8--Te Canadian Champion, Fniday February 21, 2003 Mogan Cavon Stoph Creighton MILTON DISTRICT Bien SCIOL "1MUSTANG MESSENGER". VOLUNTEER HOURS! Ail of the graduating students MUJST have those completed in order to graduate this June. Not only that, but when the semester two mid-termn marks are sent out to Universities and Colleges, they will check t0 see if you have your community service hours finished. If you do not, they will assume that ynu are flot graduaîing, and are flot eligible for admission. This is really important, so get them i 10 Mrs. Schofield in Guidance ASAP. Speaking of marks, the semester one final grades were sent out 10 ail Colleges by February l9th, and are going 10 be sent 10 Universities by March 9th. Coming up ... Hoops for Heart is happening on February 28th, s0 gel your teain of three signed up by Friday, at the lateat. Also coming up is "Mhe Black Tie Affair," our spring semi-formal. Tickets are going on sale Febmuary 24tb bo the day of semi-formal, March 6th. Tickets will be $2000 each. The food ibis year will be made by the E.C. Drury Food School, who have an excellent reputation. Definitely one more reason 10 cbeck out ibis awesome event! Wednesday was the senior boys' basketball team's semi- final against Notre Dame, whicb we hope ibey won. They beat Q.E. Park in the quarter finals on Monday, wiib a score of 70-65. Friday (today) will be the Championship gaine at Sheridan College, if they won on Wednesday. They have won every gaine ibis season, and we will be rooting for ibein as ibey attempt the Championship. The swim teain also had a meet on February 18th, ai the University of Guelph for the Halton Cbampionships. The tearn încluded Jen Porenta, Aaryn Fraser, Erynn Mayes, Steph Fenneil, Michelle Claessons , and Jasmine Davis.They ail made it 10 a final in their evenîs. Way te, go! Lastly are the cheerleaders who will be ai Brock University on Saturday for a meet. February's super athletes of the monib are ... Katie Gormnan and ion Christink.! Go 'Stangs! This bas been a great week for MDHS, and we hope that everyone gels involved and enjoys tbemselves in the fol- lowing one. March break is coming up in a couple of weeks, with a well-deserved rest. See you next week, 10 let you know wbat's coming up and how our basketball team did ai the Championships, even though we already know that they'll probably win! DAITELINE DRUET Julianna Clarkce Sera Grimb Jordan Lumb "Matchmaker matchmaker, make me a match... Make lier a goddess, make hlm afine catch!" The annual Matchmaker questionnaires were distributed thmough- oui the Locker Bay on Tuesday. The anticipation of 'finding that spe- cial someone' was in the air ail week, despite the fact that Valentine's Day was last Friday. This passion-fllled week ends tonight witb the ever-eventful Semi-Fonnal, that is being held ai the stunning Rattle Snake Golf Course, where Drury students are sure tc0 sparkle 'n'shine in their 'semi-fancy' attire. Tlhe beginning of ttis week started off slowly, but that was quickly overeome as the pace picked up towards the end of the week. Dimfi roll please... E.C. Dnuy presents "The Sears Draina Festival" which is taking place at Burlington Central High School! Productions took place on Tuesday and Friday night of ibis week. We wish eveîyone paricipating in ibis festival to break a leg. However, we were glad that none of our talented Dnuy athletes broke any limba during the nerve- wracking competitions diat took place ibis week. Yesterday, our wrestlers slapped on their singleta lu compeie in the GHAC tourna- ment bosted bere at Drwry. Although reaulta of ibis event were nol available ai presime, we bave faith that our boys dominated ie mats. The Senior Girls volîcyball teain did not bave the bome-fleld advantage yesterday, due to the