The Canadian Champion, Fridays Jariuary 10, 2003--33 **Wb ~ ~ w Mw No bd MmU h -o y Taoist Tai Clu às a sequence of 108 gracefuIuaoverneçts whicb relax and strengthen both body & mind. Its gentle nvuiremae w.ù rit iilePxefor ýenir in n wnnh speciai health needs. 108 moues to better health Taoist Tai Chi Society New Begin'ner Class Thurs. Jan. 23 7:OO9:OOpm 4-n The Seniors Activity Centre . 500 Childs Drive (Behind the Halton police station) e" Cali to add your namie to the Glass List The Taoisi Ta! Chi Society is a registored charitable organization with locations in over 400 cities across Canada and around the world. Joe's Chimes Ropair & Swooping A SUBSDIARO MCARH lrth ci SUSDAYoe MCarthCNTUTO 905- 878-Ï6 20 * s constrluction * Basement Renovafons # CeraMiC TUES f Drywall & laping é And Handynin Jobs Free Estimates Cai Gary: (416) 788-0631 Who Does ItL *mmRi ADOau ~1t Cout Avocate Specializing in Provincial Offences Court reprsentation with over 12 years experience. Part 1 tickets - Part Bl by-Iaws - Part II suminonses Email: Telephone: 956336 L Free inuiiInterview _j MOULIN The Crown Moulding Company Affordlable Crown Moulding Protessionally lnstalled Free Estmates Steve Wilson 416-738-4750 Fax 416-391-07271 WH DOSe I THIS $POT COULDBDE YOURS FOR me CALL DIANE 905-878-2341 EXT. 227 WH DOSe I cet te the point? When you're Iooking for someone f0 f ix somef hing, paint somefhing, or insfaf p. somef hing, fhen look under the Who Does ft Home fmprovernenf secfion! ZbMt Canabiau tapo Caf I Diane af 905-878-2341 x227 f0 advedfise! ~Iok in Tuesday's and Friday's paper each week for these feutures. Delivered f0 every home in Milton, j ~ IMt ECanabin Ctjamplon ýît . 905-878-2341 x227 a i "Business wIthout aelvertlsing Is like wInklng la the dark Yeu know what you're dolng, but nob.dy else does!"9 WhowDoesl0 IL, JEUEAf1