r- 14-Tho Canadman Champion, Fniday, January 10, 2003 It's a littie lame, but- 'It's a lot s-ýweeter being swec than sour' I had to pick up something from the ship- pmng dePartment inside a major complex in Scarborough. The shipping ares had two sides of parking, and flot much room in the middle. There was one parking spot of about 20 open, but it had a sign on it read- mng, 'Transport OnIy'. I was going to be probably leas than one minute, so 1 parked there anyway. Wouldn't you know it, when 1 came out some guy was givmng me the evil eye. "You're flot supposed to park there," he told me. "The sign clearly says, Transport Only."l 1I was less than a minute," 1 replied. "Doesn't matter, hecause of you 1 had tu Park over there," he said in an inritated voice, pointing to a spot maybe 20 feet away. At this point 1 should have apologized, but instead I was irritated that he was talk- to me. It's like when someone yells at you, your first inclination is to yell back. You aren't even istening to what they're say- ing. ~ ,J What 1 should have done was apologize O~n the profusely. Extra profusely. "Oh my, what 1 have I done? Can you ever forgive me? I toose am such an idiot, 1 don't deserve to live." Maybe even stars crying. You know, with ~ ~ MURY*WNE[' make a way bigger deal out of it than it was, so that eventually he'd juat say, ing to me with an initated voice. "Yeah, "Okay, okay, no probleru." 1'm heartbroken," 1 told him. "Next time That way, he wouldn't get the satisfac- you see ' a car with its engine stili running, tion of being mean to me because of the maybe you'1I be able to figure out the per- inconvenience I caused him. But, I'd get son isn't going to be long." - satisfaction because he wouldn't get satis- We exchanged some more unpleas- faction, and I'd know that 1 didn't mean the antries and unprintable words and went our apoîogy. separate ways. It's something you should Ieam if you 1 was steamned, even though I was in the have kida. At around the age of 13, they wrong, which wasn't making much sense - s» TIIEN on page 21 VOUR ONTARIO FORD DEALERS' Pm lit* M'Y MINOFO 2003 FOCUS LX SEDAN perl ffoW4 dm p Wu $1ra,899 mS, dam $825 5rog9t 60 9$smcrlty OR CASH PURCHASE $14,990 icludes $1,200 cashback -k e& - onm pa .t Urpodma f, " motl k" 2M & 2M F fid PLUSG on OurI Ov 2003 I~Il48 Foots, F-150, Month &amd MWu^aisas RaouWTama Financino & Wlndsta 60 MG0iNT H 0% poca Inhgon 200Focon, F-150, OraiMqos MongAAmgRB (I. ODAE WR 1ý FS AMN NOAS ffmasSaM kprag 2003 WINOSTAA LX VALUE par mmil548 mars as,, ",500 dom payment 491t025 frighO OR CASH PURCHASE $22099" $469 $0»urt 2003 F-150 XTR MX SUPERCAB per mmb536 fmrS Wm, SA rI$3.9U9mpym $1,2~5 2SreigS $ 69 0 socurlty OR CASH PURCHASE $34,944- includes $1,000 cashbacc LIMITID Iw inenw-astO3 Iof OR PURCHASE $39,999 TIME UFFEI W e- g4«mf urmMo " M e ' -êadMCdmml etu flO M RrwümW Me ieEgSmoma 1, o1ne= eao6eWpu s» b"oanul emJ rMC9a,9V5199U9d M9641g4 m Imk m dCM t9VOs02 m wmwwmgam M Sou 01T~tiS492 929994 a kwi5s 9mo ~~ 5~~9~~959254994I 02611 0b2009) FM.atsbaYtWimr99dar99U69,tmt921 9Tru5kWIVd.9a&l99F14 i.*u Mb~949Div 9p am ~ Imm%4%2909%9 9,4c54&&Lt owf nutso WM amJam9io9 .SOmww 4I4Is9I1u52a5Iom CM* M M t fo99mu nar A dk ockd ftq km 61«M M uO d uE Mnuë t99È& 30 dm453O a anu b M naa9 M 4 *m Crdm Fa 9m 009Cd99Wfurm ne a99ariM ua m, 992S1.I1W6MJ5M1aM kW# elw 02 bom a»MM3lm W al abc" M Ai Osai? i Lmu,%dtamu FaCrOdOam9~m Con W9a00 l"saat OW9o99 W2~WaOr, a a 9 aÈÈn ~ 9~. OlUoM9dgÉOE FÛ O 0 *!Ot 6 E Start off new year right with a quick low-fat breakfast Happy New Year! Ini keepmng with the usual resolutions, that 1 make at this time of year - taking better care of myseif, eating heaithier and exercising more, 1 thought I would devote a few columns to low-fat recipes. For those of us that don't take the tixne to eat a proper breakfast, the following recipe is ideal. Make it on the weekend, stuce and freeze separately. As you rush out in the morning, take a piece out of the freezer and by the time you get to work - breakfast is ready. Enjoy! Fruit Loaf Vegetable oi1 cooking spray 1 cup chopped mixed dried fruit (i.e.: dates, raisins, apri- cots, cranbemres) 1 tbsp plus 3/4 cup ali-purpose flour 3/4 cup whole wheat flour 1 tbsp baking powder 1 1/2 tsp cinnamon 1/4 tsp each ground cloves, nutmeg, ginger and saIt 2/3 cup packed brown sugar 1 1/2 cups bran flakes type cereal 4 large egg whites 1/2 cups low-fat buttermilk 3/4 cup 10w-fat evaporated milk Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Coat 9x5x3 inch loat pan with cooking spray. In small bowli toss dnied fruit with 1 tbsp alI-purpose flour. in a large bowl stir together ingredients from 3/4 cup ali-purpose flour to cereal and mix. ln anoth- er large bowl beat egg whites until foamy. Stir in buttermilk and evaporated milk. Stir liquid ingredients into flour mix- ture until just moistened. Fold in dried fruit. Scrape into pre- pared pan and bake for one hour until wooden pick insert- ed in oentre cornes out dlean. Cool in pan on wvire rack for 15 minutes. Remove from pan and cool completely on rack. Muilm Wllnesst (enter Natural Healing Rejuvenate Mnd Body and Soul GUARANTE! vu Weight Loss Program Book Your Appointment Now (416) 738-9443 tý ,Body Waxing *Massage Tberapy S*Reiki for Ifumans & Animais *Reflexoiogy Treatments * herapeutir Toucb III *Acupressure Treatments SePedicure *Ear Coning Assemâlent Accidnt Clvslm Reports 190 Main Street, Milton (Entranoe off Mary St., Beside Century 21) à re0ý,,n_ 1 4