Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Feb 2003, p. 15

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Date/mne ' im UA I LîNE on page 12 Childs Dr. Everyone iv welcome. Admission is by donation. A support group for parents of hear- ing impaired children meets at Appleby United Church in Burlington t 7 p.m. Topics imclude education, services, parent sharing and advocacy. For details, cati the Haiton/HamiltonlNiagara chapter of VOICE at (905) 335-1069. A public foot care ciinic is held at the Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Childu Dr., from 1 to 4 p.m.MTe clinic is by appointment only. Cati (905) 875-168 1. The Milton Seniors' Activity Centres Folk Art for Intermediates Club wel- cornes new members from i to 3:30 pm. The centre is located at 500 Childs Dr. This social club je for those who have some experience with folk art. The cont is $1 .50 for members and $2 for non-members, plus thse cost of materials. Cati Tammy Corlenu, supervisor of recreation, at (905) 875-1681 for information. The Milton Seniors'Activity Centre, 500 Childs Dr., hoids Seniors' Cinernas at 1:30 p.m., showmng the comedy/romance Maybe Baby. The cost is $1 and includes refreshments. Cati tthe centre at (905) 875- 1681 for information. Milton District Hospital holda a breasif- feeding ciinic from 7 to 9 p.m. with a cer- tified lactation consultant. To make an appointment or for more information, cati (905) 878-2383. 1Cise NMilton l'air Honaecraft Euchre Party is held at 7:30 pm. in hall number one at thse Milton Fairgrounds. There are refreshments, and prizes. Admission iv $3. For more information, cati Nancy Comber at (905) 878-5689 on Tuesdays or Thursdays. Friday Feb. 28 Milton Concert Presentationo hosts An Evening of Baroque with Kerry Stranton and thse Toronto Philharmonia Orchestra at St. Paulas United Church, 123 Main Sit. E. (at James St.). Doors open ut 7 p.m., and thse performance sfarts ut 8 p.m. Tickets cost $25, or $20 for students and seniors. Caîl (905) 878-2432 for tickets or informa- tion. Theres aiso a fund-raising sulent Suc- tion. Literacy North Halton holds a benefit performance by the Second City comnedy troupe St 7:30 p.m. as Milton District HigIs School. Tickets cost $25. For tickets, cati (905) 693-8458. Saturday Mar. 1 Thse Brookvîlle Minor Bail Association holds registration day for its teams from 9 S.m. to i p.m. at the Nassegawaya Communeity Centre on Guelph Line in Bmookville. The cost is $100 for thse first chiid, which includes a uniformn, and $50 for each additional child. T-bail costs $50 for thc first child, and each additional cIild is free. T "-ý WYIJ5 T -, i FET!31 Fi, W/W i 1-N F1 E Uic & OR GRATLOe AE EAS RE-S1YLED 2003 ACCENT GS 2003 ELANTRA GT 5-DOOR LEI59 r% ERMO1 A219 ROM5960Mo, $0R $0 HR AN N.O.EEINNC DOWN SECURIY MSRPS 2395" PAYMENT DR POSCT SECURITY DEPOSIT MSRP$18495' 2003 ELANTRA GL SEDAN 2003 TIBURON COUPE ~17QER O ~MO $995 DOWN AMENT î9î950099 AYMENT FREGHrAND RDENC (ACOHIANOPOR E.N CL "SR$~. SECURMY DEPOSIT SECURITY OSPOSIT M5RP S 9995* 2003 SANTA FE 2003 SONATA GL ~ $ ~PER MO EAE ER MOJ FROM SMO $2,995 OOWN A MENTO $ DNA E _MSRP$21.5' - - -CRn D -PSI SCUITY DEPOS91M H( .LONGER LASTîNG PROTEcTiON. The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, FebruarY 25, 2003-15 r--------------------------------------------------------* Milton Chamber of Commerce Community Awards: Your 2002 CITIZEN 0F 7,THE YEARNOMMNEE i BARBARA BURTONi "lBarbara wiflingly takes Rn leadership roles that require dedication and commitment without compenuation or recognitiun. She feads wît h a servant heart and humble nature; oeeking nu reward.' She is an active member of St. Gerge's Anglican Church in Lowville and sits ov many cemmittees providiog outreach visita I I "Barbara has made significant contributions to the Milton cammunity during ber involvement witb the Mitone District Hspital and * HaltRs Heafthcare Services. As