Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 18 Feb 2003, p. 8

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8-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, February 18, 2003 +Ctbampson Visi us ai 487 Laurier Ave., M878-2881 -/No time to be bored during March Break By STEPHANIE THIESSEN The Champion It's a sentence parents dread, but are destined to hear again and agamn. "Imbored." Sure, theres the annoyance factor - "Whrere did my cbild Ieamn to whine like that?" - but lets face it, there can also be a bit of gnilt if thse complaint cornes over the March Break and par- ents are workiaag. This year, why flot look into the wealth of chli- dren's programa offered around Milton over the Mardi Break? With programs offered by thse Town of Milton, Conservation Halton and the Milton Community Resource Centre, theres sure to be something to keep your child busy and give you a littie reen and peace of mmnd. * Town of Milton The Town of Milton will offer public swims and skates an its recreation centres, and wilI also hold thse March Mania Camp. Ail programs incorporate physical activity. It promotes healthy child development, which promotes a healthy self-esteem, which then helpa themn become better young aduins and adulte," said Janet Davîdson, co-ordinator of community programs. The March Mania Camp will be for chidren aged 560o 13 years and wiII mun from March lOUto 14 from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Milton Leisure Centre on Main Street. Parents can either regis- ter their chiîdren for the week, or juat certain days - a welcome option for some parents who stay home with their kids but just need a break, Ms Davidson said. The côat is $30 per day and $125 for thse week. Extended care is available. Each day wilî feature a different theme. There are day tripe mncluding tripe to Mounlsberg Conservation Area and mini-putting. Crafts and sports are also included, as well as skating and swsmnmg. "As tise years pass, (March Mania Camp) is becommng more and more popular," said Claire Dynan-Ford, customer service clerk an the Milton Leisure Centre. "Kids love the staff. They try to keep tise days packed as well as having down time. Ninety- nine per cent of parents are really iipressed with tiis program, and the kids enjoy it too," Ms Dynan-Ford said. Parents can register for this program at the front desk of the Milton Leisure Centre until a week before tise program. Call (905) 878-7946. Tise March Break Madness al-ages swim wil be heid at the leisure centre Mareh 7 from 8 to 9:30 p.m. AII-ages swims will also take place File photo by GRAHAM PAINE Maple SYruP Daya at Mountsberg Conservation Area are a popular March Break avant. March l0Oto 14 frorn 2:30 to 4 p.m. at Uic centre. Public skating wiIl be held at Memorial Arena, 77 Thompson Rd. S., Mardi 10, 12 and 14 from 1:30 to 3 p.rn. and at John Tondul Arena, 217 Laurier Ave., March 11 and 13 from 1:30 to 3 p.m. Milton Community Resource Centre For childeen aged 6 to Il1 years, Uic Milton Cornmuniny Resource Centre will hold its Ahl- In-One March Break Camp frorn March lO to 14 from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. at 917 Nipissîng Rd. Tise day camp features arts and crafts, sports, co-operative games, outdoor activinies, swim- rning, skating and a tnip to Uic movie theatre. Terri Cisessens, echool-age co-ordinator with the resource centre, said Uic low student no staff ratio is what sets the Marci Break camp apart from others. "Lots of parents who are new an leaving their cildren in a camp environmenn are hesitant. If their kids are left with a high number of kids, they're possibly non getting tise one-on-one atten- tion they might lie, and the group dynainics migh n fot be as personable," Ms Claessens said. "If parents have neyer dropped tiseir kids off before, the smali numbers would be comfort- The cost of the programi is $ 100 per week, $22 per day and $25 on orip days. Extended care is available at an additional eost. To register, cal (905) 876-1244, ext. 18. Conservation Halton Winter blahe wiIl be the farthest thing from your mind when you're at one of Conservation Haltons parka. "Theres tons going on," said Susan ONeil, marketing co-ordinator for Conservation Halton. Stop by for the Maple Syrup Days at Mounnsberg, where the park iv open daily from Mardis 8 to 16. You and your children can ne-y your hands making maple candy in the candy bouse, and smeil the sneam of boiling maple sap in tic wood-fircd evaporanor. There are also horse-drawn sleigh rides through tise sugar bush. And, of course, pancakes and syrup in tise park's pavilion. Tiseres also a birds of prey demonstra- tion, and children can visin the PIayBarn. Allow yourself 60 be cntertaincd by tise anties of the imber sport eam, and take in some musical per- formances. Mountsberg is open from 10 arn. to 4 p.rn. during thc Mardi Break. Its located just wesn of Campbellvillc. Take Campbeilville Road to Milburough Line and Uien foilow thc signe. Cal (905) 854-2276 for more information. Crawford Lake will also be open daily frorn 10 arn. to 4 p.m. during Uic March Break for its Sweetwater season celebranions. There will be Native-style maple demonstrations in the recon- structed Iroquoian Village, crafts, and combread dripping wiUi frcsh maple syrup - which can boughn an Uie gift shop along wiUi oUier maple syrup products. Sweetwater Day will be held Mardi 16 and wiIl feature Native storytelling and craft rnaking. Crawford Lake is just souUi of Carnpbellville, an Steeles Avenue and Guelph Line. You'Il see Uic entrance sign on Guelph Line. For more information, caîl (905) 854-0234. 0f course, Uier's always winter hiking, snow shoeing and bird wanching an Conservation Haltons parks, as wcll as ski and snow board camps for adults and children an Glen Eden. For more information on Conservation Hatons win- ter activities, visit www.conservanionhaînon.on.ca, or caîl (905) kupn woubNtn tuidi Programming Schedule - Tuesday, February l8th - Monday, February 24th, 2003 www.cogeco.ca 5,673sp Plugged ln Eat WMe Et n 5,667:3sp Plugged In! Eady Weel EdS 5 & np Pluge In! Early Wee« Edton 5,6,7:3tFnn Plugd ln! Lae Wee Edtion 567:3Opm Piugged In! Lan@ WeâI Ednion NORTH MALTON STUDIO 5:3p Senors Shswoase 5:3p id Conec ean 5:3pm Osler Hea6S Connecion 5:30p Faces Bowsen:Hageeik 530vni The nse is 6:3p spmis TV Elin (ice) 6:3p Swap TAk (Lice) 630pm Main Steel 6.3Opm Seniors Shocasev Launer Plaza proy0..e 4 8pU Halon Hils Cmd (F6 17) sp 202 Hockey Hetg Swars pm Haton Region Cunal (F96 12) 7pm Osier Healh Connec63nlFis unoSia ..m*hwlhee apm Main Street 7pm MOieH Acc 500 Launier Avenue UUmUou A"18eSprscELv Miton, ON L9T 4R3 905-78-9306

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