20--The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, February 25, 2003 g uareers LOOKINC FORWORK? lilia Itt >e Careers 2003 is packed with information on available jobs, plus advioe on everyebing from maling tbe mont of a job fair experience to the breadth of careers in healthcare. We cover tbings to tbink about when staaling your own arts-related business, how to use the intemet in your job search, innovative educationsi alternatives and opportunities for women in skilled trades. AcoeS Cares 2003 online aù *Yoduuegion.com * wmco.,com A Herftage o Quallty Rgijt Oae Home ai a Tiue Sace 1978 RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATOR The Reids Heritage Group ut Cumpaniies is one ufthfle largeot bomeliuilding operations le Southl Western Ontario, witli projects activeiy underway ai a sumber ut sites in Guelph, Cambridge, Kitchener, Watertoo, London, Collingwood and Huntsvitle. We have a chalenging and rewarding pesition avail- able for an eoperienced Residential Estimatnr. Tlie suc- cestul candidate witi posseos strong computer skilis and borne buitding experience. Eceptionat organiza- fionai and communication abiities are a must. Tu learo more abonut eut companies you cas locale us ai vwwedukehdapro.jcou Plama18888atua8cou..leffuanad rbs by Marci7.,ta 519«14.9746 AMMalON: Ninmmau10roesaSuperviser P/oaso, no phone cels Os/y/those appicanfs so/oced for as interview wi// ho contactd - -13LÀZ O Oak-land Ford Lincoln SRequires immedîately a person wlio s sterosted in the collision repaîr în id ndustry Iolie an Assistant Manager Your joh description sncIndes creatîng work orders and învoîcîng on fhe computer, reconciîng insorance accountslandlîng cotomers, rsurance personnel and emplvyees with a positive attitude, somne shop supervisions weti as earnîng to do collision estîmates. Your hours wift lie Mooday to Frîday 8 Ofam to 5:Opm and aternate Saturdays. 8:00m to 2OO0pm Your satary wîtt be 26,000 yearly plus bonus and company benefits. Please fax your resume lu: 905-844-2450 On/y thooe resomo ciroovo wl/lie contacfed TheWold ' gs Hisy iChi Requ ire ullm attm PART TIME COSMETICIAN <Ok * eSringtI Ha io < To be available for ail shiftts WE OFFER MORE: including hotîdays. Apply in persan with resumne to: Great commissions; Career advancement Shopper's Drug Mat-t Flex. work hours, Solid benefit program Milton Mail, 55 Ontaria St. S. TO ARRANGE AN INTERVIEW, Co__________________________ plaise caii Kys al 905-849-8808, Ext 221 m ROYAL CANADIAN GOLF ASSOCIATION Thp co~ for maintaing records, correspondence, answer incoming inquires, manage and maintaîn ail internai databases, word procesng needs of the depanîment, maintaîn- ng an accurate and accessible tiing system, arrange meetings, liaîsing with golf assonciationns and gnlf clubs, and other duties as reguired, The annoal salary tnr this tuli-tîme pnsition is $28,0000 The succestol candidate for thopnositinn wii pnssess and demonstrate: the abiiity tn molit ask and prinitize, enceptionai com- munications & custnmer service okillo, abone anerage atentinn tn detail, supenier organizatînnal okilis, and hane the abiliiy tn work in a team enirnnment. The soc- cestot candidate wili also hane proticiency in the fliowing applications: MS-Ac- cess, MS-Word, MSOutiook, MS-Encel, Powerpoint and hiane working knowledgn n desktop publîshing applications. Sales Centre Assistants: Reporting directty to lie Sales Center Manager, dties of the position inclode. order entry, order fotilîment, taking plione orders, general office dues, reception cover- age and other duies as regoîred. The ideaf candidate will have enceptional commo- nication, organicationat and computer skitis. Prferonce witt be gîven f0 those candi- dates who are blîngoal. liere are openingo in this toroly-rated position for sum- mer heip (May to Aogost) and on contract basin (Match-September) Junior Accountant: Repvrting directiy 10 the Accoonting Soperoisor, this position is prîmarîty responsi- ble for prncessing accoonts payable and receivable, joumai entries, petty casli, pur- close order administration, administrationdoltres, assistance wîfli fiscal year-end proceos and otlier dties as reguired Tlie annoal salary for fhls full-tîme position is $28,0tt0.00 per year The soccesofol candidate wilt posseos and demonstrate: the abilîty to mutti-task and priorîtine, trong organioationai okitis, above average amen- ions to detaîl and sootd customer service skitîs In addition, lie soccesoful candidate wîli lie profîcrent in lie foltowîng applications: MS-Excel, MS-Word and ACCPAC. Tlie deadlile for applications to al these positions is Mardi , 2003. Please subsit yoor resomnIo: RCGA, 2070 Hadwen Road, Unit 2, Mississauga, Ontario L51< 2T3 Attention Homan tfesnurceo: or by emaîl Ib goskio@rcga.org Information about al OCGA events yod programo cao be toond on the tnternet at www. rcga.org