Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 21 Jan 2003, p. 15

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The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, January 21, 2003-15 C IO RTO S Oxoadtinlsveio.cal<1 HiiFF MIL kTON ]E1 b r o u- 'NrC> o- sciatic The sciatic nerve is the longest and largest in the body. WVben it is inflamed, tbe condition is called sciatica (pronounced si'ad-a'ka). Not ail leg pain is sciatica, but most aIl sciatica involves leg pain. Sciatica sufferers often have severe pain along the scîatic nerve patb, usually in tbe back of the legs and tbighs, although somnetimes the pain is felt in the ankle, foot and tues. Occasionally pain is felt in the front or side of the legs, in the hips, or for some sufferers. in botb legs. Apart from pain, paresthesia or pins-and-needles, buming, tingling, prickling, crawling sensations or tendemess may 6e felt. Ironically the painful leg might feel numb as well! The Pain Varies 'Me quality of pain may vary as well. There may 6e constant tbrobbing but then it may let up for hours or even days. tn severe cases, sciatica can cause a loss of reflexes or even a wasting of the caîf muscles. For sciatica sufferers, a good night's sleep may 6e a *, tbing of the past. Simple thinga like walking, bending, turning, sitting, or standing up can 6e difficult or impossible. Causes o Sciatica Like most other conditions, sciatica has a wide varety of causes. Unlike moat other conditions, however, this health problem's relationship to th6e spinal column is often very obvious. A vertebral subluxation (misaligned vertebra and pinched nerve) a protruded or ruptured disc cas irritate the sciatic nerve which may result in sciatica. CO &LeoPain Sciatica may 6e the result of cumulative traumas, a sharp or false movement, a strenuous attempt to lift something, or a joît caused by a violent coughing or sseezing episode. Many people believe that sciatica cas 6e caused by "catching cold.' Wbile cold may aggravate the pain, it does sot cause sciatica. Sciatica bas also been related to various nos-spinal conditions, such as advanced diabetes, constipation, tumours and some vitamis deficiencies. Sciatica may appear gradually or suddesly, and may 6e the result of a trauma that occurred several montha or even several years 6efore. tt sometimes appears while a person is walking or upon waking in the momning. Although the pain does eventually disappear, further aîtacks remain a possibility. It is extremely unusual for a vertebral subluxation 10 correct itself. Unlesa a chiropractor intervenes, the pain will retumn sooner or later. Ninety percent of sciatica cases are VeILtLJIQ caused lry compression of the roots of the Nerve sciatic neri'e between t/w intervertebral disk and ligaments due to a dysfanction of the Disk vertebrae - in other words, vertebral s u blu xatnio n fmisalignmenr &i 'pinched' ners'e) Rack Pain and Sciatica Backache or hip problems may occur long before the sciatica symptoms show up, however, that isn't alWays the case. Sometimes sciatica is preceded by lower back or bip symptoms and sometimes it isn't. The Chiropractic Approach Chiropractors correct vertebral subluxations using spinal adjustments 10 relieve pressure on the spinal serves, joints and discs, eradicaîing the cause of the irritation and t6e pain at the samne time. Chiropractic Resuita For decades chiropractors and patients have obaerved the benefits of chiropractic spinal adjustments on those suffering from sciatica and leg pain. Many sciatica sufferers have experienced dramatic relief from their pain after chiropractic care. For Ibis type of problem, cbiropractic treatment is safe, saturaI, and effective, eliminating the need for medication or surgery. If you have sciatica, a chiropractic spinal adjusîment is very badly needed. Every sciatica sufferer needa a healtby spine. Don 't Wait ... Chiropractic care appears 10 bave the most profound e ffect on sciatica wben problems firaI occur. However, even for those wbo have tried everytbng 10 no avail, chiropractic cas provide excellent results. In many cases, il is neyer 100 laIe 10 enjoy t6e benefits of chiropractic care. But please, dont waiî. A public awareness program by your local chiropractic association 31 anS. 39OtroS.S 5 nai t S. 180 Onai St. S . 10 -aeil d. D. a n Tune 27 Mati St. 90587-56 90-7852 Dr Ann Nf 90-7882 9 058816 9 05-760005 now taking appointments for February 4th. PLEASE CALI HER AT 905-876-4500 -9o MINSMLO oht7Sudo9587-5 Tips for healty skin in the winterecold Dry itchy îirritated.skin is a problem for many also. people in our climate. Regardless of your skin Facials are another popular treatmenf for this type, most people experience dehydration time of year since most people require extra during winter. It s very important to replenish rich products 10 treat arid and fragile skin. Our the moisture loss by drinking large amounts of skin -care specialists administer a variety of water and taking baths in essential olis Irather facial treatments to smooth, nourish and than soapi. Try to leave some water on your hydrate your skin. Personalized skin analysis, skin afterwards to be further absorbed. deep cleansing, micropeeling, hydrating A spa treatment of a parafango wrap is emulsion, extraction, relaxing massage, and sensalional. It begins by exfoliating dead, duil calming mask leave your skin feeling toned and skin celis with a marine scrub to smooth the refreshed. Total Skin and Body Spa are excited surface of the skin. A rich, warm Shea butter is to introduce a newly formulated skin care une then massaged mbt the skin with essential oils 'Gerard's from taly. Come in and experience to moisturize, tone, and improve the blood the noticeable results of regular facial circulation. Parafango la mixture of paraffîn treatments. We will be happy to .assist with and minerai mud i s then applied as a mask to your skin care needs and provide you with allow further penetration of the oils. This is sampies of this fabulous line! very soothing for acbing joints and muscles A Healthful Way to Improve Your Diet Today, many people are looking for different soy protein without experiencing the actual taste of ways to incorporate soy protein into their diets soy. lust add it to any of your favorite foods or without having to alter the taste of their favorite recipes for a quick soy boost. foods. And the best part is even though you won't They want a healtby option that can blend well know it's there, you'll still be getling 16 grams of with their own recipes. The secret lies in powdered soy protein, which rates as high in quality as the soy mixes. One good exampie is Shaklee's Instant protein found in meats, eggs and milk - but with Protein Soy Mix. fewer calories. High in protein and calcium, and low in fat, tItis After a workout or on a lazy aftemoen, kick back versatile soy mix allows you to reap the benefits of with this fresh-tasting, high-protein smoothie. MIXED BERRY SMOOTHIE Makes t 5erving 2 tablespoons Shaklee Instant Protein' Soy 1 1/4 cup crushed ice Mis 1/3 cup sliced straseberries or about three 1/4 cup 2 percent milk sehole strawberries, fresh or frozen 1/3 cup low-fat yogurt 1/3 cup raspberries, fresh or frozen 3 tablespoons sugar or honey 1/4 cup blackberries, fresh or frozen Combine milk, yogurt, protein and sugar in a blender and blend on bigh. Add fruit and crusbed ce and blend on ighest speed until smootb. For more information on Shaklees Instant Protein -.- dm m Ob 1 1 1 ýý s a ir

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