a commîffeit, dedicate Board member, she bas provided tbe hospitul wtb the leadership needed ta con- tinue ta provie e uafity heatth cure ta nar cammunities during a ime f rapid growth and financial challenge.fIer knowfedge, trength and perseverance, alang with ber compassion and cancers Cr the patients we serve, bas earned ber the respect of every Board mem- I ber an meil as the staff, physicians and olunfeers of the houpifal."i i BLANCHE HINTON * Over the years Blanche bas had the phitosophy hat she would make a difference in ber communify. She bas hrought "~culture f0 Mlton undt even nom is organizing a concert sertes for children aged 4 f0 9 years Ca begin this atI." "Blanche bas mode a significant contribution over the years f0 the Town of Milton and its cîtizens. She served on Town I Councîl Cr a term and is a member ut the Rotary Club ut Mitton and serveit on ifs enecatîve. She oanded and is stitl heavify I Iînvslved wîfh Mitoan Concert Productions - a benefttoC aIl music aovers in Milton.lIer mark witb the Ernest C Drary Schoot * for the Deaf in combinafion wth Rotary Echange bau csntrihuted ta bath the youth and deaf commenity in Milton. She indeed s a "lump-starter" for Mlton and ifs citizens. i -hLAURA McKEE % "aura han bRen unselfisbly donating ber ime f0 vannaus causes bere in Mlon fnr many years. Laura bas bRen a member ut the a Mlon Jaycees for the paut il years andt bas recenfly "ageit out" andt moRed t Ot the Milon Optimise Club. During ber tîme witb the Jaycees she single bandedly saneit the chapter from demise and, wîf h the help of the new members she recruifeit. builî I if up tu a prominent andt reupecteit focal organizatian. Thraugh ber involvement with the Jaycees she came.to serve on many locaf com- I * miffees, most notable t he Santa Claus Parade CommiOtee andt the Canada Day Commiftee, of whîch ohe bas been ca-chair for the pouf 5 * years. If requires a special persan f0 devofe tach a large part of their spare time ta projectso0f this magnitude. For someone fo wilingly accepi Chîs challenge. pear affer pear, lu trely remarbable. i COMMUNITY AWARDS 2002 SPONSORS Io' Pronperity One - Thee Donatdsoni Financiaf fRIZES I * SKD Company Community Banking Group tnc. Branlier Jewelfer- * Duffenin Aggregates Kwik Kopy Pnrnting Mcçuaig tnsurance Ltd. Gemotogist SL Page One Services Miton anadian Harrop Art Galery I Toronto Aufo Auctions FBIENDS Katena Ftowers M & M Meat Shopa 1 Mitowne Insurance Lobtaws Markeet Shoppers Drug Mart - I 1 BRONZE Agency tnc. Wordsong Don Betl 1 1 Johnson Contrats Ltd. Robert (Pie) Lee Communications The Wine Rack g 1 Roxut tEK. Insurance Agency 1 Please chocs. one nommne. and mail, fax or dellver to the Milton Chamber of Commerce by 1 Morch 2, 2003. On. ballot per persa. Open t0011 MIlton & orna resdents and businesses. 1 Must bol18 vears of cge. Ail incomplet, ballots will be dbl rded. Please indicate one ncmne. 1 Name: Mail to: 1Milton Company/Resident: _______________Milton Chamber of Comerce1 1 ____________________ 251 Main St. E., Suite 104, 1 ~Milton, ON LOT 1iPl 1Milton Address: _____________________ 1 Phone: __________ Postal Code:______ Fax te: 905-878-4972 Free Clubs for Kids is Back! GOLF &TRVEL SHO:W Peetdby ACURA February 28 - March 2, 2003 Metro Toronto Convention Centre South Building Maoma The first 500* klds each day, aged 5-12 years, EnW I MN ir o-fin vl1 recelve a FREE Golf Club! co~ forI Thtis proerarn made possible fhrough the generostty of PowERIBLr $1*m0s1 be accnmpaz5ed 5v an aetui Every kid, aded 5-15 vears, is inlted t0 visit the junior 4DrMng Range for a FREE tesson from an Ontaio PGA Prof Tis peagean, mate possible threagb the eneeosityfy the 25 eXCdng ~Partlies 10be Won! REE PAMNGcouresy of &dgDof (I -D OWf 09 -( ,0 S d0*.0gMW Show Hours Fuday noon-9 Saturday Sunday 106 MAdts $12 Seniors $19 juniors(1-15) $6 (Ff HYunom mecia bpono JE

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