The Canadien Champion, Tuesday, February 25, 2003-11 -Iw '-d' Me C HRT Y~~ ~ ~ S DGE# V Ealtc flI~Irv P..1 a~,agi lis~ m,,. ~î~aigi~ars as Lanada's #15S mma ine 61f »Msh KlTh lm play NMml new -stck 003 ehile - -eaie -rjA:d --- y"' jý n.eSfls-" p11 . P . T 1 nase are IlmosO( Orne offers which may flot ha combirred with an oCher otters eocept Graduae Rebate and appy to retat detiveries on moot newn-sock200 veicts. etalerordr/tademay eocsay Leasa/honacing sobject t cpirot by Chryàler Financial Canada. Ses retailer for Complets datailo and conditions. 'Cash purchase piceaciucdes freight, ticanse, inourance, taoes, registration and refaie, admin- istration charges and os applicable only bo cash purchases of Dodge Carsoan 28D and 28F+RBK/CYSIGXR. If custonrer chooMe 0% purchase financing, the negotiated prce may be highar. Cash purchase pnre inctludes tentant to retailer incentives. t Leases are based on a 48- month lasse for Dodge nehicles actoiPad as dascribed. Caravan 28D and Grand Caracan Sport 28FnRBK/CYS/GXRI and 28H+XRV/GNC/RBU. Total lase obligation is: Sf6,831 wlth $4,180 down Carmasn 280, 1.8 withler Jee,la Donan Grane Caravan48F;m xpe $20115h 4100 down Grand Ceravan 2a8H. Lasse finance interest rata is 2.3% Caravar; 3.3% Grand Caranan. Kilometres Iimited fo, 8,00; charge of 80.15/km for excaso kilometres. **0% purchase hinancing omaf20ChjerJepDdg hils0f48nho.Eerle 200 $350000/ $45.'000 0 0% APR/48-morth tenn; monthly payment as $520.83/$729.17/M87.50. Cost of borroeing as $0. Total obligation os $25,000/$35,0001$45,000. Offer dose flot appp f0 2003 Dodge SX 2.0 Viper, at Ram pi*ups and Jeep Liberty. If th 0% honancing la choses, the effective interest rate aod the affective coot of borrowing i0 as fottoras for the fottowing amounts: $25,000/$35,000/$4,000: 4-29%4.02%3.87%; and $2250/$2950/$3650. Exemples based on 0% purchase ffnanciog for 48 months. , . t DaimlerChryoter reil pay pour first payment up to maoimum of $500 on atl 2003 teases and ait 2003 porchase flnancing contracta up to 60 months. Offer doas flot epply to Viper modela. Purchase flnancingAeases excluda f reigkt, taxes, regostration, license, inourance, and retailar administration charges. 48ased on U.S. National Higkway Traffic Satety Administration (NHTSA) scoring oystem for 2003 modal pear Dodge Grand Caranan. -See retadaer for complets detaits and conditions * Wafranty natid for sf1 new 2003 nehictas f0 7 years or 115,000km, whichever comas 060s. Some conditions appl. Ses refait. er for detaits. (D Jeep iSa registered trademark of DaimterChnjsler Corporation llsed under license by DaimlerChryster Canada In., a whoty owned suksidiani of DaimierChryser Corporation.. F-NE-R(3LJIDE