The Canadian Chamnion. Frldav- Januan, 10n 2003-29 ,,,ENGAGEMENT MOVING ON OVER OPENKO USE Sunday Jan 12 for 1-4 Pm Mr. & Mrs. Ken Marveil oflMilton are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter, Jennife, to David Rrink, son ofj Newcastle. Wedding to taire place July 5, 2003 BIRTHDAY UP ta 2600 sq. let anaiasisio great loca- tion. Frsl ained, /nc/ . hydro anat ma/o- tenance. 905-691 -70 Z91 B8ell btreet 3 bedranra bac/t sp//O, g/eam/sng isardwood Sont-s, $$ GOVERNMENT - camp/ne/ey upgraded, gus fireptace sn Fumi/y Roora. Funda $$ Grants andt Bocks on/a Pur/t land. Wutk ta achosis & dorontown. toans information ta atari sad sapa/d your Ask/ng $250,000. business or iarm. 1-800- 905-078-7470 505-8866. OP"N NOUU Sa/t. Januauy 111th 1-4pm 309 WOODLAWN CRUS, Milton Fa//y upgraded two ostry dt/ntsc t/orna on qut cte-no ceot. New baîthroara, oak bt/doen atb coramico, finis/ad basaeolen, 2 bthrsoms, A/C, harticoot flsans, 4-cor parking. $215,900.00. No agett. 905-876-0603 2400 sq. il. indus/r/i un/t for rient $1200/mo. Immet//sie possession. 905-84.5«4835. ORANGEVILLE 308 Broadway Ave. 1 un/t 500 sq.. ht., 1 unit 1650 sq. li for reot. Pt/me /o- ca/ion. George (905) 275-9846. SMALL pt/na/e officea, beau/fui/y appaoteat. Hay 25 & 401. 1-905- 27'7-9347 or 1-905-275- 6834. LOOKING for sameone /oie/o your bookkeepng, payroi, ganemmeot t-e- mittance, T4 for stri business. Piesse Ca/t 905-876-4146. MOVING- office fuont tut-e for sa/e. deako, she/viog, cabine/s, ta- b/es, chairs, rscspiion des/t, reception furni- tut-e, 6-i/ne Met-id/an phone sysiera. 905- 878-7600. 2 bedroomhosetin the BRIGHT, beauttuti 1300 contry. at Jas875 sq. fi. ans bedrooam anhs t9585 sprit. o n se 7653(SOLD>. trance w/t a//out ta 2+1 bedroora home an psto. Open concept /in- s large ait in aider part /ngroom/kitchsn a/tir aio Milton. $1250. Avait- waodstans. Ine/utes 1abl/s Mat-ci ls5. Appt/ca- separate iaundry isci//- t/an befors showing. /tes, saisi//te TV & ut//t- Contact Mark Ma//si/su, ties in new home w/tir 905-815-3312. Mi/pond un/que country selng Reaty rtc. Lacated 15 m/nutes 3-bsdroam hous in north ai the5 401. Look- toen. Mature ares, sp- /ng for a quiet, non- 1pliancea /nc/udsd. smknprafeas/ana. $13 50 /m o nt h 8-75m.Apy5- f/rs//lsst/depo/it. Andy- 853599 905-878-8364 BURLINGTON 2-ised- 5 isedroora fsrm hause roora ana//ais/e on Guelph Lins. Feis/Mar. 3 appiancea, $1750/mo. + ut/li/t/s 1.5 batira. One auto/de Ca/i P/no ait 905-854- park/ng. Near acirooia, 13 ttng. 905- 333-1190. VEET 16TH GLEN EDEN COLE APARTMENTS 122 Bronie Street, Sautht, Miltont se are naw sce/o//s appt/ca/taons for 1 bedraamn apart- For more frato 905-878-5375 Building Managers 40 Leonardi & Penny 4lways jr & Wyatt LARGE Ose beatroora )XOXO em:tr apartment Fr/dgs & sions. Ana/t- able Jan 1/03. 