Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 21 Feb 2003, p. 6

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6 - The Cariadian Champion, Friday, February 21, 2003 -E mPg TEMINDS MEéé T HE CANADL4N CHAMPIONWIt Box 248, 191 Main St. E., Thes Canadien Champion, publshert every Tuesdaly and Friday a 191 * Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9 main St. E. Milton, Ont.,[91 4N9 (Box 248), ssone of Thre Metroland Printing, Publishing & Disiibuting [Id. group of suburban cornpanies wlnîch -QP70 'iI.4AI 'ocludes: Aax/Pickering News ~adve,,.e. ni,,,,.. ..,,,,.,, -P- (9015) ô015-. Editorial Fax: 905, Advertisimg Fax: 905. Classified: 905 Circulation: 905, Assoc Adverti Circula o Produc 3k, AdnncnBarrs Bay T is Week, Bolten Enterprise, Brampton Suartian. Burlingtnn Post, Burlingtnn Shopping News, City Parent, City of Yrk -88493 luarrtran CollngwoodWasaga Cornection, EasttYrk Mrrne, Erîrl 5-87-493 Avocte/ounty Rute, EobiokeGuardian, lambannagli Post, Frenen -7-34 Yourg, Genrgetnwn lntiependentlActoni Fret Prent, Hattnn Business Times, 5-7-34 Hrnnia Business Tmes, Kingson This Week. Lindsay Ths Wenk, Markltam -875-33 00 Ecanninist & Sun, MidlandPtnnîanguisiitre Mrrnr, Mtan Shonpping Newt, Missisnauga Business limes, Missiotauga News, Napanet Guide, -878-5947 Nssagaweya News, NtwmarkenjAurnra Ea-Banner, Northumberland Newt, Nortir Tonk Mirron, Sakoilte Beanen, Sakville Shopping News, Stdtmers Publisher Hockey News, Sillia Today, OshawalWiithpîçaringtonnPonn Penny This ap Pb1.ee Week, Peterborough This Week, Picton County Guide, Richmond raePbshr HilVTlhorntiilNaughan Libenal. Scarborough Mi, Stnuffuitte/Lxbridge deomnCifTribune, Eio-nCif Advelising is accepted on tire condition that, in the tuent of a typo- Edmor geaphical enon, tiat portion of thn advetising space occupîed bp tht tino- tenus item, togethen with a easonabte alowanct for signature, wiiinot 0e ring Manager changed ton, but tire balance of tien aduetisement wît) be pard for at tht appli- Belion Manager cabte rate. ThtIubtsher rentrons tht ighttOn categorize adnetisemenîs un ýfflce Manager dctn tio -Manager The Mine, Caeodson Champ sea o BeyniabtPeodunt Time to act is now There's an unspeakable evil ini our society that doesn't always get enough attention for ail the damage it wreaks on young people's lives. It's child pomnography. In recent weeks it has been rearing its grotesque head in the fomi of court cases and police busts involving men charged with being collec- tors and purveyors of this sickest of sexual infatuations. For evety person arrested for a suspected case of child pomnography cornes the mnevi table description by police investigators of hundreds, sometimes thousands, of seized files containing horrific images of child pomnography. What's lost ini the all-too brief mention of these cases on the nightly news is that each of these images represents a young person destroyed by an underground trade in human life. It's not enough that most of society would be physically sickened if forced to view any of what police investigators see. Surely, tougher laws must be created if we ever hope to curtail this activity. Sadly, we live i an age when someone would try to selI a chunk of the space shuttle on eBay within hours of gettmng the disastrous news on CNN. Perhaps what we need to ask ourselves is whether or not this is the future we envision for our children - and theirs. If the answer is a resounding no, then we need to ask ourselves what we can do to change it. OUR READERS WRITE New Champion reporter won't be sorry she came to Milton,, says Campbellvîîîe couple Dear Editor: Re: Stephanie Thiessen's columos of February 7 'Around town'. We express our tbanks to Stephanie Thiessen for ber straigbt fromi the heart article on Milton and its people. We enjoyed reading il. Thougb only living here a few years ourselves, we share Stephinie's quickly gamnered impression of Milton, the outlying raral areas and mont certaieily, the super people. Echoing the article, it's the pride and caring of the residents that make the difference. 1 believe the people of Milton desire 10 live their lives ini a respon- sible and compassionate fashion not unlike those of smaller towns in years gone by. Regardless of the changing size Of Milton, the residents wiIl through their actions ma.ke Milton always feel livable and fiendly. New residenta are only allowed to be "new" for half a day, and then tbey become full-fledged Miltonians witb the saine cares and responsibilities of their neigbbours. Wait until you aste the goodies ai the Farmers' Market Ibis mmer. You'Illsoon be defining Saturdays as the mid-point of the week. Welcome to Milton, Stephanie. You now have a town.that you, 100, can lie proud of. Kathy and Bob Béye Want to have your say on a local issue?, Write a lefter to the editor. E.-mail to miftoned@hatonserh.cxm. There'nothing worse than an uninformed public Kudos to Halton Region. Communicating with the public can't be over- stated. Case in point, the controversy surrounding the mnid-Halton sewage treatnient plant., Controversy is probably a strong word because ail of tbe opponents of tbe plans are front Oakviile, many of them living witbin earshot of tbe plant. t bring Iis up because the issue seems to bave served as a typical railying cry for some who make il a habit 10 fight development. Period. And Ibey make it sound like the entire region bas banded togeIber and picked thena 10 flgbtthIe cause. Hardly. However, tbey made a good point about the need for public input, and Ibat requires cominu- nication. Tbe communicationa program the Region haa established 10 address the mid-Halîon plant is etaborate and sometbinog 10 take note. The Region bas instituted a number of proac- tive measures to get the public involved and informed. It bas set up a bottine for peopleto cal] 10 lodge their opinions, complaints or 10 leave messages for staff 10 catI back 10 provide answers 10 ques- tions. That's not done for every issue. It bas also established plant tours and an assort- ment of advertising and public information notices 10 keep people updated on the expansion. Is Ibis the way 10 go on every issue? Not nec- essarly. Keep in mid, there are public meetings and information sessions the Region holda b aillow people a chance 10 speak tbeir minda on topics of all sots. Wbat the enbanced communications plan seems 10 do is recognize public concemr for a major issue. Ultimately, residents must take it upon them- selves 10 tind anawers. If the Region can't get you what you need, then cali your local politicisos. Wbat needa 10 be realized is die Region is growing by leapa and bounda. From Halton Hills through Milton, to Oakville and Burington, industry and homes are being built at a dizzying pace. No news flash there. These developments raise issues, like sewage and waste disposai. Some people are genuinely fearful of wbat sewage and waste disposai means t0 the environmnent and the impact on Ibeir fansg- lies' quality of life. Cail il fear of the unknown. These are Ibe kinds of issues Ibe public takes seriously. You're ailowed 10 ask questions and to demand answers. The last time t cbecked Ibat's wbat democracy was ail about. Al tbis said, t don't want to sound like a cheer- leader for the Region. The key il it's up to Ibe residents - you - to find answers. And the Region muaI do everylbing it can to help. Because there's notbing worse than an unin- formed public. Ian Oliver Neil Oliver Jill Davis Karen Smith Wendy McNah Sîeve Crozier Teri Casas Tim Coles àA,

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