4-The Canadian Champion, Friday, February 21,- 2003~ Town hires private invýIestigators to go after bylaw vioùlators 200 Honda Civic Se 1997 Chov Venture MuO air., ao/ift. a teso esetry Onty454005tss cyl, auto, arpower & windows, Iocks & more. Ïi Stock # 9036751$ , 9 Stock # 289672 1M9 Ram 1500 4X4 SLT QUad Cab, Loaded, tonneas csser& 1999 Dakota Sport Club Cab 4x4 4/ sde step. Was'24995 Was 121,995 $229995 Stock # 563237 ~ 9 9 Stock # 275537 On.blok nri f ime ieton a l a wwwmiltonchryslerocom rcngsubject to admin tee, GST, PST & licence By JASON MISNER The Champion Meet Milton's newest weapon i the war against bar and busi- ness owners flouting the smoking bylaw - private investigators. Milton began contracting out mnvestiga- tors three weeks ago to help bylaw officers enforce the no-smoking bylaw, which states bars and restaurants must be smoke- fr-ee. The workload to enforce the bylaw has been heavy since it came into effect last May and help was needed, said Roy Smith, municipal bylaw enforcement officer for the Town of Milton. There are two full- tinte bylaw officers. Mr. Smith wouldn't divulge anything specific about the inveatigators - including how many there are - for obvious reasons. 'We've been inundated with com- plants," he said about the smoking bylaw. "We've tried other alternatives which did- n't work out and 'm not at liberty to talk about. So we've taken this tactic and we're going 10 go with it for a while." So far titis year the Town has already laid 16 charges against five businesses. Last ycar a total of 12 charges were laid against three businesses. The hired guns don't issue tickets or Iay charges. Mr. Smith said reports are com- piled and handed over to the Town's bylaw department which assesses the information and decides if warnings or chargea should lx laid against bar or restaurant owners, not the smokers themselves. "We have trained people and they're going to make observations and baaed on those observations, we wil Iay charges when appropriate," Mr. Smith said. He said the contracting of investigators is a 'short-term project" and he wasn't sure how long it would continue. And while smoking charges continue to be laid, another challenge te Town faces is the fact that charges must be heard in court, and that can take montha to con- clude, Mr. Smith said. The smoking bylaw - and smoking gen- erally - continues to be in the spotlight. Last month Milton councillors asked staff to look at creating a bylaw that would allow designated smoking rooms (DSRs) in bars and restaurants. Councillors would still have to vote on the bylaw to make DSRs legal. Regional council is looking into the idea of a region-wide smoking bylaw afler Oakville Councillor Jef Knoll asked staff for a report outlining what the legal process would be to do re-open talks. Each of te four municipalities bas ils own smoking bylaw. And Halton's Medical Officer of Healit., Dr. Bob Nasal, believes the Ontario gov- emament should impose a province-widc smoking bylaw to help curb smoking, especially among young people. TAX NOTICE Ratepayrs Of the TG" of Mton ame reuinde that the first install- MM ntofthé 2M 3i nmbîUlis wdue onf.b 28, 2003. If you reqwoeinfSmuatioesabout taxes, plea. contat-th~ e poeate Seices,(Fx) Deotruuent ag(905> 878-7252, ext. 2193, 8:30 ame. to 4:30 pan. Monday to Friday. Tax payments must be received in the -Corporate Services Office un or before the due date to avoid penalty. A late payaient charge of 1 1/4% wilI be charged on the first day osf default and on the first day of each calendar month in which the default continues. IL is the responsibility of the ratepayer to ensure thm the taxes are paid by the due date, even in the event that die bill is not receiyed as maied, TaxusaMaybe pid: a) By mail to the Corporate Services (Tax) Departnient; 43 Brown St., Milton, ON M9 5H2 £beu m gt-datedt t te&ndte " are Caec MtaIeandea!u. b) Telephone or Internet banking (check with your fmnancjal institution for details). c) By usng the mail deposit box to the left of the glass doors atTon Hall (ail hours). d) Between the hours of 8:30 an. and 4:30 pan at the Coaporate Services <Jax) Department, Town Hall, 43 Brown Street, Milton. (Cheque or nioney order is preferred radier than cash) Direct Debit also 4ccepted. e) Please contact our office for details regardling the Pre-Authorizedi 1hàc Paytnent Progrm.-