675 + ut/i/tes. Cat bten 5- 9pm. 90-8753418 LARGE 2 bedroora apartnent sou/th ai M/t- ion. Ans/ais/be rame- d/ais/y. References. 3 isedroora apariment $950 + ut/i/i/s. Csi/ utilites incuaea. Close 905-878-6023 /0 dowtrown ard mait. MAYFAIR Ajfs M//taon. 2 $1 025/mo. F/rt-s & Last bdrmn ansais/be Mar. requreat. 905-875-1613 1/03 rae of $925 ai on- aiter 5 rit & sekenta. . cus/vs, no daga, for ap- ACTION Aparimenta For. p/inent cai 91588 Rani: 1 beatroora anat- 5345 alier 6 pra. ais/s Decemiser lait. Openi 7 atays/assk. MILLSIDE TOWER Same Day Approaa. No 82 MILLSIDE DRIVE Dogo. 519-853-4374 I ACTON- ~ 1& tag -ie- etroora Apta. ACTO- lage 3bed- C/ose/ao Dawntawn. roora, ne-y c/ean andt Bus stop at br/ght apartmsni. Front DOrn $1000/month p/us. A/sa lange 2-isedroom spart- (905) 876-1240 ment $775/martr p/us. 519-853-5080/519-853- 5352. ONE isedroam apoi. aisave store in doan- AVAILABLE noa. 2 tawn M//tion. $625.00 + bsdroom. Sky/ighi, ut/lt/es Asi/ais/e imme- deck, s/ave, fr/dge, t-e- date/y. 905-875-0935. serveat parking, cen/ratlO Mi/ton. Modem bu//ding. OE isedroora w/th new NO pets. References k//cheni, fridge & atone. requireat. F/rai//ast. $975 Large /iningroom. p/us hydro. 905-878- Waoher/dryer. $700 in- 8123. c/uding ut/i/t/es & A/C. -Ana//ais/e Fes. lai. Cat BACHELOR apartrasot Dsbb/e 905-875-02>01 for rent. $600/mon/h utlities inctuateat. 905- ROCKWAOOD 1b 6d. 87-68roora, aniasem - 878-678dia/ey. 2-isedroom BRAND oea hache/ar ana//ais/e Marcir 1sf. In- apartrment for rent. Tra- cisates appiancea andt fs/gar/Siee/es ares. ut/t/t/es. A/sa off/ce/s/or- $600 nc/os/ne. Ca/t age. 519-856-4900. John 905-875-4632 EXECUTIVE RENTAL Counr Ranch Buanga- low avalah/e Feb. 1, 2003. Unique, as/t mss/a/ine/large proo- er/y wr/fi ingrounti pool andi many amremties in dan/rab/e loea/taon. $2,400.00 per mon/h ptas a/t/t/es. Referene- an Requiret. Cal/ Kerr Reato Management L/d. /905/ 876-0407. LOG cottage 2 bedroora w/tr Srepiacs an country estaite beteen Et/n & Gos/ph. Ana//ais/e Aptit lai $950.00 Tenants mus/ bs capasle ai han- d//og mach/nsry & w/// be psatd $7.00 per haur ta tend tandacapet grounds, fiowsr gar- dens, pool and other chors. Muai be W//i/ng ta, i/ns /n ma/o hause ta, acf an guard/an & pet s/ttsr wher owners are away. Ides/ for act/ne t-e- t/rsd pensons who ions Nsaioundiand dags. No doge p/sas. Rsfsrsnc- es. Rspiy ta Box 3041 c/ro Cansat/an Champon 191 Ma/n Si E. M//tion, Ontat/o L9T 4N9. MAIN f/cor ai hous for reni. 2 bedroora, /sun- dry roorn. Nonth ai 401. $1250 incisa/vs. 905- 875-4886. MILTON branat nsw Grsenpsrk 4 bedroora, 2 112 washraom, foami/y noora, bsckyard. A/i broad/oomed. Av/ais/be /mmed/atey. $1675/mo. 416-898-1021 ONTARIO Sti/Maonain View. 3 bedroara ex- c/uding isasement. Ap- pliances. $1300 inc/u- aine. Ansi/ais/e imme- dia/s/y. 905-693- 1823/416-399-8119 SPACIOUS 3+ beat- roora end unit, 1 1/2 bs/ho, foami/y noar & Sas finep/ace. 1200/mo. + ut/i//tes. 905-693-0412. Refer- ences. C AM FBEL LVI LLE.