Who Does It.*d The Canadian Champion, Tuosday, February 25, 2003-23 Li L"Fiài1 iI1 ervng Milton & Area for over 40 years '%ILIWYFSALES - INSTALLATION.- RPAIR IVVVI Ai High-Efficiency Furnaces, HEATING Ar Conditioners, Gas Fireplaces & COOLING 1(905) 878-4821 103 steelesAve.,unit #7 MI[ilton 1 HOE& .OET MRVMNr Handymen Enlerprises " FuIIojWy In8ured to do your work -, " Repah's arud thie bouse AUSNI " Garde. work e Painting " Clea up te garage or shed W "J5784731 ?ltam&et 4eIam#wmaaeo ALUMIUM / INDOS Specializingi UDELREX vFl, lws aid ALUMINUM LIMITED ElItraceSISte, Aho WI laiSoh~psfiteP"esaid smim màgrffgh a1877-5383 between 9am & 9pm du cal,5 NEAR WR77EN WARRANTY ON WORKMAN5HIP A à i Concept Cak'inie, 501 n Kihe&Vanftbf Cabnet. FRE ranhtcl Cabint. Acconsro orre Fb"tre kitchon CutmMb, 785 an St. Eut, Unit #3 878-9177 j_ RENsA IOS1 11. P Kitchens, Baths and Beyond Inc. NeW Showroom £ o Z SuppY - Design - Installation *Tes*Hniva Comnpete Line of Products Fiewag RHec Rooms a $teelStuds 18 ThmpMonRood, Millet(mwofMaIp) *OcsDtrn eidl rpCii 905-878-8666 ww.anumhomimpoevomts . > (905) 8756023 b Jý interios Houa» Palntng jum ptpw a s.d oilethS».? Thon Rstfriu to add 8Marn oau ity S t>sw ih oour roomul AffoMbe -RI" O Mu dvi, ~ Plumbing & Eleftrical Repairs Reasonable Rates Discount CalilPet sEPTIC TANK PUMPIM RObert Noble Ltd. 0 180 ft of hase for crossing lawns . 3 radio dispatched trucks ta serve you Don't loait for trouble - Punsp before it-S too lat.! <Shoutd pump at Ieast every 3 years> Neyer use coloured or double ply toiet paper (519) 853-0500 Acfto. Answering Service 878-6869 OVER 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE! CeGarq Doons - ELectrîr Opene,, Sales', Service and Installation W'dooEnurgne Doons, Storm Dome, Patio Dome TEL: 519-853-2114 (ACToI) WHODiS I THIS $POT COULD BE ~ ~ TOURS FOR CALL (~~~~r CATHERIN E DUE ELITS FEU DI N& T vINs, Su IOla 905-875arta-259C ury-syn .tarlo St. 5, (P. aou 5,slas Ail lton in 2002orf2003, we wiI arnf» B 1se 1AUco upnch5% ff or ex C4 al! àauday l y ars efrn Ex coe ration Date 302003Milton naj FATCA$H REFUND$ Usualiy whilo Yeu wait* Same Day Service E-file RaIph Dlicata & Amsciates 905-878-3636 *Some restrirttons may apply. 190 Main St. E. Dp.. 08111Y 11aM to 7pm Core's Weil DrilUing C Punup Service " WeII Rehabjlitation *WeII Cleanling " Flow Rates " Water Treatment " Reverse Osmosis Drinking Water Systemns " UV Sterilization Systems Telephone (905) 8 78-4 515 (Ask for Rod or Jerry) 264 Bronte St. S., Unit 10. Milton ON PAINTING mq m 9 KITCHEN CABINETS 1 1 1 -à 1 PLUMBING/ELECTRICAL REPAIRS 1 1 11 ifoEm MMEMMCE SERMCES