- 1' dîl"% z q E eý% MILTON PLGL JU*LE Weekend AMGbSS IIWndsheld Repairsl Ir781 MAIN ST 1 &2,î lK e 876-~Z4785I_ I A Metroland Conmiunity Newspaper Vol. 143 No. 100 Friday, February 28, 2003 36 Pages $ 1.00 (GST included) Photo by GRAHAM PAINE -'Double cohort Grade 12 Blahop Reding Secondary School studenta Natalle Warr (loft) and Justyna Chlelewsld show tir mural 'ov.rwh.lm.d by achool'. t'a one of the many arn sudenta' muraiset#at docorate dhe wallsa ofthe achool. Se., another phooln 'Arts and Entertulnmnt' on page 16. Region moves toward pesticides program to combat West Nule By JASON MISNER The Champion Halton Region is poised to poi- son the breeding grounds and hangout spots of mosquitoes thîs summer to fight the spread of the potentially-deadly West Nile Vùu-s. Halson Medical Officer of Health D)r. Bob Nosal said a pesticide control program, needs 50 be in place this year to kili mos- quitoes in catch basins and standing pools Of water, to reduce the risk of people get- ting infected with the virus. 4Vlerchants owner buys IceDogs By STEVE LBLANC The Champion Mario Forgiones hockey empire is beginning to take shape. Less than two years after buying the Milton Merchants, the Oakville native and Mississauga auto parts manufacturing magnate is set to assume ownership of the Ontario Hockey Leagues Mississauga IceDogs - having reached an agreement earlier tis week with current owner Nick Ricci. The deal - which was green lighted by Mississauga City Council Wednesday, but still requires OHL board of govemors approval as a March 5 meeting - i believed to be in thse ballpark Of $4 million. While Mr. Forgione wiil be the prinsary owner of the IceDogs - much like he is with thse Merchants - hes currentiy in negotiations to bring in other invessors. Among his prospective parusers are a num- ber of current NHLers. "Theres a lot of interess to be part of shis team," he saiti yesserday morning. Owner of Depco International bIc. - which designs, engineers and manufac- aees MOVE on page 18 "West Nile virus, although flot the num- ber one cause, stil] caused a significant amnount of serious ilineas in Halton resi- dents last year, and we need to take it very seriously this year," he said ini an interview. Fogging is considered only as a Iast resort, he said. The recommendation to use larvicides was unanimously passed by the region's heaîth and social services commisie Tuesday, and must be passed by regional council this Wednesday to become official. Larviciding would be contracted out, but a tender hasn't been chosen yet so cosa of the programn haven't been released by the Region. 'Me West Nile virus is spread by mos- quitoes, which pick up the virus from infected birds and transmit it 50 people through bites. There were 42 confirmed and 18 proba- ble cases of West Nile ini Halton, anti of those, 16 people required hospitalizasion for sympsoms of the virus, including speech difficulty and severe muscle weak- nesa. Nome died, but many bave experi- enced complications long after having con- tracted it, Dr. Nosal saiti. s«a MOST on page 18 Comment ......6-7 NS Report.......8 A&E....» "....1* 4 Datoln ..26-27 Sports ...... .28-30 Classified ... .31-34 MY, uMMI M Mm rmtu* 0 c* * fl u S * eS * ReM3bu** 224 MAIN ST. E. MILTON 7-5U GLI1T Z *C ASU(JA L LASS1C www.karensflowershop.com -IS7 Illurier Arc. 0, 8 78 8 1