The, Canadian Champion, Tuesday, January 7, 2003-7 SO UR READERS WRJT E Schooî guidance counsellors do a lot to help our students, says reader *from READER on page 6 lurger problems to corne. However, this data does provide a strong start- ing point to, follow the development of cbildren though the many différent: stages of adolescence. We need to ensure our youth aren't falling tbrough the cracks. I used to thik that only thc big cities were affected by violence. I have been informed oth- erwise. Ail cities great and small are being uffected by aggression, violence, intolerance, cliques, spe- cial modes of wear, etc. 1 know there are individuals that go into the schools and discuss appropriate and inappropri- ate behaviour with our youth. If*s great that Uic negative impacts of bullying, stealing, and fight- mng are discusscd. However, it's not enough - at least not if we are going to give our children a future, a bright future. T'hey need our full attention now. They need somneone who will translate for them - some- one who'll listen to them, someone wbo'lI repre- sent them. They need somcone whose only vested inter- est is in their healthy stase of mind. A guidance counsellor could potentially bridge the aching distance between a child and a child, a parent and a child, or a teacher and a child sit- uation. I hope you will give my plea your utmost attention. Our youth's Emotional Quotient (EQ) is falling severely bchind their Intelligence Quotient (IQ) and we need to address the situa- tion. After ail, if Uic school syssema isn't there for the youth, who's it there for? Donna Waugh Milton Halton school board director says new fundîng isn 't IikeIy to bene fit students until 2003/04 year (The following response latter was sent to Milton resident Donna Waugh and a copy was flled lviti The Champion.) Dear Editor: Thank you for your letter about the need for guidance counsellors at the middle scbool level. It's a need that we recognize, -and appre- ciate your tbougbss. Unfortunately, the money announced thus far by the provin- cial govemmuena won's likely lead to new initiatives this school year. Dr. Rozanski made three recom- mendations for funding to aflow hoaids to meet current obligations: They mnclude: - Funding for special education (currentiy the HDSB faces a $3.2 million shortfall) to meet boards' legislased requirements in this area; " Transportation funding; and " Funding to uilow boards to negotiate fair collective agree- ments with their employee groups. However, Dr. Rozanski also put forth 32 additional recomrnenda- tions for implementation over Uic next three yeurs, beginning with Uic provincial govemnment's budg- et this comning spring. If Uic government adopts these recommendations and acts upon Uiem, then Uic public scbool sys- tem will be able to begin rebuilding and, hopefully, put back some of the key suppoits needed for our students. Since this is an election year, we are hopeful that this spring's budg- et will be good news for public education. Thunk you, aguin, for your letter and we'll look ut your suggestion during our budget deliberutions in Uic spring. . L. Papke, Director of education Halton District School Board Meet exhibitors showcasing dozens of summer camps andi educational possibilities for your chilti Explore camps specializing in Arts & Crat, Ruding, Swîmming, Tennis, Golf, Gymnastics andi more JANUARY 18/2003, 10 AM - 4 PM METRO TORONTO CONVENTION CENTRE 255 FRONT ST W. FREE APMl2SION! TOROINTO'S LAROEST OVER 100 LXIIBIORS! Y0U W0NT WANT TO MISS IT! P INTERNATONAL C=T TD MAP A disciplined investing approach that helps you reach your Iong-term goals. In today's uncertain market. where are your TD MA RSP investments headed? Get back on track with TD MAP* (TD Managed Assets Progrum51) Our professional portfolio managers are focussed on long-term performance. So Uiey use a disciplined approacli to construct and manage our wide range rc % icof proven Portfolios. The resuit? Rigorous selection dýcpiUd of funds. Diversified usset allocation. Regular appracil monitoring and re-balancing. Ail the tbings to help your RSP investments last Uic long haul. Cakite aume. It's neyer been so easy to keep your investments heuded in the riglit direction. For more information, siniply calI us today. ae Mutual Fun&s Available throu~g branches of TD Canada Trust and TD Wate,-5,,,, an other independent dealer. lm Cae" * e lm Watemu» 1. Commission, trailing commisson, managment fees and espese ail may be asoc"e wiifi muiti Wu inim enits. Plas rend di prospecU before iniveng. Mutual kWn invesimeas are nat insured, lheir dues dungie fequenty and past pefonce moy not be repele. Avuble Ibrough ID Invesbmnnt Seroices lac. (Pdncipa distribuor, ID WateMhus Canada lac. (Member CIPF) aid independet denIers 2. ID Watetous Ca nlc. (1TD Waterhose) is a subdiary of The TorontoOaominion Bnnk. TDWaterious- Menber CPF. *IraeWmrk af he Torofftominion Bnnk; TO Asset Managemnt lac. is a licensed user. a-à",-à