6 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, JanUary 7, 2003 <~CMM[4T RIDE resuits flot bad, but stili unacceptable The resuits of the recent holiday season RIDE program are encour- aging, however just flot good enough since they indicate drunk drivers are stili on our roads. As reported elsewhere in this newspaper, two people were charged with impaired driving among 8,543 drivers stopped in north Halton durrng the 2002 Holiday RIDE Programn. Seventeen people also received 12-hour driver's licence suspensions after being given roadside screening tests. It's hard to believe that with ahl the anti-drinking and drivmng mes- sages out there, people are stili getting behind the wheel while impaired. But while it seems unrealîstie to think that dninking and driv- ing can be curbed altogether, we can't stop trying to achieve a sober motorist population. Accordmng to police, the 2002 holiday RIDE programn was expanded, resulting in more charges throughout the region. Now if only the pro- gramn could be stepped up throughout the year. Police enforcement as well as harsh penalties and continued public education are key as thousands of new drivers corne on our roads every year. I O UR READERS WRITE Reader says school board should hîre two more guidance counsellors (Thse following letter was addreseed f0 Halton Board of Education Director Dusky Papke and a copy was filed with The Chzampion). Dear Editor: 1 was pleased to hear about the new provincial fsanding for the Halton District School Board. I'd like to take this opportunity to plead - no, make that beg - the Halton District School Board to add two guidance counsel- lors to the middle school system, preferably a mani for the young men and a woman for the young women. Now before you accuse me of bemng politically incorrect, let me assure you that, young women don't want to discuss any of their personal angst with a male of any age, and young men would feel thse saine about a woman. Our youth need someone who can counsel them. Yes, we have pastors, parents and princi- pals. However, they ail have rules, regula- tions and really long memories. And they ail don't necessarily agree with one anoth- er. Our youth need someone impartial and neutral, yet savvy to the tonnents going on inside of them. They need someone who can recognize danger signs and act on them immediately, and they need someone who can tell the THE CAA 1»N CHAMIPION Box 248, 191 Main St. E., Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9 (905) 878-2341 Editorial Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertising Fax: 905-876-2364 Classified: 905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 Publisher Associate Pablisher Editor-in-Chief Editor Advertising Manager Circulation Manager Office Manager Production Manager Thei Canadien Champion, psirlisired every Tesday and Friday as 191 Malt St. t., Miftse, Ont., L5T 4N9 (Bas 248), la sne of The Metralasd Printing. Pubishing & Disiriisaiitg Lsd. group af ssburiran campanies suich isciades: Ajax/Picksering News Adsertises, Alliston Herald/Coaries, Basse Advance, Barsys Bay This Week, tatasn tEterprise, Brampton Guardian, Bortington Post, Bartiagasn Shoping News, City Passat, City of York Soardias. Cslingawaad/Wasaga Cossectias, tast Yarks Mirras, tris Advocaie/Gsastry Routes, Etabîcake Soardias. Flamborsagr Post, Foreser Yong, Georgetown ladepeadssilActss Free Press, Hairsa Business Times, Huratia Basiness Times, Kington This Weer, Lindsay Tis Week. Markiram tcasomist & Son, Midaad/Penstat5uisirene Mirros. Mitss Siropping News, Mississasga Businss Times, Misoissauga News, Napasse Guide, Nassagawsya Nes, Newmarket/Aursra tra-Basser, Nothumbrland News, North Yark Mirrar taiiti tease, Qakilie Shropping News, Oldtimers Hockey News, taillia Today, Oshawa/Wirdiryftlarington/Port Perry This Week, Peterbosroughr This Week, Pictos County Guide, Richrmond HilfTiorsuilW/augiran LiberaI, Scarirorougr Mirrsr, Stouttvillelabsiclge Tributs. Adostîsîsg is acceptsd os tirs condition tirati.n tire sosst ai a typo- siapical essor, that portion of tirs adoertisitg stucs sccoped by the erso. seous dtem, tugtuer witr a reasosable allowasce tas signature, wîli sot be cirgsd tas, trot tire bralance tisthe adosrtisemsst wîll ire paid for as tire appli- catie rats. Tire puirlioter reserses sire sîgiri to catagorise adoertisemssts or declîse. AIlse Cia aadian Chanmpion lsa nReeyelabi Prodasi parents to back off if they 're simply going through tome growmng pains (sometimes it's hard to tell thse difference). For instance, while movmng through the middle achool system, our youth will potentially deal with: " A new sehool; " Being home alone before/after school; - A change of senior status back to junior; - Shared lockers with a friend or stranger; - Maintaining expectations of multiple teachers; - Multiple assignînents/projecis running ini parallel, transiting each other, or collid- ing; - Multiple tests munning in parallel, tran- siting each other, or colliding; " Shifting hormones; " Body odour; " Body/facial hair growth; " Changes in friendship dynamie, from one-on-one to group; - Pressure of wanting to fit in to a new group; " Peer/group discussions of sex; " Peer/group discussions of alcohol; " Peer/group discussions of drugs; - Discussions on initiations and tasks to perfon for acceptance; " Attraction to the oppos*,sex; " Attraction from the opposite sex: " Homophobic fears if attraction to the opposite sex has flot kicked in; - Fear of rejection hy the opposite sex; The Daily (Statisties Canada), Tuesday July 6, 1999, reported: National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth: transition into adolescence. Within thse report, it's stated, "Early ado- lescence is a period of transition for chil- dren. "Often with the change into adolescence cornes thse task of dealing with increasing- ly complex decisions, pressures from peers as well as pressures of everyday life." Overall, the data indicates tIsas most youth have a happy and positive outlook on life. Nevertheless, some are starting to report lest socially acceptable behaviours, such as smoking, stealing, and fighting. At this point, it's still too early to know whether these activities are part of an expierimental phase or the indication of esee GUIDANCE on page 7 Pud by Steve Nease Do you have an opinion on a local issue ? If so, fax us your letters to (905) 878-e i4943i îôr tNefioff anytnme Main Ian Oliver Nei Oliver Jill Davis Karen Smith Wendy McNalb Steve Crozier Teri Cass Tim Cotes