Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 21 Feb 2003, p. 26

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26-The Canadien Champion, Friday, February 21, 2003 C I açtpii s s ifMWE iOS eod d__ __dye9« m-S« $2259900 Srenpark - FOR SALE ý7* 1565 sq. fi. *4 appliancas *isiassi kîtchan 1~ ~ * 3 badroors master badroomn cîth caik-is cioset & ensuite cîth cornertub gas lirapiace in the liiingroom Cail Nancy at 905-878-1034 DERRY/THOMPSON. Lausiiry, cabla. Satn ose perses. No pais/smoking, Brandi sec finishesi Sasemasi bachelor. 905-878-2136. DETACHED, 2 storay, doable garage, 3 besironm, 3 cash- room, main tloor famîiy toom cilS hireplace, finishesi recrea- lion room, centrai air, (plus entras) A musI f0 oea. $242,500.00. 905-876-0078. OPEN HOIJSE Sunday February 23rd 1-4 pmi. FDetacfnd sisi"pit, 4 besirooms, 2 foul Satho, fisishci rec roomn cilS gas Streplace, abona grounsi pool, SotI tub, centrai ai, large 5sx20 I. lot plus more. A mast t0 sea. 794 Cabot Trait. 905-510-2379.$274,900. 1500 sq. St. commercial pmoparty for tease on Mais St. Mîflon. 905-875-0559. REASONABLE Industrial Units. 3200 sq. fi., ioading dock. Hcy 2&/401. 1-905- 277-9347 or 1-905-275- nAqà APPROXIMATELY, 800 square lent of othica/shoc- ronm space anailabia. $800500 par montS plan Sent and Sydmo Excelant location. Cai Wapne Cas- sas 905-878-777 SMALL pnnvata offices, beautifully appoîntesi. Hcy 25 & 401. 1-905-277-9347 or 1-905-275-6834 . » (UJVESHNMENT - Funds $5 Grants and ioans inlor- matas to Otart ansi espand pont business or faon. 1- 800-505-8886. z oedroom apartment. Oid Mitaso. Grounsi toor, sec paint & carpet. Ftidge, stone, casher, diper. Large deck &i yard. Anailabie MarcS lot. $950 inciuding Seat. Caf Debbie 905-875- 0201. ACTON Apartments For. Rent: 1 bedroomt anaitabie immedîcte and future occu- pancy. Open 7 day/ek Same Day ApproZ7Na No Dogs 519-83-4374 I *.tn e rc(.a 1 c;ulure large u-earoom, vary ciaan ansi bnight apart- ment. 51000/montS plus. Aiso large 2-bedron aparimani 5775/montS plus. 519-853-5080/519- 853-5352. ATTRACTIVE Country lo- cation 1001 cent of Milton. Osa hedronm plus office in separate building. Ideai for prolessiosal couple. Free parking, hat & utilîties. 5900/montS. Ralarances requîred. Anaîlabia April 26th. Repy: Boa 3045, Mii- ton Champion. 191 Main Si. E. Mlton, On. L9T 4N9, AVAILABLE Aprl lot. t bedroom, stona, lridiga, te servesi parking, nidao se- cusity, Castrai Milton. No Pets. Rafarances taquait, Firsi/lasi. $875 + hydro. 905-878-8123. AVAILABLE Match lot. 2 bedmom.n sloa, fidga, ta- served parking, castrai air, nîdes secuity. Central Mil- tas. Beautifsthi dacoratad. No Pets. Ralerescas ta- quîrad. First/tast. $945 + Sy- dro. 905-878-8123. CLOSE to Mohack. 2 bedroomn apadmnent. 2 ap- piiasces, parkring, $750.00 + utildies. No Pets. 416- 787-112&/416-781-9410. AVAILABLE soc. 2 basi- onm, dock, sinon, iridge, resarved parking nîdao sacurity, Castrai Miltas. No pets. Reletances raquitad. Fimtasi. 945 + hydro. 905- 878-8123. BURUINGTON 2-badroom anaîlabla April. Par-liSe settîsg. 3 appliancas, 1. battis Dne outoîde parking. Near ochools, shopping. 905-333-1190. GLEN EDEN COURT APARTMENTS 122 Bronle Street, South, Millon 00e ara soc accapting applications for 1 badroom apartments. For more information andioer 10 mako an 905-a78-5375 LBuilding Managers Laonard à Penny LARGE 1 Sadroom bat- ceas Rockwood/Acton. Apil lot. FresSiy paintasi, parking. $695 + hydro. 