The Canadilan Champion, Fniday, February 21,' 2003-23 'A' midgets dispose of Georgetown to reach semis Sy MURRAY TOWNcFNrD .àpecaý ïo i ne Utiampion The Mlilion Action Utility Midget AE teamn is on their way 10 the OMIHA semîlmials after a series ending 5-2 win in Georgetown. The Winterhawks took the series tbree games 10 none, with one lie. Sometimes you can say a win isn't pretty, but this one was. In an ugly sort of way. The Winterhawks were whacked, hacked and smacked, but the normally quick to retaliate squad kept their cool. Il was Georgetown's plan from the suari of the series to atlack Milton's soft underbelly and get iberu to lake retaliation penalties, according to coach, Chris Brennan. "They tried to gel undemeath our skin. We had 10 be foeused." The actual game was over pretly quickly when tan Komack banged home a rebound on a shot by Kyle Slrong 38 seconds mbt the gaine. A couple of minutes lter, Strong sel up Nik Cashmore for the second goal. For most of the first period, the Winterhawks peppered the Georgetown goalie like one of those tennis bail machines. 'Me only thing Georgetown could do was ice the puck or make sure they weren'l holding onlo il when Chris Wbiting was on the ice. Wbiting laid oui ai leasi haîf a dozen big hits during the game - not regular bits - but monster bangs. Milton goallender, Aaron Clarke, wbo could bave done bis homework for mucb of tbe firat period, put down his history books and'was beat on aý fluky goal tbat wenî off a skate front a cenler- ing pass. Strong, wbo needs five more points for 100 for tbe tes- son ( including toumnamrents) and five more goals for 50, gave the Anderson alone in iront of the net for the third goal. Jesse Cabrai sent Noie Coutrouzas in alone for the fourib and Iben Anderson rounded out the scoring wiîb help from Blanchard and Dan Lynch. The only tbing mnissing from the suari of tbe third period was an announcer screaming: "Lei's gel ready to rumble." Georgetown was ready, and with notbing 10 lose, tbey spent much of the third period nrying 10 start World War 111. Even witb sinting-ouî Georgetown players and friends fromn the stands calling Milton players a synonyru for kitty cals, tbe Winîerbawks were baving none of il. Milton spent the final frame laying back, working on a new sys- tecm, and trying 10 gel Anderson tbe hat-trick. And ignoring attempîs lu goad theru mbt figbts. Coach Brennan was pleased witb bis team's play. He acknowl- edges tbat discipline isn't an easy challenge, especially ai the midgeî age. The squad bad 1, 114 penalty minutes in 43 games going mbt the contest, but bad just four on tbe nigbî. So did anybody in parlicular stand oui in ibis game in the coacb's mind? Brennan pointed lu Blanchard, the leam's penalty minute leader, praising bis discipline, patience and faceoif skill. Brennan, a former junior coach and scout, runs a tigbl sbip, as evidenced by tbree players wbo were healtby scratches for tbe game. It sends a message Ibal if you're late for practice or break any learu rules, il's a breakdown in discipline and the learru con- cept. The Winterhawks now move onto the semnifrals against cither Ajax or Port Perry, it's believed. 'AA' midgets face elimination By MURRAY TOWNSEND Special ta The Champion They bad a slow siart and a slots finish, but in beiween, the Midgei A-A Milton Toyota Winterhawks were dynamnite in squaring tbeii OMHA semnifinal series againsi Woolwicb Tuesday nighl at one gamne eacb. Milton stumbled out of the blocks in the 4-3 victory. A power play goal, afier Kyle Gocrtz bad made a flurry of saves, put Woolwicb up 1-0. The Wildcats kept hammering away ai tbe Winterhawks for moal of tbe firat period, but fortunately for Milton, lbey couldn'i do a lot of damnage before the Wmîierbawks slarted playing for real. Milton dominated in thc second. Tbey swarmed tIhe Wildcat net like photographers at a Michael Jackson appearance, and were rewarded for their efforts. Chris Coates gol thingi going when he took a shot that came rigbt back let him off a Woolwicb leg. He took another shot thai inslantly replayed ilseif back lu bis stick and was prepared 10 take a third wbeit be losi bis balance and passed insîead 10 Adam Ruiz. Rutz look a shot tbai did make il 10 Uic net and Mark Galick