The Canadian Champion, Fniday, February 7, 2003-ll Weight'sjust been pouring off me these days ap# flot bcmng a fat guy is flot being able to make fat-person jokes. 1 like fat joket. People make them, about me and I laugu; 1 make themn about other people and 1 laugh. But, if l'm flot a tubster, 1 can no longer make them, or have them made about me. That meant lett laughter. Pretty toon, I'm going to have to refer to lard butta as horizontally challengcd. l'm stili a tubbo, but l'm in the Champion Weight-Lost Challenge and the weight is pouring off me like chocolate tyrup down the mouth of a 1 chunkater' cat- mng a banana aplit. It'a flot that l'm intensitive to people who are fat because they can't help it. But, 1 have no sympathy for the fat ladies on those daytime television ahowt crying because their husband doetn't want to be with themn anymore just because they weigh 280 pounds more than when they got married. They cry, 1 laugh. They say it uhouldn't matter what they look like, but once their hutband leaves they make a special effort to lose weight to look good. Oh, it's important now, but it wasn't before? Anyway, my own barde with the bulge startcd when 1 was a kid. My mother told me if 1 didn't stop eating she'd have to buy my clothes from, the husky boy section. Few things are as terrifying as the thrcat of havmng to wear husky boy clothes. I managed to avoid that, and was actual- ly pretty slim through my teenage years and early twenties when 1 weighed 185 pounds. Now, I've come pretsy close to tip- pmng the scales, fiterally, ai 300. 1 admire people who have bast a lot of weight - flot because of the way they look, but because of the telf discipline they need to invest to make that accomplish- ~ - GEORGETOWN CINEMAS 25GUELPH STREET 873-1999 O JUSTr MiARRIED[1 Daily 7:0 &9:00 p.m. Sat & Sun. 2:00 p.m. THE RECRIUIT r Day 6:45 & 9:00 p.m. Sat & Sun. 2:00 . *KANGAROO'JACK taily 7:00 p.m. Sat. & Sut. 2:00 p.m. A AGUYVTHINGE 9:00 p.m * a,*IAvalhi et Rom, Allergy, Asthina Migraine, Fatigue, Arthritis, Shoulder, Insomnia, Stress, Stroke ..ail kinds of umbness. àXëÀK PAIN? Cao b. stopped or greaÉly improved within 5 seconds! To prove it, tat treatment ia Free! The bes treatment isto let thse body cure itself. But it is only possible when Use body systein is fully balanced. YinYang5Element Tbeory is the sophisticated science of controlliuig and regulat- ing the balance of Use body. The mosu powerful method of controlling YinYang5Elements of Use body is FE.A. (five elements & energy acupuncture). This procedure stunulates a coin- bmnation of special energy points hidden wiUsin the body, and can only be perfoemed by a bigh- ly experienced specialist. Most pains can be controlled rigbt away!! James Kim is Use only FE.A. specialisi in Toronto. F.E.A. specialist Dr. Ac. James Kim 416-788-3837 7460 Arr Rd. South of Steeles Avenue <Aiiml M<dmkicen&e> 4915 Bathurst St. (#216) Toronto Office Hours: Taronto 3:004:OOpm Mississaua 8:oosm - 2.OOom wasn't proud of themselves for losing a lot of weight, or those around them, who weren't also, proud. l'm proud of them even if I don't know them. It's not easy, as I've already learned in just a week. l'm going to the Beverly Hillu Weight Management Centre as part of the Champion Weight-Loss Challenge. I started a day later than 1 was suppoted to because I had a coupon to get a free Big Mac if I bought one. How could I reaist that? I'm reaitting it now. I've even changed We are pleased f0 welcome Kristine Thompson to our Sales Staff. Kristine is an experienced Chrysier Sales & Leasing Professional and is Iooking forward to serving the Milton community, here at her new home. Go'o 1Luwk KIrWXmO/ I2003 00M0 CARAVAN~ o my large double double coffe been ordering smnce Tim Hortc playing for Use Toronto MapleI Now, I get one creamn and or swetelcttc. I've changed a lot of things and learned a lot of thingu. For exemple, don't fai for the low-fat muffin trick. n heTey just add more sugar to make i at Jo S tAnd the mout important one to me is that ~o s ts important to, est regularly than ail at once because the body will know it doesn't umwme need to store tse fat. sthat î've In lest thtan a week I bust four poundu, nwas stll although I could loue 80 pounds and flot be f. called a skinny guy. ueartificial es» I'VE on page 13 PAY FORT LL YEAM H PURCHASEI IFlNAtNCINO__. WE MAKE YOUR RST PAYMENT NO(On ka G-I y gose) factory te Denir Aktwncs NOBGDYOGES U BE-TTEn THAN THE DEALMAKERS AT ~MLON CHRYSLER4 <QJWaJ41&M *Ail finance optons ara 0.A.C. Chrysler makes your firuf paymnent up 10 $500 on mot finance aud GobU Key Leases. Nu offert can be cumbined. See dealer for details. evey