30-mhe Canadman Champion, Frtday, January 10, 2003 McMaster Medical Centre. Survie by their loving par- ents, Chnistopher and Karen (rive Smth). Beloved grandparent Fred and Laura Clarkc-Stevens, Bdian and Heathar Sithl, Pradacaasad by grandpa Thonmas Ciioit Clatrk. LOving graat-gratient, Charfotte Smthi-Birch, Mary and Thomnas Croanan Clark in Vancouvr, Edmard and Peul ina Danlon. WttI ha nadly, tnlsat by aunts and arides, Jaflary and Jasatca B-ro (ries Clatrk), ian and Tantrry Sih, Laura anti Lloyd Taylor (-ie Smithr), Bob Sith, Branf Smth anti Shannon Sisal anti ail thair cousins, Taryn, Bryan, Evert, Tanner, Alexs anti baby Haptias. Dur prectous baby boysM wtt raver tiva in our heasis, As expression Of sYvPath mamnortal dionatons f0 the MoMasiar Nan Natal Uni moulti ha apprattat. The fanttly moulti ira f0 giva sPactal liranks t0 tha teiatatt nurses anti mati- ical staff ai the MoMaster Nes Natal Unti ant f ait the lamily antedats who hava loveti out hables faim the vary bagivnnng. A Privala Faity Service arlt ha hast. Hadley, Osmunti Paacalully aI the Milton District Hospital on Suntiay, January 5Wh 2003, aga 85. Beboveti huabanti of 64 Yesis t0 Gwen. Lovati father of Barry (8ev) anti Mary. Chertsl popa of grancdieghlars Moniqgue (Phil) anti Michelle (Kelly> anti great grantisoris Damian anti Xander Emig. Arrangemnts anirestati to the MoKarsie-Kochar Fanerai Honte 11 4 Main Street Milton 905-878-4452. Jasaes, Harold Harolt Etimard Joues of A.R. a1 Campirlîla, devot- adi husbanti of Florence Sylvia, went honte ro ha wtth tire Lord oni Tuasday, January 11h 2003 aitie Milton District Hospital. His family rasn togelirer tc, rejoice anti gtve thanha 10 Goti for iris Ide. Father to tant anti ia ita Anne. Grantifather Io Christophar ant i bs mita Cathearine, Mattham anti hi %vte Laude, Jannifar, Elizabathr, Jobs, anti Sbeasian. Great grantifather 10 Calebr, Jostair, Arisa anti Cetmor. The Fanerai Service mdl ha calabratati at SI. George's Anglircan Churcr tin Lowetlfae (Guelphr Lise noilir of Denpy Rond) on Fdiay, Janaary 101h 2003 et 11:010 amn. Menial tionaions to St, George's Anglican Churcit Reacr for tire Light or the Ontario Heail anti Stroke Founcltion moultI ha appraciatid by lira tamily. Arrangemns entrustat 1 tire McKersta-Kocher Fanerai Homea 114 Main Street Milton 905-878-4452. MASULKA: Martsa Nol unespactadly, in lire praaenca of Il sean, et Mifton's Masitin Hous on Montiay, Janesry 6, 2003. Mertha mes tin bar 90Wh yesr ant i vad murh bar naplraw, 'Hart G010w anti iris %il Cerrolla, andI baing piacati untiar constant nasse's coa mitn the pasi yesr. Har deainea anti paon ayasight reantiatat spacta coa Whrorughout bar dammnema. Pradaceasati by har alts Vea Oolom, Fennta Taitl, Annie Crawford anti Alexandra Stasuit, bar brsothais Jobs, Fred ant ig Masaka. Mariha is survivei by har sistar Mary Cyrrbalak. In addition ta Havir anti Canrolla 0010w sire mdil ha pertcolady ailast by vapham Gaorge 0010w ant is raie Irtanrs, n"ac Nalia Melatchait anti han huabanti AIea, n"ac Lillianr Mahaciruit anti bar irurbanti Steve antie ai o heir astantieti lairity mairihrs. She was msore Wan ant aunt - sire mes part ai Wae faiiy Fientis mdl ha racaivai eW J. Scott Eedty Funaral Hont, 21 Jantes St., Milton (905) 878-2669 on Fiday, Januany 10Wh (today) iront 2-4 & 7-9 PM. A Fanera Sarvice mdllb h hatiront Mitons Nem Lite Chancir on Saturtiey, Janary 11 t ail AM. Ittapnt la