popped in the rebound. Then in quick succession, Lee Frittenberg scored on a rebound from a Robert Wilson shot, and Galick added 10 the lead afler receiving a perfect pass for a break- away fromi Rutz. Woolwicb called timeout before Uiings got completely oui of band and the coach appeared 10 be explaining 10 bis leam that there wasn't a No Trespassing sign in Milion's end. Milton took a 4-I lead on an Andrew Evans power play goal in the third and then decided 10 give tbemselves a well-deserved rest that almoît cosl tbemn thc game. WIi about six minutes remain- ing, a Woolwicb player found him- self going in alune on Gocrtz 10 make the score 4-2 and tbree min- utes later, Uic samne tbing bappened 10 anoîher Wildcaî. Woolwicb tbreatened in Uic final minutes as Milton had problerus getling the puck oui of their own zone. Gocriz had 10 come up big. Standouis for Milton included Brett Tumer on defense, witb a couple of heavy bodychecks and good defensive pîsys that included a diving stop 10 break up a two-on- anc. Coates, as usual, was a tireless worker, and drew a key penalty wben he was the only forward on the ice during a two-man advan- tage. Most impressive for Milton was the fine of Mant Price, Evans, and David Tielemans. Ever-y lime tbcy got on the ice Uiey were a ibreat 10 score, and were ienacious and suc- cessful in their forechecking. Coach Amie Parcelîs didn't feel Uic teamn was able to keep Uic puck down low in tbe offensive zone, explaining the laie collapse. 'We've got 10 execule the game plan rigbt down 10 the buzzer." Woolwicb played in Uic same league as Milton during the regular season and wcre near Uic top of the standings, s0 Parcelîs isn'î sbowing any lack of respect for ibeir skill. "Tbey're a deceni team. We bave 10 eliminate ibeir lime and space 10 eliminate quality opportunities and odd-man rushes." WiUi Woolwich winning gamne one by a 3-2 score, the series fig- ures 10 be close al Uic way. On Wednesday in Elmira, Woolwicb won game Uiree, 3-1. The teams will be back in Milton tomnorrow at 8 p.m. at Thompson Arena and play Sunday in Elmira. Game Oive, if necessary, will be in Milton Monday nigbî ai 9:15. Sr.-'Stangs trimmed in semifinal By MURRAY TOWNSEND * Special ta The Champion They made il inieresting, but in the end lbey jusi ran oui of gas. * Milton District's senior boys basketball losi 60-53 in Uic Halion semifinals against Notre Dame. The Mustangs, playing ai home, looked as if thcy were going 10 mun away with il ai Uic start of the game. Justin Stanley stole the hall ai haîf court and drove for Uie two-banded dunk 10 gel things going. Johnny Christnik connecîed on one of bis patented drives, and Milton was Up 10-4 before the Irish kncw wbaî bit theru. Once Uic Irish knew what was binting Uicm, Uiey adjusted, and adjusîed well. Thcy started 10 put pres- Jsure on Uic Mustangs, cul down Uic lane againsi Cbristnik, and used their speed and passmng ability lu move Uic hall around. Notre Dame went on a nine-poini mun 10 start the second quarter 10 go Up 18-12. Milton District responded wiîb a six-point mun of their own 10 tic and wenî 10 the dressing roomn ai haîf-time down 25-22. The Irish had a deep bencb and kepi munning players in and oui of their lineup, wbile Uic Mustangs basical- Iy stuck witb their starling Oive. That allowed Notre Dame 10 maintain their pressure, forcing turnover afier tumover, and 10 tire out the Milton squad. Notre Dame was hittmng their shots, especially froru bcyond tbc tbrce-point line, and Milton wasn't. The Irish even bad lime 10 work on their off-season football pîsys. Every lime Cbnistntik antempted 10 go 10 Uic boop, be was gang tackled before he even got close. Notre Damne buili up a 44-33 lead againsi Uic tircd Mustangs, but Milton battled back. A Uirec-pointer by Cbristnik and a foui shot by Kyle Gocrtz broughî Iberu e sel MUSTANGS on page 24 urThe business ffiat considers itself immune to the necessity for advertising sooner or later finds itself immune to business.» Derby Brown prue. "My only concemn is it the guys lose their composure. If we maintain composure and disipline, 1 don't think anything can stop US.,,l If ibis game was any indication, nothmng is going to stop tbem. 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