519- 501-6688/1-866-786-6688 MILLSIDE TOWER 82 MILLSIDE DRIVE1 1&2 BedroomtAps Dos stoce Front Dont. (905) 876-1249 MILTON 1 bdns. apt. Nec- py renonatad budlding. Cinan &à quiet. Fmom $795 +. Cai 416-918-5913 for appoint- imet NORTH of Mitas. Modem, 2 bdroom country apart- ment, centraiy iocated. 519-853-1669. ROCKWOOD sunny 1 & 2-. badroom, apailments anail- able, indadaes appliancasi atiiities/pafling. Reasos- aSie'rens. Aise commet- cial/olhon space. 519-856- 4900. TRAFALGARS 407 amea. 1 bedroom ground Slont, pli- naIn estranca through susi- porcS, farmhouse on 13 acres. 5850/mo. inclusive. 905-271-2776 eut. 21; 905- 878-5054. VILLAGE of Campbeloilie. t badronre apariment. Anaîlabie Match lost. $925.50/montS. Appliasces inciodasi. Cai Gary Thomas Rn/Mas 905-878-7777. 2 badronm hoase, lencasi backyard, dogrun, aoaîiabie April lost. Centra location in Milton. $1200 + utîlîties. 905-308-7692. 3 badroom home lot tantt 1 badroom apadtment. 2 besi- monm home in coutry. Coui AI Volpe 905842-7000 3 Greaspafl Semis anaîl- abie Aptil:24, May 29 & Juiy lost Brand sec, 5 appianc- as. 51550/montS + utilîtias. 905-854-3435. 5 badroom latm house on Guelph Lina' $1550/mo. + utities. Cal Pîno ut 905- 854-1234 ACTON. Victosian sevi 3 badroomo, $1 .100/montS plus. Aise t bedmomr apadt- ment $600/month plus. 519-853-5080/519-853- 5352. THREE bedronm, 2 stoiy datachei home, anatiabia MarcS, No pets. 51400/montS + utilities. 905-875-3750. *3 bdmn tocnhonse sn tocs. 51350/montS plus utitities.. -2-1 bdrm housa $850/month & $1000/month plus utilisies. Ail in Milton. Cali Analora aI 905-875-1110 est. 247. ROOM for tant. Gentleman ptefarrad. $450.00 par montS. 905-878-3632. ROOM seat Mîltosi Mal. Parking & iausdry. No shift corS- ars piaase. $100.00/ceek. 905-878-0882. CRAFT VENDORS!! Book your space now for E.C.DRURY April 27 & 28, 2003 Hrs. 10-4 p.m. contact Shirley Duamet 878-0575 Ks and Pinkie cîsh t0 announce ISSur pnde, ione and happiteos on the entry of iheir sec son Jashan (Jash)i 010 their wodd. The star cas bomn on Fabraary 1lst ai 10.47 AM ceghîng 8 ibs 11iozo Big sîster Satina is ooerchelmed cilS îny on She atonal of Siet lîite broth- er Proud aunt and uncle are Saljit and Chamîît Kalirai. Sîmran Karan, and Amnia celcome their nec cousin aboard. Special thaeks to Dr. Hanter, Dr. Manis, and Dr. Mactegor. Aiso a big thanks to the staff of MDH, Special Care Nursery staff of OTMH and the ICU staff of MacMaster (Hamilton) PRICE, Dorothy & Matthew are ihsiiei lot assoance the sale amriai of their son Jack Bradley bomt Monday, February 3rd, 2003 aI 11:02 p.m., ceighing 9 Ibs. Aiso cecoming Jack is big brother Ryan and prousi grand- parents Danieta Debowy of Toronto and Judy & George Price ofi Misscssauga.Thanks t0 Dr. Wilikinson and the niurses aI Credit Valley Hospital. Share gour bundie of Il Jo, wlth thse worid! Oeil 878-2341 for details on how ta liat your baby annouincemnent SOIJTHWEST Bui glon / Matura suSdivisios. Spa- cios 3 Sesi onm tocs e home, 2 1/2 battis, ap- pliancas (inci canhar & -jet Laurie Goulding ofMilton 4-. siryer(, C/A, gas hirepiaca, an 4dru&JneWIId n cak-out 10 dock & large adAde JntWiwo Sackyard. Waliîg distance of Guelph are pleased to 4 10 al amenîties, inciudîng *ný artnounce the engagement of 4 GO. Junt seconds fromt O.E W. $1250/mo. Caiterduhe 905-693-8525. lé Andrea Marie - j.George son oi George & Helen Silaghi vi aif Calgary, Alberta ~ Milton Community Raseurce Centre Nursery SchooI Registration for Fali 2003 Brookvlle Country Playroom Wednesday February 26 