wreatlig mata covening the volleyball courts. But their talent and their confidence was enougb o canry Ibei to tIhe Halion sensi-finals in Georgetown, and we are sure it was enough tc0 enable thein 10 continue on their joumney of succesa. For ibose of you wbo seek revenge on ibe local police officers, you can waich tome Mlton teenagers take on somte local police officers in a bail-hockey sbowdown. Sound like a dreain corne tnie? Weil, iî is. This once-in-a-lifetime opportunily is tonighî ai 7:00 pm ai Milton District Higb Scbool. Corne oui and see if the kida can gain ibe upper hand over the coppers! This gaine is well worth the admission price of $2. Be sure t0 set somte money aside for nexi Thursday nîght when the roof will be raised in ibe Dnnry auditorium. Lighting up ibe stage at ibis musical event will be somte of Dnnry's aspirng musicians, includ- ing the banda Infulltrate. Literai Cirele and One [ast Pass. Tickets can be purchased for $500 ai ibe ticket booib in the Locker Bay. Fact of the week: 1Cr not like you actually read "The Factr of the Weelc" anyway... 161TUE ROYAL REPORT"9 Jenna Masciantonio Meredith Murphy DISNGP REDRu BironSCIGOLà 'Me weather may have been blizzardly cold outside these past few weeks, but Fniday the l4th inside BR's cafetenia, there was only sunshine. Third and fourth lunches watched as three bachelors were questioned by one bright bachelorette during "The Dattng ("ame". The snow that was falling outside could have been melted by some bachelor's answers, while others could have been hurled into a tornado if our bachelorette had anything 10 say about il. Erica Ercolani, BR's own sunshine bachelorette encountered stormy skies while questioning Liam Tennant. The second bachelor bit some ice and slipped away. The third bachelor, Conan O'Brian, won Erica's heart by answering al of ber inquiries brilliantly. The newly matched couple met face to face where the temperature in the room exceeded the boil- ing point. Hopefully everyone's Valentine's Day was met with clear skies. The Junior Boy's Basketball teain set out ibis season with the goal to achieve success. Like a hurricane fuil of rain, sleet, and snow, they pounded the gymn floor momning after moming, evening after evening. Their bard work led to bosting a play- off gaine. This was the first time in a wbile that BR boops host- ed a playoff match. Facing an undefeated Loyola teans, there were moments of sunshine and hope that the tearn would weather turbulent climate. StilI, with little time remaining, the teamn was bit by the "perfect storm" of Loyola and the season carne 10 a tragic end 56-45. "Meir goal however was reached. Tbey experienced the patcby hot and cold spots that accompa- ny effort, perseverance, determination and heart. T'hose are the most important and commonly overlooked cbaracterisîics that embody success. Devastaîing storrns like this Royals teain will flot be easily forgotten. Congratulations to: Jeremy Brown, Niel Clarke, Lance Codner, Gab Comecho. Justin Ferraira, Marcus Grey, Mtke Malechi. Lee Mathé, Sean Maîhé, Mike Rego. André Roye, Jeremy Shultz, Justin Siagh, Andrew Sturgess and Josh Ward. Bishop Reding sees no clouds loom- ing over your season, only the sunshine of success. BR Fact of the Week: The state with the highest num- ber of tornados per year from 1950 to 1994 is Texas, wth 125 a year. eONTARTO MORTGAGE ACTION CENTRE LTD. 'TCHSEu*rENEALIrS F hiEnMrS RE Financin -9ES. "YouSS REEAfr FtAhoieIi MorgeFinancin g" PRE'APPROVALS~ 10 TELEPHONE/ON-LINE APPLICATrIONS 0 CALL TODAY!! VisiT OUR NEW OFFICE IN MILTrONMALL SHOPPING CENTrRE (905) 875-2333 WWW.OMAC-MORTGAGES.COM HfflOF - .- VARIAB- ~'.L.w E J I~~~~%rio 'J SIBJCTTtCANE <NGLa IMFJ RD. LONDO 1 YEAR 4.10%* 3 YEAR 4.65%* 5 YEAR 5.350%/o* m OJLC. RATES SUBJECT TO CHANGE 1 1 a dl