Association sets goal to seli 3,000 b undws ftulips hcro Wmnter has barely begun but the Halton branch of the Lung Association is already thinking spring. The association is busy gettmng its Breath of Spning Tulip Campaign underway, with pro- ceeds from the flowers going toward lung health prograins. Tulips will be delivered February 26 to individuals or businesses who've made purchases. "The Breath of Spring Tulip Campaign generates enthusiasm for everyone who's involved," said Mickie Daniel, executive director of thc Halton branch. "Not only does it raise funds for lung heali programns, it.brings a note of spring cheer to thc end of winter.' She said thc goal is to seli 3,000 bunches in Halton and 100,000 bunches across Ontario. Payment is due upon delivery. For more information, cail (905) 847-1033 or e-mail to Municipalities' Web sites linked for casier access to information Halton Region and ares munici-' palities have teamed up so crease one-stop access to on-lie informa- tion. Both Halton and Uic municipali- tics are providing links to each oUi- crs' Web sites regarding council and commidtice agendas. "It's about customer service. This calendar is a perfect example of how Uic Region and municipali- tics work in partncrship," Regional Chair Joyce Savoline said un a press release. "By making it casier for you, Uic residents, to acccss Uic schcdulcs of your local and regional govcmn- ment, we hope to encourage your participation to ensure Uiat we con- tinue to meet your needs." Tise calendars will he available Uirough boUi Uic Region's Wcb site ( and municipal Wcb sites, including Milton's, which is locatcd ait ( French program info sessions schools January 21. BoUi events wilI begin as 7 p.m. For more information regarding Uic programs, cail E.W. Foster Scisool at (905) 878-1953 or Martin Street School at (905) 878-8191. We believei.. in helpmng. Anyone. Anywhere. * CANADIAN MENTAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION L'ASSOCIATION CANADIENNE POUR LA SANTE MENTALE RECENTLY SEPARATED? Seminars for the Separated i O-week lecture series and self-help group with speakers 'addressing the following topios: - Stages of Separation -Parenting - Communîcating with your Ex - Legal Aspects - Healthy Relationships *Coping with Stress & Anger -Life alter Divorce Date: Mon. Jan. 20 to March 31, 7-10 pm Location: Knox Presbyterian Chu rch 170 Main St. East Cost: $95.00 Please cali 905-693-4270 to register or for more information. United Way MbW. Agency 1 1 Charitable registration # 0521583-11-14 refuil it while you shop! or Let us show you how you can save even .more wlth our easy to use Refuil Kits. Ait majr brande supported (Lexmark, HP, Canon, Epson, Brother and more!) So stop throwing away your cartridges and start saving money todayl We also carry HP glossy photo paper, a wide range of compatible and OEM ink jet cartridges and remanutactured laser toners. Ail products and services carry a full 30 day money back guaranteel Our kiosk lis located at Milton Mail 905-876-0011 Brlng In this ad and recelve 10% off your flret refuli! In So e ca s ses eodI is For a Iimnited timne g et: a 15% off the first refi of an OEM cartridge purchased at regular price. e $3.00 off your purchase of HP Photopaper when you refi! .specials are availabIe at Island lnk-Jet, Milton Mal for a Iimited time only. Parents intcrested in learning more about Uic Halton District Scisool Board's Frenchs Immersion and Extended Frenchs programs are invited to attend infor- mation evenings at E.W. Foster and Martin Street M