The Canadian Champion, Friday, January 31, 2003-11 I ~ EDENI , OUSF One storey building located on beautifui apacious 9e ounds situated between RockwSod and Eden Milts NURSING HOME e RETIREMENT HOME 519-856-46a22 SERVING HALTON AND AREA SINCE 1968 qgC.q 276 Main St. (905) 878-4171 Miltown Computr Services sSales & Service eSoftware & Accessories *Authorized Service Deoa LEXMUK Network Installations *On-Site Corparate Service 'a-- TOSHIBA 751 Main St. East, Suite 2, Milton 905-878-4651 1-800-268-0034 Fax: 905-876-1013 Store Hours: Monday 9-5:30pmn, Saturday i O-2pm Allergy, Asihaa Migraine. Fatigue. Arthritis. Shoulder, lasomnia. Stress. Sîroke .ail kinds oif ness IÏXCK PAIN? (an be stopped or greatly improsed within 5 seconds! To prose it, It treatment is Free! The best treatment s to let the body cure itseif. But it is onl> possible ishen the bodN syste i s ail>y balanced. YinYang5Elenient TheýorY is the sophisticaied science tif contriilling and regulat- ing the balance of the body. The mosi po%%erful method of couîrolling YinYeang5EIemenîs tif the body is F.E.A. Ifive elenienîs & energy acupunc- ture). Thtis procedure stintulates a combinat ion oif spetial eaergy points bîdilen within the body. and can ouly be perfornîed by a bîgbly experienced spetialisi. Most pains can be controlled rigbî away!! James Kim is the oui> FEA. specialistint Toronto. F.E.A. speialist Dr. Ac. James Kim 416-788-3837 7460 Airpori Rd. South of Steeles Avenue (iuri, Medicanl Cntm)i 4915 Bathurst St. (#216) Toronto Offie iours: Toronto 3:00.S:0Opmn Minsauvi 9,IlOam . News~ e" _S00 Chîlds D)rive, iVijton -905-875-1681 FEBRUARY ACTIVITIES Tuesday. February 4 The Centre holds its "Tuesday Evening Euchre Party" starting at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday EveninQ Euchre takes place on the 1 st and 3ral Tuesday of every month. There's keen competition, great socializing, and just plain fun! Prizes awarded. Cost: $2. Do you enjoy laughing, chatting and making new friends? We are looking for new members 10 join us every Tuesday from 1:30 - 3:00 p.m. for the Mingle & Chat - Drama Club, an opportunity to share a CUP of coffee or tea, and infor- mal conversation, with friends, and join in the new Drama Club. Free! Wednesday. February 5 The Seniors' Activity Centre's "Computer Club" meets at 1:30 p.m. This month, guest speaker Edwina McCallum from the Burlington Adult Learning Centre will talk about anti-virus programs and tire- walls, SPAM and how to avoid it, and making full use of e-mail. Video clips from 1 - 1:30. Bring along any comput- er-related- questions you may have. Cost: $1 .50. New members always wel- corne. Tuesday. February il Do you enjoy laughing, chatting and making new friends? We are looking for new mem- bers to join us every Tuesday from 1:30 - 3:00 p.m. for the Mingle & Chat - Drama Club, an opportunity to share a cup of coffee or tea, and informai con- versation, with friends, and join in the new Drama Club. Free! Wednesday. February 12% The Centre holds its monthly "Wednesday f Evening Euchre Party' starting at 7:30 p.m. Come along .. . bring friends! The competition is keen and the conversation refreshing. Prizes awarded. Cost: $2. Tuesday. February 18 Do you enjoy laughing, chatting and making new friends? We are looking for new members to join us every Tuesday from 1:30 - 3:00 p.m. for the Mingle & Chat - Drama Club, an opportunity to share a cup of coffee or tea, and infor- The Advisory Board has called a special General Meeting to be ~~held on Wednesday, March 26, 2003 at noon, to deal with a motion affecting membership fees for first-time members who apply for membership after July lst of any year. AIl current mem- bers are eligible to attend, s0 please mark your calendars for March >- 26.' A light lunch will be provided. Further details will be included in the March-April News & Views. "Lunch Counter" Program Join us every Wednesday 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. for a delicious meal at a great '~price. Please sign up at the Reception Desk or phone in your order by the Monday of that week. Cosi: $5 - includes sa/ad, entrée, dessert and beverage. Feb.13 eedit THEf ABOVE INFORMATION 15 SUBJECT TO CHANGE AND LIMITATIONS. For further details on activiîues call (905) 875-1681 IProgrius Inelude: Dadmwnon, Dasic Rescuer CPR, Bridge, Leamn to Play Casanter-, Librawy, Bs Turs, Lunch Busch, Dueo Club, Kktchen Band, jBridge, Euchr, Cribbage, Bingo, S toerD.arts, sA«frbarin, rai chi, CSnputerClub, FolkMrfor inm eiClub SO Wd CartingClub,J IQi-Gong, Yoga, Lun Dancing, Clog,-sg, P <mng Clsss ra acn *$mg Spmw Chow, "Crtauke Pbsgers' Crea Cm*, /p 4Wa*a adSeniors' Cineaw. Atjdkat Acdv*l*eJn*!fj*de: UWedy '"Lw*ch bsr4amdFndraierm î0,0MI-I- mal conversation, with friends, and join in the new Drama Club. Free! The Centre holds its "Tuesday Evening Euchre Party" starting at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday Evening Euchre takes place on the 1 St and 3rd Tuesday of every month. There's keen competition, great socializ- ing, and just plain fun! Prizes awarded. Cost: $2. Tuesday. February 25 Do you enjoy laughing, chatting and making new friends? We are looking for new mem- bers to join us every Tuesday from 1:30 - 3:00 p.m. for the Mingle & Chat - Drama Club, an opportunity to share a cup of coffee or tea, and informai con- versation, with friends, and join in the new Drama Club. Free! Thursday. February 27 The "Diners Club" enjoys good food and fellowship at an area restaurant. Caîl the Centre for information about this month's outing. Carpooling can be arranged, and your cost is the cost of your meal. ROBERT (PIE) LEE INSURANCE AGENCY edAutàe 29 ýun 0 "4 7»."& JUMa Kim Mitchell â î à 245COMMERCIAL ST., MILTON L9T 2J3 (Cj'<2PTICAL 15 Martin St. Milton rL$149I . D.1 SNGLE VISION FAST COAT EFICIENT; i YEAR FRA.ME SEIRVICE WARRANTY * * a -ilv-i Laboratory ln Rear - Repairs 1 hour *Seine Day Refines Inaedata Deures *Canante Denttures SoC RubOt, Lets IF .atlDetrs Tea Relnns CONSULTATION Detn.:e PHAM'AelfeAc y MI Iuy r sODiscount *WriffenODi (ý We Caro Aboi s10U f Great Selection, Service & Prices Fuil selection of Crosseountry & Downhiii Ski Equipment M ottvl m IsmRWY 2Wi WsdmsubY - OnY M7.00 v ~'~.w~<ni'~#.a .~..~aM 89 Ontarlo St. N. Mifton 905-876-7676! SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT 1 IMS TO MEMBERS 0F THE MILTON SENIORS' ACTIVITY CENTRE Ferur Pefracs