22-The Canadian Champion, Friday, January 10, 2003 D4a telin le Dateline is a free listing of coming events only. The column is available to local community groups f0 assist in promoting their future events. Only charitable or non-profit community groups may use this service. We can only guarantee one issue of publicity closest to the date of the occurrence although more insertions are possible if demand is low. Notices for Dateline should be handed in at the office of The Champion, 191 Main St. E., mailed f0 PO. Box 248, Milton, Ont., L9T 4N9, faxed to (905) 878-4943, or e-mailed f0 mitoned@haltonsearch.com. The final deadline is noon Friday for Tuesday~s edition and noon Wednesday for Fridays edition. Dateline items will not be accepted by tele- phone. Friday Jan. 10 Wellspring Halton Peel - Cancer Support Centre, 2545 Sixth TIhe New Golf CL It's hord to believe, but truel An affordoble, German engineered cor thot's bujit for drivers. Let Georgetown Volkswogen show you just how much fun you con have being procticol. The new Golf CL is here and ready for immediote delivery. At just $1 9,245*, we stili can't believe it ourselves! Geo rg etown Volkswagen Line, in Oakville holds drop-in Relaxation and Visualization sessions from il a.m. to 12:30 p.m. For information. call (905) 257-1988. Saturday Jan. Il - 12 The Nortis Halion hranch of tise Canadian Red Cross holds a first aid and CPR course at 100 Nipissing Rd., unit 5, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. For information, call (905) 875-1459. Monday Jan. 13 Wellspring Halton Peel - Cancer Support Centre, 2545 Sixts Line, in Oalcville isolds Drop-in Patient Conneetion from 1 to, 2:30 p.m. Tise group is for patients wiso are newly diagnosed, in treatment, or wiso have completed treatmnent to connect with otiser cancer patients, excisange information and learn coping strategies. For information, cail (905) 257-1988. Offer Includes: ABS brakes CFC free air conditioning eight-speaker cassette stereo system front seat sofety beit pre-tensioners telescoping, height adlustoble steering column 15" steel wheels with full covers centre cut ignition keys height-adiustable driver's seat fuli-size spore tire glove boa Iight centre front sun visor cool blue bock-lit instrumentation duol front smart airhog supplementol restroints open door warning/courtesy lights auxilliory power outiet'in centre console cleor lens halogen headlamps fully carpet-lined luggage compartment dual illuminated visor vanity mirrars LATCH child seat attachment points reor reoding lights hasch tie-down points reor seat heat and A/C ducts engine immobilizer theft-deterrent systemn odlustable intermittent windshield wipers laser beom welded fully galvanized steel body removoble luggoge compartment caver anti-intrusion side door beams power ossisted four wheel disc brokes three adlustoble rear headrests body colour door handies electric reor window defroster daytime running lights silicone dampened-return assist handles rear intermittent wiper with washer system luggoge compartment light interior release for locking fuel door ULEV emissions compliont dual side-impoct airbog supplemental restroints hatch mounted CD changer brackets driver and possenger side remote mirrors reor door child safety locks ouxilliary power outiet in rear hatch odlustoble locking front headrests heodlomps on warning chime 60/40 split folding reor seat rear three point safety beits Power assisted rock and pinion steening 4 year/80,000 km new vehicle worronty 5 year/1 00,000 km powertrain warranty 12 yeor/unlimited distance corrosion worranty Drivers wanteciC 199 Guelph Shoot, G.org.fown - lnfo@geormi- nvwcom - www.georgtownvw.com - 905-877-5285 Inore cutmf 5f edt i rn.