Husband Robert éwondertul' coach efrom MILTON'S on paile 1 witls ber new sister. "She said if it was a boy sise didnt want hlm,' laugised Ms Dixon, adding ber ton Mark, 3, didn't seemt as interested witis tise newesî member of the family. "1 was told it might be a girl but I didn't care." Sise credited her husband Robert Hlinak for being a wonderful coach, along witis Uhe staff at Milton District Hospital. "I wanted to have Uhc baby in Milton because of Dr. (Gien) Hunier. lits so isard to fmnd a good obstetrician. The staff have been fantastic." Not one to sit around, Ms Dixon said tse already plans to be back at work by mid-February at Civeilo Salon and Spa ina Oakville. "But just on Saturdays." The Canadian Champion,' Frlday, January 10, 2003-25 Situation handled Children are invited weIl:, manager 1%ofbw *epe a Ume aesoess *.M clilte aptb oe =01 lit wen vew jçed," h. su,-dfn *the tdpr tft d" td 45 e& Bob Hu, execuveu casg f Obus Mme, said itwas te mtvuI.2yasthecproo e ure to al: uly roefve patumn faim a ful lift Wadto bc wmple memed "Our staff is weil tained to undoitake dais kind of operWioaand 1 was vcay picased wilis thse way ià was bmx1(lied". to choose best books Calling ail young book lovera! The Milton Public Library is once again mnviting children to help select thse winners of the Silver Birch Award, which is given annuaily to two recently-published fiction and non-fiction Canadian children's books. The program is aimed at readers in grades 4 to 6, although older and younger children are welcomc to participate. ABter registening at the library's Information Desk, participants will be given a Iist of tIhe 20 nominated tities. At least five of these books must be read in order to be eligible t0 vote, whicb wiil take place in May. The resuits will then be tabulated front ail participating schools and libranies and thse winners wili be announced ini June. Students in grades 7 to 9 are invit- ed to take part in thse Red Maple Award program, alto organized by thse Ontario Library Association. Procedures are similar to thse Silver Birch program, however thse award is for fiction writing only. Like rnost men, I love fast cars. I don't get to drive tisem, but 1 love watching thern. On occasion 1 stroli tisrough Canadian Tire on a Sunday night to check out tihe vintage automobiles. -1 sometimes kick rnyself for seiling my '68 Camaro and my '69 Beetle. Those were cars! Racing isn't what it used to be eitiser. I remember thse day when cars had fewer computers and mucis lest power. lIs a modem race car tise driver is in constant radio contact with bis team. They are talking about tie car's performance, wisat place tise driver is racing in, and what tise track conditions are like. Before tise driver cornes mbt tise pit te refuel and make adjustments to tise car, he tells tise crew wisat hie wants to, drink when hie gets tisere and whetiser or not ise needs to take in ART YOUR ENGINE tome nourisisment. The communication is constant because tise stakes are isigis. Information is vital to isigis performance and victory. God isas devised a better plan. He communicates directly witis His cisildren througis tise mdwelling cf tise Hely Spirit. We are neyer eut cf toucis witis God. We need not wender wisat tie next assigniment is or isew we are deing. God is tpeaking te us - ail we need do is listen carefuily and respond. We isave ail tise information we need to insure victory! The stakes are mucis, mucis isigher in tise race Claristians are us. Race drivers are cempetmng for rnoney, but we are cornpetmng for seuls. If a Christ fol- lower fails te be in constant communication witis Ged, we may miss tise cisance ýto sisare Christ and be used te assist someone in beginning an etemal relatiensisip witis God. Or we may not isear God's voice calimg us