16-The Canadman Champion, Tuesday, January 21, 2003 NATURAI FOODS_ 0 Vitamins * Cosmetics Specialty Natural/Organic Groceries healing products. 1i ýv=wush thus 13off L-., d unti Lumit of 3 produets t'eb>153 NATURAL FOODS 500 Laurier Avenue, Milton Mon-Fr; 9-81-59 -8 -3 0 Sat 9-6 a Sun12595-38 00 IL~ Lasting Resuits Happen With Hypnosis! As far back au the Pharaohs and ancient Greeks, soci- eties have used hypnosis to relax and change their states of consciousness. Hypnosis is a very natural and safe state for ai human beingu. Many of us have left our office and arrived home to wonder, "How did 1 get here? I don't remember the traffic lights or the roads 1 took." That is natural hypnosis at work! Hypnosis is faut becoming as a useful tool in peoples constant batties to improve themuelves, whether it be for Weight Loss, Smoking and Alcohol addiction, stress man- agement, self confidence or phobias. The list of uses is endless and only Iimited hy a person's commitment to change. Hypnosis deals with the moot of fears and anxieties in the mi. While most people know they must change cer- tain habits, they often feel that they lack the willpower. For example, many people become experts at losing weight and neyer make the core change to become an expert at keeping it off. The same thing applies to smok- ers, they know how to quit but neyer become accom- plished at being smokc free. Hypnosis is the tool that helps with the core change. Change your mind and you change your world. Diane Cunningham Positive Changes Hypnosis Centre 35 Main St. S. Georgetown, ON "(MYASTONISIW\JG TRUE STORY...' "How 1 Lost 76 Lbs. Effortlesslv" My narne is Tanna Olsson. I an a single' t usee fonsd as cu;slori. 1 <id oyscl i o matnec. My son. Chaz, is eig eais aid. jus; baby fat. t; moulel go away. B ut inldin Iarn a cnstamer servi .eceepresentatine. I go amay. t mas gennusg laner every u.eek. drapped 76 Ibs. afi'Jt in 13 short mono/ns. With fa; came assieny asd depressius. My star>' is sa remackable. 1Ii-ould like self-esteem mwas nit. 1 cuuld sec folks tors ta share it mit/n sou. idemays nu squeeze pas; me. t'd crnge insi By Tani OissonMy meight made me crazy. t refused to e By Tain Olsoinspublic, 1 knem mhat peuple were My cheeks bumed wiuh embaerassment as t thisking..Laook a at on n'aue eu;n ng..no saeed an the tetevision seneen. We mere u'o;ndersaoure nu fan. G> u/nead, haneY. hi maching a recen faminy vides. "'m huge!' t anot/er cheesebucger gasped. 1 useelnt e su hard os fat peuple. Nom 1 had always heen tai and trim in high was fat, hant aad desperane. sehool. I was us he uim eamn and voneybatt tearu. I was shocked aud appalted nu reatize Dieting Nightnaare how fat 1 huel hecome. t was alwaysnuyiog.he nexn fad dieu. 1itrue My folks neyer alluwed junk food in the gruelmg esencise routimes. It muuld sever house. When t got old enough tu make my tick. Wteni1 didu't feel tht resaîts, i'd get own fooet choices, i wenu hog diucouraged. Thte raviogu wene unhearahle Il. Chps uececreama.d à h 1lsn 3Opuunuls t'cdihmweight loss dnu Whpe Wtt roulue My weighn shotuback up sofastilumdemy he pg ian-, 1spin.Tse druogssuetnime on au enotional rneS stau'led eau ng totwu - coaster i couldntheur he toughu of a thiudg AerCha_ was hum'ianuue.Ntugidrokitllmst cooked tor twu andl aue aton-Ntig1d okItl y fa fon fouhde couch minh a gallon uf c cein I nuuhueed nIoWha's due use uf tying? ,.yfu, îynaeoRay of Sunshine Ha» d d 1 gel sefan Ont day a close fotel teouraged met rui o n befu nuty hypoosns. i was keptical. "'Pst htu sheddng 76Obs. itthty peu greau results," she said. i coutl onl lkpsinu hope. MOU 00... CERTAIN SUCCESS! "Iused hpnsiute se wtgh and impove my saes performnance. My docor sayshaetlosns2 lsl. aleady My bood pressune't ay duonu1fencalu dretrase My goalmas tudouble my bsines.n vnea y quadnoplee l!nu'Hypuosns is a giet; pesence. t1nnce change s ght fte a.Hypnossok amay the uervuus teelnngs. Compulsive eaunng habits vauishe . My suece s sceran.u1 thu eheautedlyrcutumendbypnsfor wengbnloss amnd sals perforance. 'se ec- omureusteel utur ybfiend. Jm Rdenhuu Fre Sfems Coo eil unu INSTANTI RESULTS! une as epical abouu hypoosis Whuu a urpise wheo ury friend, Dehhne Cr;. null me she nupped smok- ing and lmn23 puods wuh hypnss 1uetlnuuulyretuued afleruthe fussesinOn my ay hmeu1did os crave u iet ~~e. ulune therlasation. u unuppeel smounnuut anly id hypnis." M lune/e1E eII esgn My mng ide. cal ed -gs. ffer- go . i d ly Thtc free screeuingOas like .a ray f ut - shine. MY conultant ous ciriag .andl con- cemoel. T-ninoffce ns ru""onita il lcois- fumiable. Their level tuf cuýntîdeialînoy Oas inupressive. 