TeCanadian Champion, Frilday, February 21, 2003-19 Fundraising campaign split into several divisions Photo by GRAHAM PAINE The Milton branch of the CIBC recently made ça corpo- rate donation of $2,076, heîping the local United Way sur- pasa !ts goal. Heoe, United Way of Milton executive direc- tor Anne Eadie accepta the cheque fram the Main Street bank's community manager Robert Gioacchini (centre> and branch manager Christine Sarte (right> as bank employees look on. 1'sn tor i I E on page 1 extreme amount of bard work by a group of dedicated volunteers," Ms Eadie said. The United Way of Milton bas been around for the pas: 20 years, using a vari- ety of metisods to raise money. The 2002 campaign was split into sever- ai divisions. The employers division contacted husi- nesses witls more than 25 employees and assisted them in organizing mn-bouse fund- raisers, payroll deductions and company donations. Another division used the good old mail box. Last year letters were mailed to Milton residents inviting them to donate . The special events division included the ever-popular Mayor's Golf Toumnament. Last year, the event included lunch, golfing and dinner a: Granite Ridge Golf Course. and brought in close to $70,000. There was also a dinner auction and a Christmas House Tour of festively-decorated Milton homes. There are volunteer commintees for each of the divisions. Ms Eadie said sayiosg thank you to those sssssissc in th1e carnpasgn doesn't secrn like enough. "It seems railser iosadequate - ifs two smail words for a huge effort. And we mut flot forge: tise donors. Without them, this truîy wouldn't happen.' Jim McQueen has been a volunteer with thse United Way of Milton for nearly seven years. Mr. McQueen, who is the director of corporate services and treasurer for the Town of Milton, said exceeding the goal wss the result of a lot of hard work. il thought St was a supenior effort last year. At tianes 1 wondered if we'd get there. It was a fairly exhaustive year for it." For the pas: two years, Mr. MeQueen has been the chair of the major employers camn- paign, and can often be found meetinsg with company heade, helping theos give employees opporinnities to support the United Way of Mihon in various ways. "I feel a commuassent to the communiy, and 1 enjoy the interaction working with the usies etM.C Qunsad GUMT A FRESH STARTI. Get SOLUTIONS now for: Credif Card Proberrs Loss of Job or Loved One Repossessiors Major Cash Flow Problerrs Wage Garnis4nnts Evictiors Persistent Bill Coliectors Judgements, Law Suits Student baon Delinquent Taxes Foreclosores Divorce Related Financial Pfoblemns PADN akrupscy can be aroid (aillus No charge for inacnslation PADDON+ 'unBy Appviaunent OnlS> YORKE INC. kiU 875 EPIR P- kT%-E, UNRSCE 225 Main Street East (Main & Martin St.) Milton A beiler soludwa' PULI IFR ATINCNR KNOLL REMO VAL & RESURFACING 15 SIDER0AD (REGIONAL ROAD 15>/FIRST LINE AREA TOWN 0F MILTON PR-1830 DAIt: 1%feedzyref.ILry 21, nu,3 TEME: 6:00 Pm- 800 Pm PLACE: »»aflCouwmni C*m (Brookviue HN 112S4 Giasph~ Te6ý1Awn of MIlton Halton Region is proposing to, remove two knolls on 15 Sideroad (Regional Road 15) between 1' Line and 450 m westerly and resurfaoe the portion of 15 Sideroad from lm Line to the Guelph Railway Spurline. In conjuniction with these works, the Town of Milton is proposing to build a walkway on the south side of 15 Sideroad from 1 s Line tothe Moffat Park. This Public Information Centre will provide you with an opportunity to review the project drawings and to discuss any potential construction disruptions from these proposed works. Halton's representatives wiII be present to answer any questions or concerns. You are invited to drop in any time duning the above-noted hours to review and comment on the proposed project. If you are unable to attend this Public Information Centre and wish to obtain more information or provide written comments, please contact either of the following: Brenda Kingsmiîl, Design Supervisor Ext. 7622 Kingsmil@region.halton.on.ca Doug Simpson Construction Supervisor Ext. 7744 simpsond@region .halton .on.ca PU LI IFR ATINCNR RECONSTRUCTION 0F TREMAINE ROAD (REGIONAL ROAD 22> FROM LOWER BASE LINE TO 1200 m SOUTH 0F BRITANNIA ROAD (REGIONAL ROAD 6) TOWN 0F MILTON PR-1942B Halton Region has completed the preîiminary and detaiîed design for the two- lane road reconstruction of Tremaine Road (Regional Road 22) from Lower Base Line to 1200 m south of Britannia Road (Regional Road 6) including the replacement of two new structures No. 22321 and 22322 over Indian Creek, in the Town of Milton. Construction is tentativeîy scheduîed to take place duning the 2006 construction season. A Public Information Centre wilI be heîd: You are invited to attend this Public Information Centre to revuew the detailed design and discuss any construction-related matters with representatives of Halton Region and Delcan Corporation, consultants on the project. This Public Information Centre wilI be an informai meeting and you are invited to drop in at your convenience. If you are unable to attend and wish to provide comments or receive further information about this project, please contact: Brende Kingemdl . Design Supervisor Ext. 7622 w, Ext Get nvolved. Stay Informed. ndyTelI, nstruction Supervisor .7619 felw@region. halton .on.ca Halton citizens have asked for more information about the proposed expansion of the Mid Halton Sewage Treatment Plant. To meet this interest, we are frquently adding new information to our Web site and Halton Ciizen Referenoe Library, and we have launched a hotiine at 905- 825-6000 ext. 7354 to make submitting comments much easier. And now there is another way to contribute to the decision-making process for this important Regional initiative. Halton Region is now seeking applications for a Ciizen Advisory Committee to help guide phases Three and Four of the Environmental Assessment process,a where issues like choioe of treatment technology, potential for odour, and other environmental, social and economic impacts wilI Contact us to leam more about how you can participate.HitnRgoaChrn