fodlow et Mount Lamn Memntoal Gardens, Whtiby. As espres- sions ai ymaty, ti lieu of flamant, donaions 10, a Mentota Funti aintelret by Mikon's Naw Lifa Cirurcr moulti ha appractatid by Wl altly Power, Eed Vicnt ln has 70h par. bls ia couragaous balga t0 cancer on Taestiay, Jeriuary 7Wh 2003 et Wae Milon Disticot Hospital. Lait t0 aioum iris paaig ara hie mite Jan, sons Slave (MartWa), Terry (Sandre), Rantiy (Kathy) sister Margaret Fdapatnci ai Charlottetown, RE. Cherishad Poppa of Stepiseise, Antjy, Krysta, Darrn, Shra" anti Gary, In naçdtaw, nteces, asti trtends. Farndy anti Maendaisde ali i eir McKersie-Kocher FuaraI Honte Il14 Main Street Miton 905-878-4452 on Thaisday anti a vigil Service mes W hat ursday evantng. mhe Fanerai Mass meill ha celebratet i e Holy Roary CaWholc Cirurcir 139 Martin Si. Milon on Fritiay, January 10Wt 2003 ai 11:00 ais. Mantona donations to the ciravty ai onan chiroce moulti ha appreciatid hy tire tamil Ma i s et in peace. Wootimorlh, Margaret (Torid) In Lovlng ntenary o a demi mother, grantintler &greal grandmoher miro passtIl eway on January 16, 1999. As baie uneis anotirar peur Memnonie keep pou anar veut, Silent tbougirîn ai limes togetirer Hoiti memrnoen that Miii tant forever Lovingly Rentembereti Helen, Gave, Jolinny & Fantilles Jnu aey ,hmt ài tsaugirt of s Junte asmaior Jant the loye anti swant Wlafa i Sadly Mlead are KMai lianm (Bill) 12 itit ta remetirrance sud anti tre davoion ai tire one miro ofpou. Forevei Loveti lean Tire In Memoilut for Jeffrey Kunze wic appeared in Tuesday, January 7 Issue confaied an incorrect mord. The folOio" fine should have raead because wie fait pour presence aIt around un. The Champion apologizen for this error, and for any hardship this may have cauned the Kurize family. My heartfett tiranks go ont Io so manypeople wirogave me tireir suppsrtan etcmfort during lte recent passing otp Mois, WCILLE COLE, on hee Attirhbdap, Decernhee 301hi, 20012 Speciat tiranks 1t umwnterful irnoband Jack., tnp dean ciitren & geestichildrev, my speciat ans & ancen, eltative, hienss andineirhboaeo. Con soie atire for me. 1 WshiteS etend mir snaene trlinks as fagotes Or 7b taine Barris & hie tiedacated flaesbr staff ai tire Compter Coniving Cre Unis n/ Mitton District Hospitl, sot nt fise their pmfensionat cane bot for thitr sndefl TLC. Tmpy made Mot s t ie peurs as onmfoelahte as possible. -To tire tsnv otnteens avdjore vmovteees ai Milton Hospita, wirnse peseace Mont enjopetiso mucr. -lb Dr. LHanter, Dr.M. Gilbrt &LnD. arie foreheir cane of Mot oiw manppyears. Sire orner-came tsvp heati tssnes sver-35pyeans bal rne athe op. - 7bnip cra-amnkees, tire Social Club and CCPE ai Milton District Hospital for lhir tsvp acts ofkindress. -Fan the tsvp carra., E vrais, floral tribales, [oei, and donutions tn tAe Carradian Cancer Societ, Miltes District Hspital Fountiation andiSi. Put United Crch. - ToiiU Merk and tetp Ar Wnttiee ofSi. Pul 'for ihir regua eisits. -OTaCeace Vécueraor for being irIm dean Hberrd aval veigihone fre ov 401 years. -OT tire Pîsesair Lodge tevrbers for tireir beaaifstser- vic. Il ana speciat trihute Io Mot. -OT Rei. Camp Hofslteerforiris peapers and lotety cele- heation of Moins liie la a serrice ai Si. PantS United Circir. Or7 orgsvisl Jane Wamnetp feptaping tire irpnu rirai Moti torsei. - O St. PoulSý UCW fur pioeidivg tire iteastiAi iachirnl Crairam Hatt - Or tirePatheaners:friend George onton