1I ield my breah t'tir the sales pitch. f; diel'; happeniee. They explaineel th po gram in detait. Lef; it for nue nu decide. Tht tée mas nmuch citer thas i1 especteel. i signeel unianu eus; 76 lhs. inu13 short munnhs. i tosu ts achetes off My waisn. My'dtess site ptuatged frma butging 22 us sleek site 10.l Whole New Me! Immediauely afuer rny flost sessinamy pete diminisheel. i1tcetcour pleuely satisfitd winh umaiL healthy porisas. Nesu mni foodl chuices chang. When i was t1 would non touch raw vegena- bleu. Winh hypuosis ihave developed his stcne ure tisanucanrouS.. They'rt as appeal- sg as poanu chips utel nu he. 1Iknow 1 will neyer, ever ~a k. Nuwan t e eg I'm thinanad happy miuh my body, i ea'; thiunuf a single easua us uveran. HYPnosis Delivers Benefits! 1luseel nu fee] stuggs.sh by 9:00 a.. mas su, depressed. Even my hait dtooped. Since hypnosis i luok and feel Young, aIme andl vibranu. My skia is gluwtng. My hait lu ;hick and shioy. i have tons f enetgy. Fin lighu ou my feen. My faa? dfne nn attwanu onukow huw I did l ey waun.us heike me. 'Mt othet daya co-motetuai,.ltwish 1 coulel have eseal afY.u eoergy."That was the heu; comtplime;nt ot ail. Whtn lu as tani 1sitiokentskinttv cigarettes to miake nue ltel thin ( aitiig sintnkiu ntlsa side bnft1 2ntespecttd. heh hýLý,'t1.tutr. Mose [liter Eqsnrin' Out Ihnel malkiag ia andl ou;tnt pîus ite stures. t mould rush my shop- ping bags nu he car. En','; 'hnudy, /.tusvou'refut. hi;; tome nu;1. t/nai>s 'tebig gin'!> store. Shopping fot asite'12 is thteurus; wondtrful feeling ia the tortl. I us longer wurry about eating in publnc. Wheu tyts are os me, i knom they'ne thunking, "Hey. shtls gon n utogeher.' Chas s tickted us set my biceps. We ecentty menutroc k ctimbing* We enjuy rsllerbadung. Tere's nouway I coutl hast donctuhan hetune. Recommends I suffereel when i mas oser- weight. t liveel in a snane of uset- mhetm;ug hetpttsssess. i mas ou; of i onurol. It; mas frightnisg. Hypuosîs mas tht smatst investures; ufnm life. My consultan; took thetime uisuen is my feues. 1 neyer feln pres- surel. My succesmas their main tin- . gon mute thas i espectel trînur ny priaIt hypuusis sessions"' i feel won- onrulabout !mystîf. Yi n asu'; for hypuosis i muuldn't hentjoyîug ury slim, lealthy body today. Don'; uhink I'm a lune success snory ether. t mnet; other successful clienus att nhe unme. Myont yregret is tha;i 1maiteel anel sufferel for munths Y ou dus'; hasetol sufer anonher second. CatI (905> 827-2077 right uom nu sehedale yuur fret hypunutc screenung. t knom yuur consuluant mitI ausmet att yuur quesuions andl put your feinsts nutesu, If nhey donthiok hypnuuis s right fut you. lhey mut uelt you su. You mwe it to yourself to Iind out. CALL NOW. ¶WWPO5l'WchnpMOIf OUR NO-RISK GUARANTEE Your successis our tp proriy l your frt nprog rn sesson you ore noo utifiee fo ony rennoni we wil efund 100- of Your money before you leove the buiding. NO quesons osked You ruk nohng. PositiveChaniges, WteeResu/ts Happena 35 Main St. S., Olde Downtown Georgetown (Two déors soulh ai the TD Bank) (905) 877-2077 Testimoniais do-no; necessariy refect typical results/resuits nary accu ding 10 sach inndioîdual. - -- 1 1 1- Homeopathie Medicine Botanical Medicibe Clinical Nutrition Acupuncture Naturopathie Medicine Detoxifucation. lu the removal of toxie materiais from a system. A detox prograco s a maintenance programn for your body to heip it work opimaiiy. This iu similar to a tune up that you utoulel give your car so that it perfonnu benter and lastu longer. As we are exposed to stressors (environmentai, emotionai, physical, etc.,) on a daiiy basis, our bodies are conutantly work- ing to deai with them to keep us alive. If we don'u "tune Up" our bodies every once in a sehile, then t can be "over burdened" andl not function as weii and thus resuit in heaish probiemu. As a Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine i use my tools of Botanicai Medicine, Homeopathy, Clinicai Nutrition, Acupuncture and Hydrotherapy to heip give your body a "tune up". Though the majority of my patients corne to ste me as last resors patient's (nothing else has worked un now they seek my heip), t srongly believe in prevention. A detoxification program mwiii heip maintain your body so that it can heip you live your life to it's fuiles. After ail, if you mant your car to mun benter and laut longer, utouido 't you want the same for your body? Ajay Lad B.Sc., N.D. is a Naturopathic Doctor currentiy prac- ticing in Milton. He has compieted his pre-med Bachelors of Lifescience degree from Queens University and four years at the Canadian Coliege of Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto. Aîthough this service is non covered by OHIP, it is covered through many pnivate nsurance plans. Aay Lad B.Sc., N.D. Doctor of Naturopashic Medicine Derry Medical Centre 3006 Derry Road West, Suite #105 For an appoinument cali: Tel: (905) 876-3047 email: doclad@rogers.com 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - . il . 1 1, - 1 & L. 1 - - 111- ý " - ý - ., ý-- , ý,,, u - , -1 "', 1 . i 6 1