The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, January 28, 2003-7 --Halton Regional Police's new Mobile Command Unit ha muliueo ssliebgciia css iatu By HOWARD MOZEL Special ta The Champion Halton Regional Police have officially unveiled their new Mobile Comimand Unit (MCU), a vehicle slated for use in everything fromn major criminal cases to natural disasters. Customized since its November delivery and operational inice before Christmas, the MCU was toured Thursday by members of the Halton Regional Police Services Board and the media. The MCU will be used for senious crim- ina] situations, disasters and accidents as weIl as for a back-up communication cen- tre in event of fire or the failure/evacuation of headquarters' Communications Centre. It will alan act as the commsand centre dur- ing hostage situations and to offer a police presence at community events. Unit uses gasoline, flot diesel Thirty-tive feet long, the MCU cornes equipped with two electric 'slide-outs', which expand portions of the unit to 12 feet wide, ideal for situations that require more emergency personnel inside. Its l-cylinder Ford engmne is gasoline- powered, not diesel. The unit also features a quiet, 7,000 kW generator. computer and mapping syssem and much more. The MCU bas a wasbroom, but the shower was removed for storage space. Instead, an extemal, hand-held shower was added inithe event of exposure to, pep- per spray or chemnicals. lns June 2002, the board authorized thse purchase of thse MCU from Outdoor Travel, as well as computer/communica- tion equipment and interior modifications. Total price was $180,000 - drastically below thse $300000 budget. Thse board also approved thse transfer of ownership of thse old MCU to thse Halton Ambulance Service in order to offset future charges for garage facilities. Thsis way, thse new unit will remain indoors when not in use and wil ultimate- ly last longer if not exposed to the ele- ments. Old MCU "lantiguated"l The old MCU, which Chief Ean Algar has called 'antiquated,' bas been in service smnce 1988 and suffered from a number of mechanical problema, a leaky roof, an undependable generator and overal wear- and-tear. A tearn was struck in 2001 to investigate the best possible replacement and although a trailer concept was abandoned, a more user-friendly RV type was eventually sanc- tioned. Using tIse Oakville Fsre Department's vehicle when required isn't an option, said the chief, because it may not always be available when needed by police. He also said that an emergency of a cer- tain magnitude would likely require each service to operate ourt of its own MCU. Bring in your empty cartridge and we wiII ref i it while you shop! or Let us show you how you can save even more with our easy to use Refi Kits. Ail maior branch, supported (Lexmark, HP, Canon, Epson, Brother and more!) So stop throwing away your cartridges and start saving money today! We also carry HP glossy photo paper, a wide range of compatible and OEM ink jet cartridges and remanufactured laser toners. Ail products and services carry a fu 30 day money back guarantee! Our kiosk is located at Milton Mail 905-876-0011 Brlng in this ad and recelve 10% off your flrst refui!l In to e- - e. s T o se etoMis For a limnited time g et: * 15% off the first refi of an OEM cartridge purchased at regular price. * $300 off your purchase of HP Photopaper when you refi! *specials are available atI sland tnk-Jet, Milton Mail for a tîmitad lime only. The Mobile Command Unit has been customnized ta suit the needa of Halton Reglonal Police. xuu in ettect on seieciea fl-stock seasonoî Merchondle trom iuary 22-Februory il12003, wle unMteslast The 75% ciscountwMI be token off Fabîlclods orgind chai-t-store puce&Looldfte ted sale tags. NIsales final. 1 WEEK ONLY - JAN. 27-FEB. 2 Individually priced. Entire In-Store Stock! 13UIrIrERICK ONLY 2.99 EA. Offpr valid Jan. 27-Feh. 2- 2003. while quantities PATTERNS last. Nol valid willi any ollier discount offers. 0 Qr