9:15 - 11.15 a.m. Ebenezer United Church 12274 Guelph Lina N. of 20 Sideroad. Cherlsh Nursery School Friday February 28 9:15 - 11:15 a.m. 917 Nipissing Rd. Milton 905-875-0612 Day,Hans Peacefully ai Allendate in Mihas on Tuasday, Februanj Lyda Deys. Loning father of Vincent Paut and Tobey. Dear Opa of Zacrary and Samantha. Deary missed by his estended famity Tom, Bob, Case, Reik and Henk. Famdly and friends may gather aI the McKeraie-Kocher Fusera Home 114 Main St. Mitton 905-878-4452 for a Sernice of Remembrance on Friday Fetttsary 2lst 2003 etil :00 am. In lieu of fiowers, memnona donations t0 the Parkinson Society would Se apprectated by the family. ln the Edith Joyce obitsary Set great granddaughter Candice cats mjssed. We are sonry for this omtsson snd asy inconnenience cause Sp il. JOYCE: Mary "Ediffi' Eleanor (Ford) Peacefstiy ut Milton District Hospitl on Ftiday, Febrsay 14th 2003, Edith Joyce in Set 97th year. Wiie of the laies Finlay Joyce (1957). Loning mother and besi fiend of Don (Edna) Joyc, Bob (Evelyn) Joyce and Eleanor (Roy) Bouslîeld. Lovng grandmother of Stephen (Kim), Brian (Kathy), Ronald, Leeann (Dennis), David (Pai, B/il (Jeannie), Paul, Susan (Les), Joy (Bary) and great-grandmother of Rachele, Dylan, Graham, Nicole, Ashley, Mandy, Corey, Janine, Amy, Matthec, Michael, Candîce, Holly, Sara and Evean. Chenshed sister of Ada McCann and Ailfted Ford. Predeceased by brothers Jact and RaIFS Ford. Looiogly remembered by sisters-in-aw RutS (Jack) and Mildted (RaIFS) Ford. Liietime tesident of Halton and member of Scotch Block Women's Inabitute and Boston Presbytenian Charch. Fniends were reoeined aI the J. Scoff Eadp Fanera Home, 21 James St., Mikas (905- 878-2669) on Sanday, February l8th. A Fanerai Service wats haut on Monday, February litS f romt Boston Presbytenan Church Intervient foitowed ai Energreen Cemetery. As expressionts of sympath, donations to the Boston Presbytenian Charch Organ Fsnd wonid Se appteciated Sp the family. MacALEESE: Danlei Ian Peacetuiy, ai Scarboroagh Hospita - Geneta Divisio on Wednesday, Febrsary 19, 2003. Daniel Macleese in his 76th year. Loning hsand of Joan MacAieese cil Milton. Lontng tathet of Debra Bidgood, Anigie Patteson, V.ikie Hill and Robart Mactleese. Daniel ciii Se remembered by hSm grandchiidres andi gteat-grandchifdtei asd hSm nieces and nephews Survine Sp hSm scIser Inez and Set Sus bandi Ron Gaudet of Monkton, New Brunswick and fs brother-in-iaw Lloyd 'Brien of Montrea. Predeceusei Sp his aister Roberta O'Brien. A prinate famniip nîndabon arit be Saisi temi the J. Scott Earfy Fusiera Home, 21 James St., Milton (905) 878-2669.Ctematon cii take place, foliowei bp a psnvate iniassent aI Gien Daks Mateoai Gardes Oai e. Apr uain foJr in Jnts son, KnW Karen~ Wiso iunatlv fhelt Kanu menig aexrs hi doioeln, anrd nmeregir of srmmaehr, tchicf unre rernîin- llum he ots i,rt« a rdent uifn q 64 rien, eiioher, rnîthe-i-ifiu- gren ne d rgrilen r t myn riathamkm iu J. Sotnaiunrv Faenea Hnorne. Wdfiam B.-B &famnmity Il 'I ATTENTION AU. LANOLORDS & HOUSINO SEEKERS Landlords - free advertlalng! PFrea ad os the Internet! *Free ad on Housing Board! *Free referratsl Housing Seekers-free search assistance! *Reniai vacancy listings! *Information on tenant rîghts & responsbiiities! *Foiloc Up & support! For more Information pieuse contact: The Hallon Region Houaing Help Centre 905-825-6000/1-866-442-5866 x71 42 www.region.halton.on.oa

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