Then there was the time ,at Carniage Square lot The Canadien Chamnion. Fridav. Janunirv 10. 2003--21 *fromn IT'S on page 14 know eveiything there is to know about thse world; they become confrontational and they can be mouthy. When you tell them to do sometbing, by the time they finished argumng with you about it, they could have had il done. You can't battie with them over every lit- die thing or get into constant screaming matches or cite you're gomng to go nuts. What 1 used to do, although it took me a while to figure ths out, was whenever they had a temper tantrum, I'd laugh. That would ease my own tension and at thse saine time make themn crazy. 1 win. 1 had another parking lot incident in Milton at Carniage Square. There were no parking tpots until 1Ipulled around the cor- ner, spotted one and quickly moved into il. But, then 1 noticed that there was a van which bad alto been headed for that spot. He would have seen it tiraI, because lie was coming straigbt on, so 1 figured it was probably his spot and 1 should back out. 1 don't want to be a parking spot stealer. Instead, hie pulled up directly behind me, stopped and 'got out, boxing me in. 1 got out of my vehicle, prepared to lie told off. He compleîely ignored me and went into tise store. If hie had said something nasty to me, 1 wouîd have probably repîied, "Too bad, you Ioser."~ But, hecause hie said notising, 1 ended up being tise loser, and felt guulty, even though I got tise parking spot. I lote, hie wmns. It's like tse old saying: You catch more bees with honey than with vinegar. Although, as tisey said on a television show Use other nigss, wisy would anybody want to catch bees? So, 1'il make up my own saying, whicis is pretty lame, but I tisink is true: It's a lot tweeter being sweet Usan sour. S: Why did the Sharing a chicen ros Healthier chicken crossFuturem *, the road? à To live longer. Rm'naPMWaWN, olours avalable. j SOUTH 0F 401 AT GUELPH I (9o5854-0 Fine 13edomavable in sev"e Greatseecon of amioirs n-igh stands and ladies and men~s dresse& INE, CAMPBELLVILLE ~49 Ei j 1()(V1ý~~~~~~oa ANci AESLDOAKFRntH1 Our New Year's Resolution to SRVE SiE Z Ln you mon&y 2.. SPEQAL RATE FINAN ING *....en Sale Ends Jan. 31/2003 - 6 p.m. TEST DRIVE TODAY . ILOEST MRE -OUtED RATi 2-tL 00145 16 VaWve autontf Iran&nunon air, AMIFM AatmMat trannai"ln, 3AL V6 e9100. pouir CD Mar w/I4 pkoea& ocK M1 ot~ng, duai air as. loclahalrraralandows, AMOFMMCD pifyer w/4 spkis & lfd- SCk uphMalonndeMfCpaar 1.OL4y. 5 spd. maia tun"msaon air coadton- MIg.V CDmpWeyr w/4 splun. & Mtck, &a air =og OS m= r aIlia a à=itoewpes panie gUa 09Mro wna lgia 1 818»9 !I SEROm o &w WA k wPOGT s 3-OLI Magnan V8. auo a., body cofnani . mirrmu ntu imuant nilpu, 15 Mlun. allny wtuolo.f iog Shts à ~ 'i2 flwAN m, m 4.3LVRWam "1L.uto, mmflkduArhninio, cnaaUue~uynwaaS imcunl Maximumn amunt of flnanolng is $18,OOO. Se. clealer for details ,~ O kviliefl'U ?DB1291 SPEERS ROAD, OAKVULLE MWHERE 6000 SERViE IS A FACT MOT JUST A PROMISE" 905-827-4242 Mon.-Thurs., 9am-9pm, Fn., & Sat., 9am-6pm i . 1 mous