-,Driver wasn't badly injured A Georgetown man was trapped Department Acting Captain Wilter 5i" The Canadian Champion, Friday, February 7, 2003-45 with a tractor-trasier Wednesday aftcmnoon1 The collision happencd at about 1:30 p.m. on Regional Roati 25, just north of James Snow Parkway, in front of the Chalet Restaurant. "We used what wc cail Uic jaws of life to, spread Uic door spart to gel Uic driver out," said Milton Fie job doing it. it took about a minute- and-a-haMf tu gct Uic man oui." The driver of Uic pick-up truck suffcred minor injuries and waa taken to Uic hospital by ambulance. The driver of Uic tractor-trailer, a Toronto man, wssn't hurt. Captain Rice said Uic driver of Uic pick-up was "a very lucky was more damage to thc passenger side of Uhe vebicle. If Uhe driver's side of the pick-up had been lit more directly, thc situ- ation would have been more seri- ous, Captain Rice said. No charges have been laid at Ibis time. The investigation la continu- ing. /,,Tracetor-trailer slides into duplex Icy conditions on a Regional Road 25 drivcway, norUi of No. 15 Sideroati, causeti a tractor-trailer loaded with 100,000 pounds of apples to side into a duplex carly Tuesday. Halton police said Uic incident just north of Milton occurrcd at about 4 a.m. when Uic driver of Uic norUi- bound truck wss attempting to tom around in Uic dniveway. Police saitheUi truck struck Uic duplex, causing only tninor damage to Uic home. No one was injured ti Uic incident, bowever Regional Roati 25 wàs closed between No. 5 and No. 15 Sideroads for about 45 minutes wbile a tow truck pulletheUi truck off Uic icy drivcway. EQuick Lube Service We use Quaker State OÙi and Fram OÙi Filters YOUR CAR REQUIRES 9Saféty amecs 9~ Hfiddon Hfitch Drakes ['Exhast 214 Whe.l Alignment [ uspenion X«ic ['Cooiing system sSvice r~ ire Rotation & Baiancing Engines ['Glanerai Tir.sONSI Quaker stat. 011, Lu"e a~ Tanmiss.ions, & service DRIVE From oit Fiters El'£lectioi CLEAN Computer Analy3s ' Air Condlioning Accrediteti Test nul [u îscesasat & Repair Facility 10 stai Top measL r u11 M ýý4% rCent Islnd New Style, N.W Coot sle top. SoWid Oak Mmski Dkh7g SLte. nchoices. Seats up to 12- Qihe styles to choose fromr. i s56« x 4M" 10 IabuIous colours "à"lbl. SOUnI 0F 401.iT GUEJLPH IXNE, CAIMPBELLVILLE (905)854-0649 w m w. f i ne oâ k t h i n % . le o m aP Ê 10',r NIS1 AD SLI AKFUNIUE 1&blyfefatre from the pc (oe 3ars fo r ie"ueBid parogam &,TeSruild rgaoi a funding partnership of the Federal and Provincial governments, requiring municipal and community funding support, that contributes to the development of communiry infrastructure. The Town was able to put forward an application showing community partnership with financial contributions and/or services in kind from a number of local businesses and service clubs. Thse SuperBuild projects include: " Re-development of Rotary Park Outdoor Pool and a new park building " Final design and development of Lions Sport Park including thse Skate park " Re-developmenî of Drumquin Park *Walkway lighring improvements ro, some existing trails *Implementation of tbe Trails Master Plan. New trails will be developed to connect our exisring and new urban arèas including trails tbrougb woodlots, along tributaries, and exisring utiliry easements. *Design and re-development upgrades to Melanie, Fa>', and Thompson Parka Mohawk Siot Proceeds Support Our Community Tbe current policy of Milton Council of allocating rthe slot revenue places a major empisasis on funding infrastructure in lieu of oriser sources of funding. Witbout tisis new source of funding capital peoecs would bave to, be delayed, reduced i0 scopeor edfro debt wisic would impact on propeet>' taxes in future years. Town Council bas a bigb interest in supporting the community in otser ways as well, and bas aflocated $500,000 annually to the Milton Community Fund and $225,000 annually for atiditional policing services in thse Campselîville area. If tisis source of funding were to be reduced or eliminated, then it would creare a nerd to restructure the timing, scope and financing of infrastructure, and retisink support for the communit>' fund and extra policing services. Tbe Town of Milton receives this funding as a result of an agreement with tise Ontario Lotter>' & Gaming Corporation. Tise amount received ecish year is calculated based on a percentage of total revenue at the Mohsawk Siot location. To date, tbe municipality bas received tise following; amounts: Because it las nor a consistent amount, Milton Council reviews tbe total revenue proceeds annually, te determine tise allocation for eccs new year. To date, *88% bas been designated to support projects in tbe community, - road improvements, new equipment for fire services, park and building eiancements, new equipment needed to support tise upkeep of Our roads and parka. *8% bas been allocated to thse Milton Community Fund, wisics provides support ro communi>' organizations, and individuals wbose primar>' purpose is to provide activities tsar enisance thse quality of life within our communit', or enbance tbe image of tbe Town. *4% bas been allocared to Halton Regional Police to support increased police services in our communit'. In 2003, Council approved continued support for tbe Milton Community Fund and over 4.5 million dollars to support projects to be undertaken by tise municipality Some exanspies are: " New and upgraded Lire protection equipment " Intersection improvements ait Main Street and Wilson Drive *Road improvemnents on Derry Road, 6cis Line, and Puslinch Town Lsne *Sidewalk and bridge repaies *Road imp rovementa ro, Lydia, Sarahs, Garnet, Sydney, Elm, George, Court and Broadway streera *Technology Services *Melanie, Fay, and Thompson Park impeovemnents *Wslkwsy and lighring improvemnenra y- NEED INFORMATION ABOUT OTHER TOWN SERVICES? Cail 905-878-7252 or TTY 905-878-1657 Visit out Web site at www.town.mijton.on.ca 1Im[tI _le