V _ The Canadian flhamn-iea Foeleles r-hn, 7 9(51502 I&CWUSBR MN5753 CiLasi fiedm - MARRIAGE M The families of Alyson Rammo and Dave Wilson are delîghted to announce their I marri .age at thte Melia Cayo Coco, Cuba, on S January 2, 2003 I I Il Il I \,,ENGAGEMENT llaeh & Maria Johastone alang with Reg Anne Mare Zwolman are deliglted ta announce the engagement of thelr chi1- dren Sommer Johnstone and edngBlair Flood Wdigta take place June 28, 2003 Congratulations wilh lave and besl wishes our amlj bedraorn, aveilable, sn- claties appliasces, ulili- lias and parking. Aiea commercial office space. 519-856-4900. TWO badroom base- ment apartmeni, sape- cale enirance, Dorsal Park. Close 10, scitools.' Ulililies includati. Firsi/lasI. Availabla irs- mediaely. 905-875- 3921 3 Greenpar Semis evailabie April 24, May 29 & Juiy lai. Brandi new, 5 eppliances. $1 550/monlth + silties. 905-854-3435. 5bedroom larm house on Guelph Lina. $1650/mo. + stililies. Oeil Pina ai 905-854- 1234 BEAUTIFUL iwo bed- room main Iloar of itousa. 6 nete appli- ances, itartiwooti/file iloors, ANC, yard & park- ing. $1095-00 + utlules. Non-smokr preferreti\' MILTON. Available Merci, lai. 4 betiroom, 11/2 baltroomes, lamily roors, backyard ail lenceti, ail broadi loometi. $1450 + ulili- lies. 905-854-1023. Rural Exocuive R«nhi. Beautilul rancih bungalow wth acreaga in tiesimabla rsral sel- iing, 2 car ailaclie aN* rage, inground swiei- ming pool, spa mors anti mueit more. $2100 + utiiiies. References required. Cal Kerr Re- ahty Management Lti. ai (9051l 876-0407. 4 om 1IIo 1/ aTo.wn- hoe. 1s 2r bttis. fcin-r ishati basamani. $1200 + utiliias. Cali Ras Furik 905-878-7777. MILTON 3 & 4 bad- moims availabe imme- tiieieig plas a el 905- 876-2581. MILTON 3 bedmoom. Fa- milymoom. 4 appliencas. Near GO siaiion. Avaeu- able immadiaaly $1258 + itilties.905-803-92671 2 ROOMS la rani far te- apansible peopla. Sharei amenitias. $1 10/waek inclusive. Negaliabla. Cali 905- 876-1216. ROOM for rani. Gentla- mas praferrati. $450.00 par month. 905-878- 3632. s E CRAFT VENDORS!! Book your space now for E.C.DRURY HIGH SCHOOL'S Spring Craft Sale April 27 & 28, 2003 Hrs. 10-4 p.m. contact Shirley Dusmet 878-0575 Milaon. A aery apaaail titenk you ta Dr. Sitarma asti lte Labour & Delivery staff ai tite Oakvitle-Trafalgar Mamnal Hoapital. CAMPBELL, CHAD AND CINDI mnes Ketitiaan anti big sisiers Jardes, Darn, Bniar ant isns are mhlet l annnce the amva ai TMi Robert Chtadweick. Bars an Decamber 2nti, 2002 weîging 7 bs 8 aza. Tala as the firai grantisan ar Juiy anti Rab Gray of Guelpt anti Carol anti AI Keslaas ai Milaon. Specia lianka la everyane aimte Milaon District Hospitl, Dr. Hanter anti Dr. Bacall. DAL BELLO, Fablo ant Tara mnes Carras) are mhilleti la announce lte arrisai ai Angella Mary et Daliviffe Trafalgar Hosptal an ritiay Jasuany tOth, 20103 ai 9:48 ams weigiig 7 lits, 4 aza. Angela es telcamati by prasti grastiparanis Tamn, Sitega anti Dave anti ail iter aune, arides asti cosies. Titanka ta Dr. Sitarma anti staff a OTMH. Grandparanis AI L.and PINSENT: Frank & Manaon Pissent ai Milan wishito annauns; 6 weeks early lte biris ai meir iret grand- ciit Malhow SIsephse. Mallte anrie aI 9:06 AM Febniary 4th, 2003 at Dakvale Traligar Haspial ai a eitoppitg 4 lbs 51/2 aza. Titenk you lamth parents Sispiton & Amest (ses Dolas> for mhe wontierui git Lana & Beal Wites Dad & Mars Pinsant Praut AusIs Citeryl & suse & Uncle Frank PASOILE, Joli and Kao (ses Mattinsan) anti big broflite Matte west la announce lte sale arrvai ai EllMi Jsllrey an February 2nd, 2003 at 6:61 pst weigiting 7 lit 13 az. Prasti grantiparanla ara Eaie and Uinda Mailinsan ai Milaon & Allen asti Saly Pesquale of Missiseauga. A speal tank yos la Dr. Blueenkie, Dr. Deppiscit Nurses Trisit anti Trui anthe Ward 3C nurses aI Credît Valley Haspital. Etan teaulti aiea lise la itask Daticy anti Nasny for ail ltes support in mhe tieiiesy mont. - NO - STRACHANIDONINE Douglas and Maria are thitnlet ta annaunce the sala amvai ai mheir sos Nicliolas Donine Siraclian an Saturday, December 281h 2002 ai 3:45 PM in Osisle. Praist grantipanents are Jacki anti Jean Siracitan at Milaon, asti Edmir anti Janele Donine ai Brazi. Atua welcomisg Nicitalas ta the lamiy is AunI Eaine ani Uncle Peu, and cauins Craig anti Scalt Siaver ai Milaon. Lats ai hsgs andi ssas frois evesyana in Brazil, whit catit mail la see Nicitas! Specal titanks ta Dr. Sitarma and the teantersi nurses ai Oakvifle Tralalgar Hosptal. Fangly & fie*d are invmed f0 Celebrafe Elinor Browns MOf Brtdas Safurday February 8fh 2 prn- 4 Pm St. David*s Presbyfedan Church 130 Main Sfree North CampbelMle,. Onfrlo Bes Wishes Onli Stag &Do. for Aàmy Bat". a Jordan Marahal Saturday F.bruary Sth, 2003 Mifton Legion 8:00 Pm $10 per ticket <available et dui doo> Door Prix.., Raffes, Buffet &D.J. MOUY MAM Provicles a fil reaidentiai deaning service. One âame clecas avaiâlab. Let us tace cane of ai your deasing need. Fer a no ceas, ee obligatien, in herne resmase, please cail 905-877-3443 Mom- affoiabl ha <loi tua hink ýÇW LCOME% SiNve 1930 *New in town? *Getting married in 3 months or 1more? *Having a baby? *Establishing a new business? PLEASE CALL US Community Welcome Linda 905-854-1563 * Doris 905-332-4799 Elize 905-693-0313 Baby & Bridai Grace 905-319-1110 1111111l""'b- F',00r, ir D zbcmml 915ý 0c-re-4H0UTRI