171 - q The Canadan Champion, Friday, February 14, 2003-15 i/Ha1ton EMS' recent food and toy drive a huge success The generosiny of Halton resodents and staff at Halton ENIS thaonkrd the Milton !i hiFFi, faces over the past few months. Over one ton of non-perishable food items and new toys were received through donations to the 2002 Halton EMS (Emergency Medical Services) Food and Toy Drive. L . r î or J I l 1 -1 o. A C (-)I j IGA, Oakville Wal-Mart and Georgetown Loblaws. Donations collected in each cominuni- ty have been given to the local brancis of thse Salvation Army for distribution. "Mhe local businesses that support the drive eïotn, saod o{egoonai Chaosoran Joyce Savotirte. 'We thank them and ail residents who opened their hearts during the holiday season." Thbis was thse aecond year for thse food and toy drive, which is quickly becomning an annual tra- dition for Halton paramiedics. The donationa three-quarter ton of donations coliected duning the 2001 holiday season. Hatton paramedics wiil begin the 2003 Food and Toy Drive in November. For more inIformaltione cail Halton Region EMS at (905) 825-«07, ext. 7111. ~i4am9vUlwcwm Vs, YOM nauE OUGUUOO amysin.kU JEEP 11MM OR DA»uCUYSULCAo Vm culeuer relatif *. Aum Plit fle are rrfea ornie ofreres wfoofl rny Mlo be coerr6ared wifl offrer allers; eaoepf Grarfuafe Reaai arrd apply to refari deloerres on ooo foew hisf08 2003 veNlees, RefarOr orderifrade ma e rneessary. i*Lea/sefiaorrrg sub0cf fo approoa b Chrysir Froaorua Caoaa See reftaier for complets eMIeS and mediOce -Calh Praiase lrrme eootudes frergfr hoerrS tare regisfralton a00 refafier administration charges and i apprlratle worrto f0arsh purttrases 0f Dodge Caraoa 20oAGR ard Dodgo Girand Caraoan 28Ho0RflrONCo60. If cuorrer choosos r. purcirase 'oro, fie negofiated prrco rnay be bihor Cash pochase osro me d " tsaeoyo leaanierrOrnts tLeases am basedoaoo 48rr otass for 0000e oehrries oqrapped as descoiberi of0oe Caravar 2fdAGf arrd Dodge Grarrd Carafao 28KoORVoONCoPBU. lofai base obligation o $17,207 woOr 84f180 doreo on SXT Caraoan 280 aod e2, f oofh 1480 do*e on Grand Caravan 28H. Lease finance retffle raies are 2-3% on Caravar n 3.33 on Grarnd Caraoaa Kilorelres imoitt f 81.600: charge of$0 f 5Au00 for eocess tonretres. *0% prerchase hrrarong un mmoO 2003 Ctooster Jeep, Doroge veocles up f0 48 morfls. tEample $25000 00% APR/46 flforh teri ororroy oaymaint o $520.83. 0otf rorroig is $0. Tl oiOge- lona rit $25.500 Offrir does 00f apeip f003 Dodge 00 2.0. Viper. ai0RAM Pickups and Jeep Liberty Il tfre 0 Orrarroig is co . te effectro loferest rate ard the ieflcosf 0f Oorrovig is as olore for the $258000 4.29% and$2.250. Eoampes baser! on0% pho se froarrorog for 48 moni OtDilrhrysr eaui pay pour 500ft pay- rntr up o a mrnerrn of $5W oasa12003 60000s aot ad 2003 porchaso fioarotog conrtracta up f0060 montrs. Offer d000 flot appIy fi fliper models. Purofrese fnrooolese exclurde frergflft faines, regist0atio, fice0e, irourarce, a00 retarOt admnistration charges ttWarrny oalid for ail opew 2M veflies fo 7 yars or f1f 5,06rro rfiofes C or cornes finit Soom conditroos ape ASee rearter for Mears. Jeep os a regisred fradernarr of OairrierChrystr cororton lisait rder icernse 6v Oaoote fiyse Carnada 50c a Mrtfrhi oreed subsodary or Oarmier hryOr Corprafion