2-ibe Canadian -Champion, Tuesday, February 25, 2003 New Yeq, New Een INVENTOR Y REDUCTI You saw them at the Auto Show, Now corne & Drive 0one off aur lot! f2003 Echo PRHS $14,025 MSRP 3.91%FINNCN LEASE FOR $199.00 $ONONEY DOWN PER MONTH FOR 60 MONrUS 0 FOR AN ADOtTIONAL '12." PER MOONTH GET AUTOATIC TRANSMISSIOJ 2003 Corolla 25 $OMONEY OwN LEASE FOR à289O0 FOR A N A 0TIONA L 5.PER MONTH E TA UTUTMAT10ICTRNSMSSI PROLIDLY DUILT IN'ONTARIO~ 1 2003 Camry LE PRHS $ 24,800 MSRP 5. IACIG LEASE FOR $299.00 PER MlONTU FOR 48 MONTUS WTH $3612 OOWM 2003 RA V4 3.e INNCNG 26,210 MSRP LEASE FOR 529920 PER MONTN FOR 48 MONTNS WITH $4016 OOWN FOR AN AOITIONAL $16.» PER MONTN OET AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION 2003 HighlanderRHS $32,330MSRP 3 9%FIPURCASE LEASE FOR $369.00 $OONEYOLOWN PERMONYN FOR 46 MONTHS WITH $4921 OOWN FOR AN ADDI-TIONAL $12' PER MONTH GET AUTOMA TIC TRANSMISSION 2003 Matrîx XR5 $20,925 MSRP LEASE FOR $269.00 PER MONTU FOR 48 MONTNS WTU $3516 OOWN FOR AN ADITIONAL $15.' PER MONTU CET AUTOMATC TRANSMISSION PROUDLY BUILT IN ONTARIO tee M ion Toyoa fo deîaia W 400 Steeles Avenue 905 875-1700 www.mltontoyota.com. DA I,/VCMmICL I Ballots open for (Citizen of the Year By STEPHANIE THIESSEN The Champion U NomineesIAU have beenJ W announced for the 2002 Community Awards, pre- sented by the Barbara Burton M il1to n Chamber of you to decide on the Citizen of the Year. Th re e Miltonians have Blanche Hinton been nominated for thse title, and announced at the Awards Gala April 12 at Granite Ridge Golf Club. Ballots are included in today's issue of Lura McKee T'he Champion, and will alto be iun Fridays paper. Here are the nominees: Barbara Burton Barbara Burton bas been involved with the Milton community for the more tisan 30 years she has lived here. 1I feel you get out of the community what you put into it," Ms Burton said. "This is an incredible honour, but 1 feel like 1 should honour Milton. Its given me an opportunity to grow." Ms Burton is an active member of St. Georges Anglican Church in Lowville, st- ting on many committees. She often goes on pastoral visita at Mount Nemno Nursing Home and the hospital. She served on thse Milton District Hospital Board, and was then a member of the transition teamn as thse Milton and Oakville hospitals amnalgamated to become Halton Healthcare Services. She's currens- Iy chair of Halton Healtlscare Services. "To sec a dramatie change in how servic- es are delivered is really rewarding," Ms Burton said. Blanche Hinton Ms Hinton bas ived in Milton for almoat 30 years. She served on town counicil from 1978 to 1985, and is a member of the Rotary Club of Milton, having served on ita executive. She founded and is stilI heavily involved witb Milton Concert Productions, and is currently organizing a childrens concert senies. Ms Hinton was a teacher as thse E.C. Drury School for thc Deaf for 26 years, and helped establish an intemnational exchange programi for its students. "Ive been a helper for as long as 1 can remember," se said. Ms Hmnton was on the Milton Lihrary Board and served as presidens of Halton Recovery House. She bas also been involved wiUi the Milton Historical and Horticultural societies. 0aee MILTON on page 3 1 1 [MIL 10