« $»450/monih nciadea atell/te and ut/t/tis. Large home on 10 acres near Hwy. 401. Cai Pau/ 905-8fl5-S. FURNISHED basemeni au/te, isedroora, liv/ng- roara, bathroom and kichenette. Park/ng ans/ais/be. S/ngle wark- /ng ada/t preistosat. No pets, no smoking. Ref- erencea neeeat $550/ma. Cat 905-876- 28695-ter 6:00 pm. NEEDED. New home deiaysd. Wi/i/ng ta houset lt-rn Fes. 28 - Apt// 3Oth. Cai 905-877- 9852 toanhouse ta share w/th ans alther. $600/mo. in- c/us/vs. Fit-at & last. 905- 878-7507 eeninga ROOM for renti n hous. Sharsat amen/- ts. $500/mo. toc/us/ne. Cai 905-878-9336. WLn -New in town?7 *Getting married in 3 months or more? *,Having a baby? *Establiohing a new business? PLEA8E CALL US Communlty Welcamne Linela 905-854-1563 Donis 905-332-4799 Ei/ze 905-693-0313 Baby & BridaI Tracy 905-876-4330 Grace 905-319-1110 "Y lis this wimn go upset? She missed bampton Classified Deadline! Don't you miss it too! DEMDILES: Ttseday's Paper. 'Monday's ait Ilam FTldsys Pailer. Thursdays at llum Arpa, IJai & Angolm<Zmat). We wott/ud I/te ta announce the b/i/h of sur son Justin Tyler Jasai Alps. Bam on Thursday November 141fr, 2002 ai 7:00 prri weigh/ing 6/Ibs 151/2 sus. Prout grant/tarents are Gerry & Cormy Zanatia ai Millin and Ron &l Donna rpa ai Hava/oct, Ontario. Alsa praut/ sre unc/es Stacy Arps & Gerry Zanatta. A speca thanks fa Dr. Sharma, Batb, Na/a/te & the nursing staff of Oakvi//e Trafa/gar Mmal Hospital for tfiter particpation in the saie art/va/a of ur son. Eggietan, Duane il Amy are plsased ta ansounce lie birth ai their daaghter Htaley Faille wetgh/tng 8 has 14 aus bom Navember 27tr, 2002 ai Mlton District Hospital. Grandi/augirteriar Kt/na & Lame oi M/llon anti Pst & Ps/aof Ml/ton anti Carat & Harvey ai Haret/ton and AI ai Burirs Fatls. 36 Main St N., Cmb.lvlI. 905-854-0002 OPEN HOUSE WINTIEISPRIG - 2003 V SESSION 1 O F PAJNTIG CLASSES q SMon. Jan. 13/th &Tues. Jan. 14ts q 12-00 PM - 3:00 PM 6:00 PM -9-.00PM Came choose tise classes you woutd hike ta sign up for frore tise vartety of sampes as disptay. We carry a gaad selectian of q crafting & paint supplies mncluding paints, brus/tes, books & wood. Boy? or Girl? f1lai yoiJr f otriy &, friends5 witls Birth Annowc.ep-nents Itavinia Safle. Why Mt ano/tm fh Caaialu Cha*mplw1 Cal 9O048-MS1 for detalh or Fax 9O0-Ml-1W6 IùT11Yp1~fl CL4SSIFID HOURS: Monday -to Friay' 9:00 arn - 50 Pin ais t ft i, iii irmT~T~i r~Trr~ ~T~T~1î~ iii - I -UT Irds WMdf *nmwmdo htmes -Derby Brofq wn i