airilvere Rficklsvor, Jack Wood, Doug Robertson, Ken Cote anal Cordi Cite. -Orb Doug aval iris staff at tire MeKersir Kocir Fra Homse fan tireir oernorssion aval fre aneanginp absotsteip ersepiiinp. if pou attenleal tire fune-at serrice aval! tisse acbturase ealplap pui prenece, pteane accp! ntp tiranks f-i heing unir. lfindtest regardsn, Bettp Hettm The fant*t of the tla Ban Rita mb passeti emey January 3, 2003 mtiir ta express lhir heaieft grati- fade anti epprecation for many acta ai kaitinesu &l sup- port sirown lotirent duiring a tifitihontime. Spaca Thanlai ta: NeIgirbours, co-morets, trendis & relatives riant & fat Rmergency & ICU staff andi dadais eti Milaon District Hospital Scott & Micirelle Eady & staff af J. Scott Eedy fanerai Honte for thir cote givan ta, aillof un. The favriiy of thebate Edigar Homdes moult lite ta express our mettant apprecahon to relatien, fris anti neigirbours fot their support ant i rsitri dusing Etigers ilvnes anti hie pasaing, on Naventar 29, 2002. Vont colds, donations, tond, tomI presence anti par- snal eopressions ai support anti carafot ea grat triute ta Edigar. Dur thavitîni recognition 10 Dr. Kosiomniti, Dr Sciratzmann anthe dedficateti nurses anti staff on tire medica i= ae Miiton District Hospatal for Wasu corruol- ig mords andi cote in kanping Edigar comtortehie. Our nincena appraciation lu the Kocirar famiIy for lhiri guidance anti comspassion anti grsciounly pruoidsing an sppeaing lunch. Our opeciat tirants lu Ren. Shuain Crot, orgunist Mms. Janerie Ledml andtihfe choir for rie iooety semvce ai Bonton Prenhytedn Churcir tIn ionour of thiri Orantipa, beartfeit tirunkn lu bi grandtionn for haîng paliheaers anti bis grantdsaugb- fers tut carrying tlomes andi Io Ma.k Couiter, Fred Finit, ant i At Hnmdes for memnorahie sulogies. vie moolti lite lu, eotent i nvcers tbankn to ail lumily anti ientis miro beipet luk suisnr 5tt Annioersury unti Tory's 75th hirlIsday un special. Your boni mînhes ant ii ngtn facen miii prunîie happy memonen for u very long mutae Wie moniti alun lits 10 thant our dugr- tors andi thit familles for ait thiri bard mark in prooiding un mitir uch a luvaly party. Tony & Thun Windisoliar Sun, Jan. 12 1:OOpm praviaw lilial Otaio's Banquet Hall 2273 Royal Windsor Dr., Oairville QEW exit S. aI Ford Dr. lu Royal Windsor on N.W. cornerPERSIAN..j9iSI Antique, nemi-ont, nid, nom, smoll, large, city, village, tribal rogs..ail unique, hanti knnîted mool, (Plus o tem silit) eg. Bidjar, Ardo- bil, Hamodan, Nain, Bolucr Heniz, Isiahon, Bahtiar, Tobriz, Kashoin, Senneh, Sarnogr etc. RufisJg ,487 Laurier Ave., Milton 878-2881 1101Q to 2'x2' Movy ranners. Some estote nngs, diftsizes eg. Kobotar-A-Hong 178'xl', Russ'a -91l'£9'9,ec. Marny ont, & semi-antione Baluchb Ov10sLras n.sal AiSQ some Group ni Seves ___________________Liti. Eti. prilts anti fine Ironion Handblomri adt glass. ana AIICTON SERVICES OUTSFAIiIING AUCTION SERVICES EmEUUynMoaM BE 1 - IIRCrauaeeiIM Mti SistI KMRsuruKW * mm 539*Ar VIsJa EM COU * GRss'eisifANN AM l C -mC S * mADS *crelais Catie satle Vaui e s ndlw bi m pmusby a à e MONDAY JAN. 13AT 7PM (PREVIEW 6PM) AGEICUITUJIAI RAIL THtE NMON FAIRGROLINDS ROBERT & BRONTE ST SOMITi UilON (va"i Fer lips) JEWEu-ERY Larg selectin ai taillus & gents 10- 14 la. el tiairati asti genustoe rdires. Farrises, irraceet, desyne matchin, peurls, pisdans, strinsg sivr e t. COLLECTIBLES lTMmay gilalmps, Ant Glas, watiutl