-Milton's bylaw complaints uip 44 per cent-. from .2001 The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, February 25, 2003-5 Town's new smoking bylaw was a big reason for significant hike last year By JASON MISNER The Champion Milton's bylaw depart- ment was jammed with complaints in 2002. And enforcing Uic Town's smok- ing bylaw didn't make things any casier. The bylaw dcpartmcnt released a report to Town counicil rccently Uiat showed 1,763 complaints were loggcd, an increase of more Uian 44 per cent from 2001. Thei Town usually averages btwecn 500 and 700 cails per ycar. The Town's bylaw department consista of two full-time officers Who enforce evcry single bylaw wrttcn into municipal law. Thcre's alto a fuil-tinse officer who only deaIs wiUi parking enforcement. Last ycar 2,276 parking tickets werc handed out. flhc kinds of calîs thc bylaw dcpartment dealt with ran the gamut from noise and dumping to ignage problcms. "There have been a stcady increase in calîs tUicIsat couple of ycars," said Roy Smith, municipal bylaw enforcement officer and author of thc staff report. He was- n't certain if thc 1,763 complaints was a record number for Uic bylaw dcpartmcnt. Two areas, in particular, kcpt Uic Town's two fuil-tinse bylaw offi- cers hopping. One of them, and probabîy not surprisingly, was enforcing the controversial smoking bylaw. TIhe Town loggcd 69 smoking com- plaints in 2002, up from 10 in 2001. Even Uiougb Uierc wcrc other arcas of bylaw enforcement Uiat gamrcrd more complaints, thse smoking bylaw resulted in a lot of time, cnergy and costly ovcrtimc hours spent to enforce it, Mr. Smith said. Thc smoking bylaw came into cffect last May and part of it rcquircs bars and restaurants to be smokc-frcc. "It's a vcry labour-intensive bylaw," Mr. Smith said. "Wc cdu- cated people first, sent out flycra (cxplaining Uic bylaw), wc made site visita and gave out cautions. We tarted to crank (enforcement) up and are now actively laying chargea, and 1 sec Uiat continuing." The oUicr arca dcvouring staff tinte waa enforcement of building code régulations. The Town reccivcd 168 complaints. Mr. SmiUi asaid many of Uic com- plaints deait wiUi builders starting homes construction before the proper permits were officially issucd. Charges were laid in tome instances, with the average fine bcing $1,500. "The word ie out there that Milton takes a zero tolerance vicw of that and in 2003 those numbers should corne down a bit," he said. "(But) the impact of new (resi- dential and business) areas are being felt now." Thcrc's no secret to what Mr. Smith is talking about. Growth in Milton is thc push behind 50 many emerging issues. For example, the issue of licenc- ing refresbment vehicles is a byproduct of Milton growth. There are more catering trucks, for example, in Milton servicmng numerous job sites throughout town with things like coffce and food. Mr. Smith said these kinds of vehicles provide licensing issues because they need permits to work here. "There's more licencing because of Uic growth." he said. Animal complaints, like licenc- mng or barking, wilI become an emerging bylaw enforcement issue, Mr. Smith said. He notcd, on average, one out of every rive peo- plc owns an animal. More housing means more fai- lies with pets, he said. "Wc anticipatc a lot more of those kmnds of complaints"- YOUR CAR REQUIRES l«'Safety Checks ' Hidden Hitch grakes [ Fxhaust 214 W1eel Alignment 'Suspension service Coollng Sylste Sric Tire Rotaionà salancing ~ <- Engines 'General rires OOSO Quaker State Oil. Lube . àTasmsios&Service,,V Fram Oit Fiters ['Eléc&frkl CLEA Comiputer Afllysis [' Air Condioning Accredited Test Tune Ups [ hocks & S&f & Pepair Facility Foundatiooifio«e fer m re ratifin Treat yoursistf to one of our Qua$Ity Preowned Vehicles! 2000 Silverado Ext. Cab Z71 Spartslde 2002 Oldmlobli leira GX 4dr 20 Chevrolut Cavalier 2dr 5.3 LT Decor Low Km. 1 yr 20000 PT Warranty 4 cyl, auto, air, cd, tilt, cruise, p.locks, teal, Auto, air CD, alum wheels, 39,000Km ~2 9 5balance of Syr/100,OOOk tacfory warranfy 6mth - 10000 k PT Warranty t 2000 Chevrolet lazer 2dr LS 4x4 4.3L, auto, air, cd, tilt, cruise, p.wind, p.locks, p mirrors, nerf bars. Briht blue, sporty. $158 'l8,995 &muuvti bovaia Ltu. tuaiuu van l fl M1 uu Auto , air, only 38,000K Balance of Factory Warranfy P22 24ý995 Main SI. Derry Rd 1997 Badge 2500 4x4 Reg CabLwb SLT 5.2, V8 auto, air, tilt, cruise, p.windows,p. locks, one owner, Gmth - 10,000k PT. Warranty 35A '14s995 2000 Silverada Ext. Cabi Z71 5.3L, V8, [S Decor pewter and grey tu-tone 1 yr/20,OOOkm PT Warranty P2161 '26,995 1999 OldsniablleAlierao B S 34,Vatair CD cassette, tilt, croise, P wind, P locks, P seat. P sunroof, leather interr chrome wfleels I 'nA real beautyl Indy Red'1 995 RICHARDSGE CEVROL6ET-OLDSMOBILE HW.25 S. AT DERRY RD., MILTON 1