermory in their works. The Giants Rib is an interpretive centre proposed for developinent in Hamilton. It's to lie a museumn of naturai bistory, culture and beritage for the Niagara Escarpment UNESCO (United Nations Educationai, Scientific and Cultural Organization) Worid Biosphere Reserve. Admission to thse Hamilton Art Gallery is free. Its iocated at 123 King St. W.