scutiptirs, les lamps, docks, détcer accasa itens, lest rasin, huard matie .a oeleu ias , signsioards, Bruisa Ouey, huand =a=mlipi, CD cabmnet, Muoruesos, raIerasr dreaicanes, baises Vasin, comparts, jars, irluchbire Oleat colitioni, jade "olap gloire, Harl Ousitisa Sàgss, Antique cellictot dameuases & asor. Bausd matir disirs, cosoulis, mtiros, Wal aides salson chairsn, necanosnal tablis, timinsg table & chairs, china caints, ak diisg; tale & chutes, raty & swml, tables, Memiai glas top table. Coisoles, tminis, dessers, tablis, accent items neliesion afi An accents. quif stn, lints tablen. asirsti.d it mirastales, etber sofa se, dig rmsumîein Qutit stnd mutile top cnsoles, chüig gruatibiher docks, pute tablis, hedoisn suis, Liatie glass cabinets. & nore. GENERAI ITEMS IJairiuti nn unt ofThi baispeiSisen, accent ustiticor art. Fout Siereos, coriheso phrones, franret sports isemnoabllu, muler toornans 3bs4i grand Inyer ontfrs an urtio am ccent sires ait Ans bls oA.t mnsiiîm trames, Casi tron accents, Eletrosns, phones, Pro, teresý, CD. 001. n~ %CR Combos. Originl Gerato CoOsaci Fresco ramei, (Musom collection, A.)ý CJIiON Ainnorks. NOBIlr LEES OR1 PIEMII MS AMI15 LORD' LIt4EIED SEATING Tees. Cash, bsaý MC. lierac s pet posni noncei, adtions E teteons hpi Inormation: ciii 905-9se-OTa1 3 www.proaucsiorn.coms for mihnbo lsi Neant mrvas Nat Buyrsa arndum Wfha,-llct dl Lunch' avoilable. Terme: lnleroc, Visa, MC, cash Auctianoer R Biackitaard Sr., 905S-004-2984 DAYCARE averlabla in nty home. Clea cariog Branle on Meadaw- brook. 905-693-097. DAYCARE Lavng, sa 1envinamnt mith natin- h foua meals, auldoon iplay, malks, crabes anti tacipta. 905-876-0620. DAYCARE neadd. Part lita Nerny ne- quined ler school ta supervisel7& 9year old in home. Higir Scirool abonudants malcome. Cali Lautia 905-876-4764 IN hous babyster fon 5 mnth ast. 4 nighta a meait. Mandsy tru Thursdlay 4pmr-9:30pm. Referencan. 905-693- 1778. NANNY manteti. fon 4 yr aid J.K. boy & 9 manlh infant. Monduy-Friday. 7:45-5:30 pm in aur country home. Drivars license & Firol Aid ne- quireti. E.C.E. pre- ferreti. 905-693-0073 rn.iumor orraraeo. Lange boxelala. individ- ual feeding pnagnrt. Fentiiy elmauphere. Aiso Horses fat aie. 905-878-1924. A King Prllomtop Mat- treas S et mrth trente. Hem rn plastic. CosI $1,599.00 Sacrif ice $650.00. 905-567-9459 appliarces Fritiga. 2 door; Stave; Maytag au- tomatic masher, dryer. Alsa, sparttent set. Un- der Wsnnanty. Finencing nitailable. 905-637- 8328. BAUER Charger power skates nize 8. Jackson Figura skates nize 4. Lire nem. 905-876-4146 BED Oneen Pillomtop Maltreun, Box, Frome, Navet usati 0h11 pack- ageti. Cunt $1,025.00 Sel $450.00, 905-567- 4042 BEDROOM set. 8pce chentymooi. Beti, chaul, ntdremser. mirror, nigt HORSE hum for rent 14 stands5, doOOtaii con- REMEMBRA CES in the box stalis, 3 paddocks, struction. Neyer form of $525/mth. 905-691- s$oo. Sacrifice $2800. donations to The Milton Ofl 416-748-3993. District Hospital Foundation are appreciated la-.q Ldâ ET ELLN SHERIFF'S SALE 0F LANDS agatosl the roal anal porsonal properly of 489332 ONTARIO INC., Meandant, et lthe suit of lthe PIlE UIOPP, JOEPH WUJJ1AI1111OU111 AM BARBARA WEJJUSOU, Plaintiif, I HAVE SEIZED AND TAKEN in enecutîn ail tht rîgirl, tille, interaîl anti eqaily of rittempîton ni 48933 OUTAII MI Parcel 16-9, Section M-45 haing Lot 16, Pln M-45 in tire tomv nf Milton, Regional Municipaliy nf Hallon