-,More than 19 % of Milton maies are smokers: survey The Canadian Champion, Fridav, Fetwuarv 14, 2003-S By JASON MISNER The Champion More than 19 per cent of Milton maies are smokers.* That's according to a 2002 York University health survey. Resuits were reieased to the Region's heaith and social services commit- tee iast week. Between January and October of iast year, 1,000 maies 18 years of age and older in the region were asked via a telephone survey if they smoke. Overall, the survey shows a littie lesa than a quarter of maies in Haiton ight Up. Haiton His maies- more than two-thirds of them - ight up more cigarettes compared to each of the region's other municipaiities. The percentage of maie smokers in the municipaliiy, made up of Georgetown and Acton, came in at 38.3 per cent. The municipaliiy whcre maies ieast prefer a drag is Oakville, where 19.1 per cent smoke. In Milton. 19.3 per cent of maies smoke and in Burlington, it's 25.5 per cent. It's the most recent information the Region's heaith department has on smoking jitterns among maies. At the committee meeting, Milton and Oakville regionai coun- cillors - dse two municipaiities with Use lowest rates of maie smok- ers - were quick to point out that their municipalifies were the oniy ones with byiaws requiring public places to be 100 per cent smoke- free, and Usat, they say, must have been a partial reason for Use susail- er numbers. Haton's Mediçai Officer of Heaith, Dr. Bob Nosai said Use sur- vey was conducted during a time' when Use various smoking bylaws were just coming into effect and didn't have a chance to influence Use finai statistics. Burlington, Halton His, Milton and Oakville each have Ueir own smoking byiaw. The Region is iooking ai re-opening taiks about a region-wide smoking byiaw. The Region wiii examine the smoking survey to sec what it al means. Tenry Deimore, an epidemiolo- gist with Use region's health depart- ment. said just as important as fmnd- mng out why people are smoking is informing Usern Usat smoking can uitimately kil. Data shows tobacco is one of Use Ieading causes of death in Canada, killing 45,000 people each year. "We know tmoking is Use major cause of various cancers, heart dis- ease, respiratory disease and strokes," Mr. Deimore said. "lt's Use major lifestyle factor Usat caus- es diseases." He emphasized it's difficuit to compare Uese numbers to Heaith Canada statistîcs - the most com- mon body 10 consuit so find smok- ing numbers - because Usose sur- veys traditionaiiy include people 15 years of age and older. DL. Notai said Use smoking num- bers in Use survey speak to Use iarg- er issue Usat Use Ontario govem- ment shouid he instituting a 100 per cent smoke-free byiaw, rather than ieaving it to iower-tier munic- ipalities to decide. He said he believes that might heip curb smoking. -You won't gel any disagreement from medicai officers of hcalth (in the province) on that,' he said. EQuick Lube Service We use Quaker State 011 and Fram 011 Filters YOUR MSafety Checks M rakes M214 Wheel Aignnent MCooling System Service MEngines MQuaker State Oil, Lube& Fran iluFiters MComiputer Analysis MTune Lips CAR REQUIRES MHidden Hltch M Fxhaust MSuspension Service MTire Rotation & Balancing '?- MGeneral Tires OTso MTransmissions & Service DRIVE MElectrical CLEAN MAir Conditioning Accredited Test MShocks & Struts & Pepair Facility Jltok You to al who paricipatdI th* Downtown Milto Sweethear Drow - ~.- ~ ~ .4... 1n 1SIPRIZE $7 nDOWNTOWN DOLLAR towards dinner at ony one of our wonderful restaurant, Sarah Bradley Miltonman mOntarlo st s. (905) 693-9207 M www.ulkbrn.c Quaityvalu andseleti4 i- ' snc 18 ýlawimàl i ONS kr F -U W 5 -. e .-FtS - I21Y lo Premium Quality and Freshness Guaranteed eFresh stock arrves weekly, over 4,000 items including: * 200 types of candies, chocolates, gummies and sugarless sweets * Baking supplies - raisins, prunes, dried fruits, sugars, mixes, nuts, spices, speciaity flours * Snacks - over 100 of your favourites, snacking nuts and mixes * Herbai Suppements, Heaith Foods and Organic Products Ganada's largest buik food retailer & ioîwek .ntoî îily i I~d( i' o< tînsaviidut nOn 11 i J- '?te'e~'Vs ~' '1$. Y van, ,,ps-. e p 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 O O O mmmmm mm mm Whlet Ple s st tOn adiertsed Sems we reserve die rgMte iemt quanssies, No dealers pase, rýý t"- -" 1