4 I 8-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, January 28, 2003 * Ct~~if, i -~ essssa~%es-//oass. /e'aeVna~ I 7 'E- 1- Aqua Tots The Milton Leisure Centre offers a variety of aquatic programs for ail ages - whlch are especialiy popular during the cold winter months. Among the more popular ls the Aqua Tot program, which gives parents a chance to enjoy somne ime ln the water with Chair littie ones. Above, Kerrie Smith cuddies nine-and-a- half-month-oid son Marshali as the Cwo dry off after a clasa. At iefC, Kerrie and Marshall enjoy a bail game ln th. pool while fellow programn par- ticipants Larry Enair and seven-month-old daughter Catie (at right) play a water game as weII. Photos by GRAHAM PAINE Ke*q fl MWij H tnW .-,U M Programming Schedule - Tuesday, January 28th - Monday, February 3, 2003. Tusa.a.dedyJnay21 Th ..da. Jaur .... Satr . Fera. s *e.ay F ebur n Mn-eb,. ry w w w .cog*co.ca 5,6,730r m lugged In! Eaty Week Edibon I5,6,7:0i Pluged In! Esiy WeMei 5,6,7:W Flugge In! Eady Week Edifon 110:30-10:» Noka Csp C;uiing(lise) 1:30-6:30 N C upCsing (Lse) '56,730pr Plugged n! Late Week Edion NORTH HALTON STUDIO 1: Senir cs 5 U f i Oe ae e5nW iei'F &MnMesFinal 5:30pm The issue is 6:30par ptst TV ango (Lise) 6:3p Swap TAf (Usve) 6:3p Masn Skee 5,6,710r lg F I n! Lare Week Edikn6sorFcsBwsrHgM 8pn H Haiss Cils I (Jas 20) 8prn Mi6sn w Ici (Jas 27) 8mH ani afon Reogon Csuncil (Jan 22) 5:3p Faces Ro s 6.Op FaesBseerH Lauder Plaza ww ri ' i 6:30pm en ir Sh s e 7pm Moy Week 500 Launer Avenue VomWtMt"U 7p O5i5ser onco prn SportsZONE Lise MloON L9T 4R3 enSie 9OM8-&9306 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 -1b nl L<* ~ 1,55 t~~. 6Q~~~5 OS.S.555 ~56es.C .-. - - -