Landi Titits Divson of Halfos (Nn2O) Encept ply 3&4 on Refnrence Plan 20M-4431 FURTHEFI SAVE AND EX- CEPT Parts 1&2 on Reterance Plan 20R-10649. FURTHER SAVE AND EXCEPT Part 1, on Retarence plan 2DM- 8392. The subject prnperly i0 municipslity ilom as 43 Main Street South, Campbeliville, Otario. LOPiBO ALL 0F WHICH saiti rigitt, tille, islereot anti eqity of redemption of 489332 Ontario lvc. Detesdtia, in the saiti lantis ant enernents tiescribet abonie, 1 ohail offer (or sale by Public Asclin subject o lte cnditinssnef ont balom ai, The Court Hous, 491 Steeles Avs. E., iv tho Town of Milton, Ontanio, LOT 1Y7, on Wadnaaday, .iaauary 22, 2003, ut 12:00 R.M. CONDMONS: The purcitasar, la assume raapansibiIity for ail mortnagas, charges, liens, aulstandina taxes, and altair encumitrances. No represanlatian la mada regarding ltae tille ofth la nd or any alther malter ralaling tl ltae fintarat ta ha muid. Raepansiitiiily for ascariaining litasat maltater rasta witit ltae patential purcitaser (s). Terme: Dsponit 10% ni mid price or $100000, mitichever is grenIer Payable aI lime of sale by succeniral bitider, To ha appliet 1 purchaso prico, Non-refondable Ton businss days Irnis dole ni sale 10 arrange fivavcing andi pay balance in fuil ut Tire Milton Court Hnuse, 491 Steeles Ave. E., Milton, Ontario AIl paymenls in cash or hy certif ted chelque matie payable lu The Ministen of Finance Danti Pol provided by Sherifi ovly upon salisfaclory payment iv full ni Purcirase price ther conditions as aninouncsd. TIS SALE NOTICE IS SUBJECT TO CANCELLATION BY TH1E SHEIIIFF WITHOUT FURTIIER NOTICE UP TO THE TîME 0F SALE. *Note: No employan ot tire Mivislry ni lire Attorney Geveral moy purcirase asy gonds or chatiels, lands or teste- mesîs exosed for sale by a Sherili tlndar legal process, eitier direcf (y or întiirecly. ALISON HEDEN, Suparviser Client Sarvicesagifonal Municipaiity of Hailon 905-878-7285 Oatad Decamiter 4, 2002 1994 4dm. 4x4 Blazer. 4.3 fler Voiles V6 en- gise. Loadei. 212,000 km. $4000. 1989 Chevy Est cab ahonlbox pick ap. 100,000 km on ne- buhit angine. Loadei. Mary ram parts. $3000. 905-854-2473. 20010 F1 50 XL Exlendati Cabr pick up. V6, CD/AM/FM, Bantiner, $17,000. 905-878-7072 IF~~ ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 24 hr. answering service Phonte 1-800-891 - 4862 1-519-836- 1522 ln Memoriams in the îsft. ormi of donations 10 The Canadian Cancer 13 Socîety are deepty appreciated. CARPET i nava severa 1.000 yrdo 0of net Ail 11Ii ýj tout & hail for $349. ln- claties carpet pati & rn- ittalietior (30 yards) Steve, 905-639-2902 i NINGROOM i 3pce chenrymooi. Double patiestel. 8 chairs, Buf- ft, hutch, server, dose- tai cotrctcion. St11 in boxes. CosI 11,000. Sacrifice 3,000. 416- j746-0095 SOUD ratura atfable mitir 4 chairs. 36" round opens 10 48' onsi. $500. Cali 905-875-9960. STOVE $50, Antique replica attoire m/trsnd painting $800, Antiquai 13 place infatid mahoa ny dtning suite $3000, Antique est cioverleet table & 4 chairs $400, Hsrvest & othen fable & chairs. Movedti Io homes inIa one. 905- 875-0827 $$$S Wsnled- Ail Chine, Stiner, Crystai. Tes Caps, Royal Doujtov, Smerovski, Glana, Jamely, aid laya, co- lactiblas, estates. Cli John/Tracy, 905-331 - 2417/. MASSAGE/REIKI tabla, stuntiy, gooti con- dition. Cali 905-878- 0635 anti lase mas- nage 9 isair lad reutenei maie Australien blue healen X. Ail shtrof ap ta date. Gooti teispera- rin rlQ-qrRAn