2-The Canadian Champion, Frday, February 21, 2003 ew Y IN2Va Evn IN VENITORy REDUCTIO You saw them at the Auto Show, Now corne & Drive 0one off our lot! 2003 Echo 4 flPRHS s40O25 MSRP *39% PIRACASE PRMNHFRd dNHLEA SE FOR $199.00 $OMONEV DWN FOR AN ADOIriONAL '12 PER MONTII GET AuTOMA IC RNSMdissI 2003 Corolla $OMONEY DOWN R LEASE FOR $289.00 PER MONTN FOR 48 MONTNS FOR AN ADITIONAL '15.PR MONTH GET AUTOMA TIC TRANSMISSION PROUDLY BUILT IN ONTARIO 2003 Camry LE PRHS $24,800 MSRP 5.9 IANIV LEASE FOR $299.00' PER NOP4TN FOR 46 MONTUS WiTN $M12 DOWN 2003 RA V4 ~ %PURCHASK R 3.9%FINANCING'$26,210 PMSR LEASE FOR $299.00 noR MONTS FOR«M MONTNS WITN $4016 DOWN FOR AN ADOITIONAL $1&" PERMONTS GET AUTOMA ic TRANSNISSION 2003 Highlander $230MSRP 39 FINANCINO' rLEASE FOR $369.00 $OMONEVDOWN. PER MONrH FýOR48 MNTS WI $421DOWN FO AN A OITINAL 0 Ha'I2 O T ETAUrO A TIC TRANSMISSION 400 Steeles Avenue 905 875-1700 IA lT.Êoi Gu IIIRANM,,. wF~JL.... ~ -. Iauiich Ijob action Pie Halton District Schooi Board's 1,200 fu11 and part-time secondary teachers began work- to-mile sanctions yesterday momn- mng. Joe Harwood, president of Halton district of the Ontario Secondary Schools Teachers' Federation, said the sanctions mnclude teachers flot attending staff and department meetings, as well as flot filling out cumbersome report cards, which includes putting information into computer databases. Extracumrcular activities are flot affected by the sanctions, hie stressed. .1We're supporting extracurricular activ- ities and encouraging our members to par- ticipate in extracumrcular activities," Mr. Harwood said. "We're flot removing com- munication from the students. (Teachers) are focusing on the classroom." The Halton boards teachers have been in a legal strike position since Monday. They have been without a contract since August 31. A variety of issues are on the table, including salaries and working conditions, Mr. Harwood said. Union andi board negotiators met last week but little was accomplishied. It's flot clear when both sides will meet again. -/Champion wins two awards For Uic past 10 years, you've met hiîn at your spe- cial events andi scen bis pictures in The Champion. Now, for the second year in a row, Champion photographe r Grahami Paine bas been nominateti for Photographer Graham Pain. of thc Year in Uice()ntario Community Newspaper Association's 2002 Better Newspapcrs Competition. Mr. Paine is competing for Uic Ontario title wiUi two other photographers, from Uic Burlington Post and Peterborough This Wcek. He won second last ycar. Mr. Paine will fmnd out this ycar's results - whcUier hie finishes first, second or Uird - at a gala awards banquet in Toronto in April. 'There's no question Graham is one of Uic best newspapcr photographers in Ontario," saiti Champion Editor Karen Smith. "We're ail cheering for bum." AIso, The Champion reccived a thurd- place finish in Uice(3eneral Excellence cas- egorY amnong Ontario community newspa- pers with a circulation of 12,50010o24,999. "T7his award is significant particularly because due to circulation increases, we'Ire now compcting in a highcr class with big- ger ncwspapers," Ms Smith sald. Last ycar, Uic newspaper won second for General Excellence in Uic circulation class of 6,50010o 12,499. The Cbampion's circulation is now .-.âLwkO-ý 2003 Maitrix XR $20,925 USRP LEASE FOR $269.00 PER MONTH FOR 48 MONTHS WITH $3516 DOWN FOR AN ADOITIONAL $1S." PER UONTH GEr AUTOUA TIC TRANSMISSION See Milton Toyota for details. ,&% «& lw&*.Ut.4eA e e 4 4 ààà.à,# àý- . --l