the RCGA apprecîated and thonks al applicants iv adoance,'liowever oniy those se- lected for as interview wii be contacted. No plione calîs or fanes wîi li e accepted Aire you a team layer? HJMIV nsurance & Fînancil Services is a Progressive, generat insurance and fuit tisas- diat services brokerage. We currentty require a Oustomer Service Representative, minimum 2 years RIBO icensed. Experience on 'TAM" is an asset. If you are outgoing and enioy deaiing wth clients, then send pour resume to: HJM Insurance & Financiai Services Ltd. Attn: Aaron MacFartane, 245 Commercial St. Miton, Ont. L9T 3T4 or Fax 905-876-1457 or emait aaronmacfartanep himDinsurance.com PART TIME TGW TRUCK OPERATORS NEEDED. Good driver's abstract required. Appiy in person 10: Kevîn s Towng L 221 Nipissing Rd. Mlton Drivers / Owner- k Operators OWNER OPERATORS ONLY Share your Nnndnd Immedialelyt bundie of loy .76$/li (US) with the * 2200-3000 mi/week * Future dedicatedi Vodl * Ail bridge folio paînîn Cail 878-2341 0/0 Day Cal avaîlabîn for details on Star! makîng $$$ Colt how to list (800)231-5209 your baby ext.6322 - ,announeMent Required for Plastic Vacuum forming operation in Milton. Wîll Train. Send Resumo by fax to 905-878-8452. Attn: Human Resources FREE TRAINING Drive 4 Us. Schooî Bus Drivers Wanted Caîl 905-877-4448 Laidlaw is an equal opportunity Company Idoîn nto'îs fastestî goigTlsMohiiity Otieslspositions commissions & flnelient pnrks program oroond. Fus 905-469-1212 Emaîl: uamua prloeilue.ca LANOSCAPE COMPANY reqaîres fiardworking indîvîduais sîtI minimum 2 years nopnrîencn nn iandscapn îndustry, machine operatoro Must hove vlid drivers lîcense and vwn frOtsonOation, Fus reume ta 905-319-8500 or cil 905-319-7771 EXP. EIIUESTRUA - M w FACIUITY GRIIIIIIIIIIIMEoEuPER Failtîme. Acquaine, wîth aill ractor & fua management nquîp- ment. Non-smoking envîrosment. Fax rnsa sîwth nrercns fo: 905-825-0620 NEDEXTRA INCOME?I IConoda's leadîng fondI sampting compony las Iimmediate openings forI E03OR DEMONSTRATORS Mustibenvbte to work flexîie hour., & ddhb 1-888-558-0907 Telemarketers Needed For Penuamneut Day Shift 9:30-2:30pm Evynrience preterîvd bot wîii train qualîtînd applicari Competitive otvorlg wage plus on- cellent bonus pkgs Fax 905-681-8300J or cati 905-M8-8103 lasifed hoe 05-87-234 WHY Is Joe So HRnP? She found the pe-rfet emplovep nboney Be like Jane and fsnd your dreani employee in the MtCbafiapon Classifieds todayi Cail 905-878-89341 Paz 905-876-8364 or droP by 191 Main Street, ilton AVAILABLE IPrductionnwrkî t'in- ' te MILTON ra I611-$12hr.I IAIl shifts avaîtable.I HCR 416-622-7258 or Tel: 1-888-411-1660 ENTHUISIASTIC? SELF MOTIVATED? LOOklî* To Be Part Of A Catmu Foeuued Salua Tua.? We are lookîng for MOTIVATED and ENIIOTIC Sales Representatîves for our DIIRUOTON location. Muni lie capable of workîng PAJT-TIME Days, Evenîngo and Weekends as required. Peton (oxperience An Asset Wîne Knowledge An Asel, But Not Reguired Orientation and Traning is Provîded. Piesse drap off your ruauaio l thre cloue of bouess E at 28, at VluYa Y bTOeWise Skuions 5353 Lakuahore Rond Lakualdo Shopping Village, Buriluo Whîtn we /hank ai those who app/y, we wîl/ onfy resPood fo thone voder consîderatios and anir that no arooPOose ho made hy phone currenty requiren ... Homor Cloanors Yo itt prvvide resdenriat cteaning io rhe 7Brtingrton area frvm Mondav ro Friday. Miteane compensation, rraining, 'and cteaning suPPlies are prvvided. A vehicle is eequired and retevanr experience iv ao avoe. Please forward your resumne hy fax Cv: (905f 525-8732 or appty by mail t : 318 Dundurn Steetc South, Hamilton, OntarileL85> 4L6 An excltlng career in fltneaa. Canadas leading wnmen's ftleso chaisn nw hor- ig. If you have a strong rterent in titness, a desire to succeed and an entliusîastic petsnnality, this May lie lie canent tnt youf 10e otterthîe higlient compensation packagnd in the industrY and pro- vide a positive, challenging enirosment mifli con- tînuono training. Positions asaîtable ib th ollow- ing ornas: Supernîsors. General Managers, Prograsa Dîrectoro, Sales Consultants, Anrobîco Intractors, Ftnos Drectoro, Floor Intructors, Maintenance Handyman. internai Canner. Forward resumes te: Fax: 905-761-8542 e-mail: titnosspOsting@yahoo.com General Warehouse DutieS Fond service dîtrîbator requîtes o person for gen- erai wrehouse actînîtîns. shîppîng, receîoîng and iooentoty. Prevîvus noporrence i5 000 neceooary but yoa mont blin gnod physîcai condition. Location is Appleliy Lise. Borlington Pteasé tormord resumeý ESSLINGER FOGOS LM0. Unit A-0, 5035 North Service Rd. Burlngsan, ON L7L 5V2 IL E-mai: ssfoodsbob@on.atîn.com ARCHITECTURALTECHNOOIST Il Restdoslia/ Bu/lder requt es Archtectura/ Tchologfst with fte fo//owfng C Ato Cad (3D design an asset) and OBC 3 MicrosoiftOffice 1 Canadian residential construction eop. Fax rounie te: 905-829-323 --j