8-The Canadian Champion, Fniday, February 14, 2003 HJGH SHQQLREPORT ONTARTO MORTGAGE ACTION CENTRE LTD. 1993 "Your First Choice in Mortgage Financin g" PURCHASES *RENEWALS/TRtANSFERS e REFINANCES *PRE-APPROVALS 0 TELEPHONE/ON-LINE APPLICATIONS 0 CALL TrODAY!! 1Y AR .1- R 5- -ilAR4.5% 5O.A.C.RATE -3SU /(0* VisiTr OUR NEW OFFICE UN MILTrONMALL SHOPPING CENTrRE (905) 875-2333 IÀ%Ms a g ÉAuAa 0% a %àu - VARIABL -os9% WvW.UjMAÇ-MORT IUAGES.COM HEAD OFFICE 131 WHARNCLIFFE RD. LONDON I 'TUE ROYAL REPORT"P' Jenna Masciantonlo Meredithi Murphy DISNOP REDINO 1109 SCIGOL Dear Doctor Luv, l've tried everything to get her attention. What arn 1 doing wrong? 1 think about ber ail the time. When Student Govemment played those cheesy love songs Monday momning 1 just couldn't get ber cute little face out of my mind! 1 sent ber three heart-o-grams but 1 don't tbink she ever got them. Hoping MATCHMAKER could cheer me up, 1 bougbt mine at lunch. Frantically reading over the sbeets for my loves name. 1 was once again disappointed. Tbinking my luck would soon change 1 bought a ticket to guess how many jellybeans were in the jar (I'm quite gifted with numbers you know). It tumns out that 1 was more than 675 jelly beans off, who knew you could- n 't guess negative numbers anyway? With a heavy heart 1 dragged my feet into the gym after school to, catch a Junior Boys Basketball game. It was great! The team was ail dressed up in Valentine's Day colors, red and white. I don't know what EC Drury was thinking though, they were ahl dressed in green like it was St. Patrick's Day or something. Anyway the red team bet the green team 71-22, but even that didn't cheer me up. 1 knew 1 stili had to, go home and deal wîth the little lady of the bouse. Sbe's so cute, cuddly antd wonderful, 1 just don't understand why Scruffy (my kitten) races up a tree whenever I'm around. Please Doc ya gotta belp me win ber love. I've tried balîs of yarn to catnip, what can I do? Sincerely, Anonymous BR Fact of the Week: The average person spends two weeks of their life kissing. Mogan Cavon Stoph Crighlon MILTON DISTRICT BIoc SCIGOL "MUSTANG MESSENSER" Als fair in love an war. NO]'! War s flot foie. and il can destroy as much as love con create. Today is Valentine's day. and despite the impli- calions towards love most thoughts are tnrned towards war, or peace. There ar posters scattered aroond the school. rging stodeuts ta jOin the march for peace at Yonge in Toronto tomnorrow. There are stili some things thot remind us aouot the reason for today. Mony of them may lie cheesy. lbnt MatchMaker and candy grams do get the point across. Coming up next week ai sehool... we have option sheets. which were due on Thiursday for the grade I 2s and OACs. and iodoy for the other grades. Also. an attention 10 parents. If you haven't reccived yonr child's report cord i coutd lie because they have ouîsîouding moteriats. Please, get these items retumed to receive the report. Also. The North Hation Liierocy Association wiltlie runniug o fundraiser here ai MDHS on February 28th. On o more artistic note... the MDHS baud raveted to Wl Dîck middle sehool to perform. On February 26th ihey willi ravel ils Markham to compete. Ha Ha Ha! Are you into comedy and taaghs? Then the Second City Comedy Group witl definiiely inieresi you. They wilt lie perfortning soon. so watch for more advertisemeuîs and information in the Champion. Gentlemen of Milton HS. don't forget ta standnsting off ast year's suit. Semi-Forinat. Btack Tie Affair.* wilt lie held on Thursday. March 6th, dhe day before March Break. Tickets wilt go on sale wiihin the fient couple of weeks. Tickets wilt also lie going on sale for the giani pep rally happening on Monday in honour of the senior boy*s hasketbatt team, and their advance- ment int the semi-f-inats. They ended the regular season with 10 wîns and no losses, for the firsi tîme in Mustang History. They beat Oalcvitle Trafalgar las week 56-44, and finished off Loyoîa ou Monday with a score of 61-55. The pep ralty witt lie an opportuniîy for sindenîs ta watch aur faniastie cheerleadîng tearti, and cheer ou aur boys as ihey starn their game ai 3:30 p.m. Tbey deserve our support, afier ait the work that ilry've doue ta, get ibis far. Go 'Stangs! 'Me swim tram also triumphed tant Friday ai MM. Robinson in their second tasi meet before O.FFS.A. Jeu Porenta won boili ber events (obviousty!). the hundred fty and the hundred free. Michelle Ctaessous beat ont the competition in the hundred breasistroke, and Siephanie Fennelt won the hundred backstroke, atong witb being 2nd in the two hundred individuat medtey. Ail in ail, the temm did owesomne. and are welt prepared for iheir next dive inua the world of competiiive swimming. Everyihing ai schoot is running alang smoîhly. so enjoy your signîfi- coni ailier, or besi bads ioday. and have a retaxing weekend. Check oui Toronto lomorrasu if you are înieresîed in the peace mardh.I. hs Valentînes Day. so remember. -Make love. nai war." DATE161NED.. Julianna Clarke Sara Grimbly Jordan Lumb Cupid's gettin' busy today; taking aim and striking hearts everywhere we look. That's night, your favourite day of the year bas arrived agamn: Valentine's Day, and everyone is lovin' and ivin' it up. We know you've been cramming yourselves full of Valentine chocolates al week long in preparation for the big day, but we hope that you saved some roomn for Beaver's Baked Goods which will be sold in the locker bay today, ending their third day of sales. Sales will be taking place during 3rd and 4th period, so make sure that you didn't receive any candy from a secret admirer through Kaptain Kandy's love note service. But don't wonry, there are still sweets after Valentine's Day, as Honest Emie's will continue to be open periods 2, 3, and 4, with their ftfty-cent specials continuing to entice and plump up Drury students. Good luck and lots of love to our swnnmers, who will be taking a short trip to Guelph next Tuesday to compete in GHAC. This will be a qualifier for OFSAA, and among the swirnmers attending are: Steph Silekers, Daniel Iwasa-Madge, Kristen Mcllroy and Rachel Robinson. Also in action, Drwry wrestlers will be com- fortable at home as they host GHAS, for the 1 st ever OFSAA 4-peat If you haven't already found a date for semi-formal, hopefuly Aphrodite was looking over your shoulder dur- mng the fashion show, putting a tinle ini the eye of that special someone. The fashion show is aimed at helping students determine fashion do's and don'ts regarding this upcoming event. Thanks to ail who participated. This year's fashion show couldn't bave been sucoessful with- out you. For those of you who have yet to decide whether you're, gomng to attend this year's semi-formal, the deci- sion will be made for you tdis Monday, because ît's the last day that tickets will be sold. Ail grades are welcome, it's gonna be a blast, so make sure that you don't forget your camera. But if you do, tiiere are sure to be plenty of pictures in this year's yearbook for $30, or $35 if you want it personalized. (See Mr. Fiorilo or Crystal Shortt if interested) But we're sure that you'll be making your own special memonies this weekend with your loved, one. Happy Valentine's Day to ail you love-sick puppies! We'll see you next week..