to involvement in a place of mi nistry that He wisises to anoint. Communication with God is thse key to per- tonal joy, fruitfulness and fulfiilment. Comsmunication in God's family is ail about everyone knowing wisere tise finishs line is and isow we can each be mnvolved in cooperating witis God in accemplisis- ing His plan for tie team. Ladies and gentlemen. start your, engines! Seek pas- sionately to be engaged in a local cisurcis ministry so tisat you migist be vitaily used of God to iselp people acrots tise finishs line and into God's grace and eternal. life. Submittedbhy Rev. Dan Rogge, Senior Pastor of New Life Church, Milton Milton Bible Church Meeting @ Milton District High Scisool 10.00 AM Bible Discovery Trail Il1:00 AM Worship Service A New Church for a New Generation 'hildren ara. Nloat llu e Alehip f~s LuheOKsser g a.m. - Early Worshlp Service 9:30 a.rm. - Sunday School for Ail Ages 10:45 a.m. - Second Worshlp Service HOPE FOR TrOMORROW 6:30 p.m. - Sunday Nlght LIVE Lage acruen movie presentation TWICE PARDONNEP Sspenvaed NarSer & Dynamic Chsldrens .1ra amue I .g ilsS 1m A LADIES' COFFEE BREAK fli.sdays from 9:30 - il a.m. Conneci with God & with each otherl Webobt: rnnweifonorg MILTON /Yi SEVENTH-DAY 2L CHURCH Ivtsyu toot ekly Sabbatîhsevcsa Hug5I Foste, Hall, 43 Brown. Sa. Miton Sa.i 9:30 a.. -ubbath School FR55 BIBLE SCHOOL Discover ~ th rn2Bbl nwesr lf, perplinsg qustios,. an , th ere a, happy life. For FREE BIBLE LESSONS, wite:, P. Box 23012. On the INTERNET, http:/ .o.o anvid PASTOR: AI DaCosta 519-835-830 1 Formr iformationboutou servic and Orgrm es ali SOUTHSIDE COMMUNfiT CHUCH dfThe Chritian & Misionary Allane 2850 DERRY RD. Phsone 878-5664 Pastor: Greg McCombs Pastor of Voutls Ministries: jack Ninaber 10«0 A.M. SUNOAT MORNING WORSUIP SER(VICE & AasvarTunEwLiN" for Lido 3 - Gr. 6 (Nursery care provided Up tu age 2) For more info on our regular weely mintistries, please Seil the chureh office. Grace Anglican Church 317 Main St. E., Milton the Church on the Hi/J Tel. 878-2411 Fax 878-3M0 Rev. Dr. MNi" McDennott Rev. Amy Couuineau SUNDAY SERVICES 8:00 arn - HoIy Communion 10:00 arn - Sung Eucharist Churcis Scisool & Coffee Hour THURSDAY 10:00 arn Holy Communion 9Wheelchair Aoeess Through Parkig Lot Doors KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 170 Main St. E., Milton 878-6066 Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. Nursery Sunday School Age 3 - Grade 6 10:30 a.m. Youth Class Grades 7-12 l t 9:30 a.m. "CaiIed to Serve the Lord"h Weelchair accesa and washrooms provided so that ail rnay corne and worship. ir of M.,, Si. MILTON GOSPEL HALL AIf 306 Ontario St. N. e 878-3873 iBAnAl FAITH 10:00 arn. - The Lords Supper Multdith Devotions & Breakfast 11:45 arn. - Sunday School 10 - 12 amn, Sun., Feb 9, 6:30 p.m. - Gospel Service Lea of Th Baai a and Its Teachings Wednesday 7:30 p.m. 8 pm. Wed., Jan. 8,15,22, Informa Discussion Prayer and Bible Study oe, iffi Mvw There is one God, Monday, Feb. 3, 12:30 and 10:30 pm, Cha. 37 and one mediator between For local infum: 905-875-2923 God and men, the man Christ Jesu"- Recoxdln 1-800-433-3284 1 st Timnothy 2.5 [S-'ý We welcome yo to... Ç~ RACEWAY 'BI4PTIST CHURCH ST. PAUL'S ~(I\ ' 103 Martin Street UNITED CH R t z]~. 905-878-1629 123 Main St. E., Milton ~.Pastor Walter H. Isaak Sun. Jan 12,.10:30 a.m. 9:50 a.m. - Family Bible Hour BAPTISM 0F OUR LORD SUNDAY 11 :00 a.m. - Morning Service Heaven's Gate Church school, 6:0pm- vngSeic Theme: Jésus: A Child Like You & Me 6:0pm-EengSeic Baby & Toddler Nursery Weekly Childrens / Youth Groupa, Youth, Mens Tusa Senior Choirs & more! cai us or drop in for delails! Rev. John Benhamn & Rev. GeMr Hofstetter 7:00 p.m. Bible Study & Prayer .Churria office: (905) 87"-895 "You'II always find a friend at Graceway» - ru M 13 _a