*19,245 pne or203 Gof CL "'odel919H4) wh5 Speed Maua TrnmsinadArCniinn. mgt SDlv npcin ' L ce,,,. o,'d Apicoble Feu and Tom sore exim. Finoncing ond L.esig options ore aoiloble wopproved cnsdOt. S,,ppl. ore limted. Drive soiey o,,d alif vo your sfety beh. The Osteoporosis Support Group of Halton meets at St. Michael's Churcs, 181 Sewell Dr., in Oakville at 1:30 p.m. A speaker discusses ovarian cancer. For information, calI Phyllis at (905) 829-4863. Ttesday Jan. 14 Thse Art of Healthy Living holds a parent support group for parents of children who are dependent on drugs or alcohol. The group meces at 72-74 Mill St. in Georgetown ftom 7:30 to 9 p.m. For information, eaul (905) 702-7304. The Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Childs Dr., holds 'Mingle and Chat' from 1:30 to 3 p.m. For information, call (905) 875-168t1. Improve communication and leadership skils wits thse Milton Toastmasters. Everyone is welcome to attend the meeting at the Royal Canadian Legion, 21 Charles St. (upper level), at 7:30 p.m. For information, cal] Sue at (905) 876-2563. Help for Parents, a parent support group, meets at Pinelands Presbyterian Churcs, 5270 New St., in Burlington at 7:30 p.m. Thsis non-denomninational. self-support group helps parents of cisil- dren who are in trouble at home, at school or wits thse law or who are abusive or taking drugs. For information, call Sean at (905) 842-1729. Caing New Parents, a free programn for parents and babies aged 6 months and younger, meets wits a public isealts nurse to discuas parenting and infant care. The group meets at tise Milton Community Resource Centre, 917 Nipissing Rd., from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. For information, cail (905) 693-4242, ext. 7899. Wednesday Jan. 15 The Milton Christian Ladies Coffee Hour -meets at Milton Gospel Hall, 306 Ontario St., fromn 9:30 to il a.m. Ise special fea- ture is "fur"biss with Siserrie Hicks and tise guest speaker is Ruths Morrison. For information or tranisportation, cali Margaret at (905) 878-1265. Mom's Morning Out meets at St. Paul's United Church, 123 Main St., fromn 9:30 to il a.m. Caregivers fmnd friendship and sup- port while children are cared for in Grahamn Hall. For information, cail Natasha at (905) 878-584 1, Shenry at (905) 878-5976 or Linda at (905) 876-3659. Wellspring Halton Peel - Cancer Support Centre, 2545 Sixts Line in Oakville holda Drop-in Journaling fromn 1 to 3 p.m. For information, cail (905) 257-1988. The Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Chldda Dr., isolds a hot lunch programi from, 11:30 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. Lunch costs $5 and includes an entree, salad, dessert and a beverage. To register or for information, cail (905) 875-168 1. Thursday Jan. 16 The Milton Seniors' Activîty Centre, 500 Childs Dr., isolds 'Seniors Cinemns' at 1:30 p.m. The feature film is The Widow Maker. Admission costs $1 and includes refreshments. For infor- mation, cail (905) 875-1681. The Halton branch of tise Canadian Mental Health Association presents a six-week anger mnagement program for people wiso recognize they have a problemi dealing with anger and negative emnotions. The program is held at 488 Kerr St. in Oakville from, 7 to 8:30 p.m. The cost of tise programn is $85. To register or for mnformatton, cail (905) 693-4270. Martindale Gardens manager set to host info sessions Wed. Individuals wtshmng to Ieam more about Martindale Gardens are invited to attend information sessions Wednesday ait the Royal Canadian Legion, 21 Charles St. The information sessions will be led by Intemnational Care Management Services, whics was recently cisosen by Milton Millennium Community Residences (MMCR) to, manage Martindale Gardens. MIMCR is tise owner/operator of thse facility, wisich is a full-serv- ice retirement/assisted. living residence currently under construc- tion on Martin Street, juat noti of Main Street. -"'ie overwiselniing intereat in Martindale Gardens and tise large number of people wso, have already signed lease reservations teils us that thse grand opening in thse summuer of 2003 will be a won- derful succeas," said MMCR spokesperson Elly Tuitman. The times of thse information sessions will be iseld in accordance to citizens' requests. Those interested in attendmng are asked to RSVP by Tuesday. Cai (905) 693-8592.