IrN noase babyoitter for 5 month nid, 4 nîghfn a Retereaces. 905-È93- 1 778. RAINBOW Village Day- cure ha spaces for chitdren 18 months t0 5 years (905)878-7552. Visif as ut www.raia- ba HORSE bamn for rent 14 boa staffs, 3 paddocks, minutes ta track. $525/mith. 905-691 - 0863. A King Pitlowtop Mat- tress Set w/th trame. NIIew an ptastic. Coul $1,599.00 Sacrifice $650.00. 905-567-9459 BED Oveen Ptftowtop Muttreus, Boa, Frume, Neyer ased stitt pack- uged. Cost $1,025.00 Self $450.00. 905-567- 4042 BEDROOM set. Opce cherrywood. Bed, cheut, tnidireuser, mirror, night stands, dovetuit con- struction. Nover opened. It oes Cout $900. Sacrifice $2000. 416-740-3993. CARPET t have severa 1,000 yrds. of nec Stalnaster &à 100% ny- lon cuepet. Witt do living- ron& hall for $349. fn cf ades carti pud & la- salation (30 yards) Steve, 905-639-2902 DININGROOM t3pce cherrywood. Double pedestut. 8 chairs, Buf- fet, hatch, server, dove tait construction. Stiti in bases. Coat 11,000. Sacrifice 3,000. 416- 746-0095 MOIMS-to-be. Medeta Duo Etectrîc breast- pump, baby ciathea lgîrts&boys), car seat, bolte warmer and saap n go atrotter. 905-876- 0253. $5Wanted- Att China, Silver, Crystut, Tea Ceps, Royal Doatn, Swurovski, Gtuss, Jewery, otd toys, col- tectibies, estates. Cati John/Tracy, 905-331 - 2477. FREE tc, good'homne. Gentie shettie-huskey. Mifd temper. Must go- moving 905-691-1302. 2000 F1 50 XL Estended Cab pick ap. VIS, CD/AM/FM, Boofiner, $17,000. 905-878-7072 ORRUDIS SAL.ES à LEASING NEW & USED 410 STEELES AVE. A FAMILY BUSINESS WITII FAMILY VALUES WE - BOY - SELL - LEASE LARGEST SELEctION OF USEO 0EftCLES IN MILTON 875-227 Coltege ISports Injury Therapist or RgdMassage Therapist CAREER OPEN HOUSE WED. JAN. 8,8:00 P.M. Fînanciat Assistance Avait abte lIt Efîgîbiel Marketing 1 need someono Ca learn my-business. Muset have leadership ability and strong desire for abovo-average incarne. 905-681-5515 ext 48 or 43 A Heritage of Quality, Beli One Home ai a Tlnue Since 1978 HEALTH & SAFETY MANAGER The Reidus Heritage Grup ai Companies is one nI the largeof homebailding operutina in Sooth Western Ontario, with proiecta actinely onderway ut a nomber ai aites la Guetph, Carnbridge, Kitchener, Wuferloo, London, Colt ingwood and Hontsville. Ne have a chutteeiging and rewuiding opporfnnify avaîtubte for a comparent indivîduat who wiii oversea the day-to-day uctivît les et the Giaupas Health and Satety Progrum. Av Heaif h and Satet y Manager, yan wiii devalap, imptement and ca ordînate KH&S Direc- tiea, piograma and uvafama, inclodîng conductîng wnrkplaca inspections, audits, idantîtyieig and carry- ing Ont uail truining reqoiramants, cnndoctîng hazard and accident investigatinaund thorogh leadership and positive reintoîcement promore a sale and haalthy cork ennironmenf The auccesstol cundîduate wiii possess " Ttîoroogh knocledge ni tha Occuputînnal HeulfO & Sufty Acf " Cnmpletînn ni certfifcatin truining nir Jnint Health und Sulety Cnmmittees in tha Proince ni Ontarin *3-5 yeara evyorîence in a sîmîlur capucity *Preîous auperience in tha resîdentul constructin ndustry is imperafine, Eceolent interperannai and cnmmunicutin sk Ils: *Savais nîgunînufînna skiffs, and tho ahîlîfy no cnrh weil undar pressurea, *Strong wrîaten aad oral communications. Tn tearo more a0ouf nnr compunies von can locate as ut Plusse fax a coverlng latter sud restonse by January 1lth, ta 519-654-9748 Attention: Sharl Walpole Pleane, no phono caf/o. On/y thoon applîcanfa ne/ected for an interview wîf/ ho cnacfed. The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, January 7, 2003-17 Ü..i.LAYCARE ÏEACHER REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY. Please ca/i 905-875-1955. A e i 16 e 4 r l 2111 fllain ule bas ag . Tarante production ta eopiadiog. Scauttag aew peuple, (na eop. aeeded) with ditterent yaoks, shapes & sizes, laewhurn ta saa- tari for Cammerciais, TV Shows, Munies, Cataloge. MTB ciii ha holding Auditions la yaur area on 8sf. Jain. llth by appt. aniy. Audition tere et $34.50 + GST la retundahie if yau do not quaiity. Cail 9-5 ta achedule an audition: 519-249-0700 Model and Talent Bureau, Membar, 0000of Mincostein Ontarin Handyman (m/F> WIGHT Jack-Ot-Att-Trades CLE M~ERS $20-$25/Hour Skîlled in: Caîpefry, F/T & P/T Plamhîng, Efectrîcaf, Lakeuhora Place Ceiamic, Paintineg, Rot ramant saeking matipapar. Urycaîl. indîvîdualu ta cfean Plater, Piour coverîng common areas, fluors, + uthars. eqoîpý t pm lam. Flexible onura. Racaîve Prevînua eep. an aaaet. tsft chaque hy Fîîday. Fax : ltsipg. Mgr. CT/PT. Must have ucn 905-333-3103 fouis, reliable franapor- No Phone ca/fn pleune. faflion + f0 yaars eep. Cali Mr. Arthur 905-578-440 or 0"0"sfs Fmi 905-82-0655 905-876-2364 Meehan', Industnial, ont of the region's Ipremior mechanical cent racters, has immediate fl ieadpntme openings iMitnarea for: We are seeking highiy motivated individaals wih excellent mochanical skiiis whe will got tht job dene sately and officiently te jom ear highiy accompiishod boom. We efler cempeitivo wagos and a comprohoensivo bonefits pregram. Please fax your fesume, inctuding att training yoe have compteted ta: 905-875-M02 LIQUID CARGO LINES LTD OWNER OPERATORS (US) AND COMPANY (AZI DRIVERS Mississauga based batk tiqaid operation tank drivers with dlean abstract and crimina search reqaired. Please cali Wayne Milford 905-823-9700 Ext 232 FMECHANIC, 3-4 years experience, own toots. Milton shop requires Imechanfo for maintenance and repairs; Ito dieset drfven renter units. Witt train, good pay wtth beneftts, straight days. and rinc ass t islegnstalr axfndcs e tthdee ninstatr Cali Richard @ 647-223-2653 Lovuiu fai A MEN, WOMEN, TEENS & KIDS whu have dia laok fur 'ÏN conunerclaL print IL hIgh foshion nsoteling. Talent (Acting) " t'unicvai Wuîk & eear Wudi tuakîva for Chiidev, Men,& SWuîueuhumdiv aven ni S70ycm nid fi gencyee .evu> -. orenfaf ce puy far anînînen a purIfui rani. Ovainineru weicume. Car mure infCal catiz. nII o Book, For Appointments CAIL 905-848-6731 di oll-Free 1-866-623-3429 RORID IMMEDIATELY *FULLTIME WASHBAY PERSON Mature, retiabte indîvîduai wîth a vatîd Ontario driver's licence & good drîvîng record aeed oaiy appty f(Ne cafte pivase). Detîver resumne in person, lOam-4pm, to Reception at BUDDS1 M 2400 South Service Rd. W, Oakville CURVES FOR WOMEN Is accepting applications for 4-9 pmi weekdays & Safurday mornings. We are Iooking for someone energetic and seif-motivated who loves f0 work with people. This part time position is a perfect opporfunity for someone returning f0 the work force. Kerr/ Speers area. Send resumre ta or fax: 905-631-9098 JOBS AVAILABLE Prodactien werk in the MILTON area. $1 1-$12/hr. Att shifts avaifahie. Fax resame te: HCR 416-622-7250 or Tef: 1-888-411-1660 SERVICE ADVUSOR Required. Busy 6 bay ahup. Williîgness lu bem Automotîve eeperîeace. Computer background an asset. Vatid drivers liceece. Fao resamne: 905-637-9266 for Commercial Swimminot Pool Company. To coia our feam fali fime, a vaiid drivers license is required Io drive campany vehicies. Foperience is an assef, but flot reqeired. Training and appreafice program provided. Plus Fax ar resto to 905-625-7900 or moli ta 3-RoUI Mill Operator Successol applicant wiII have: High Schaol Dipaoma or eqaivaleot, 5 yearo ink maaufacturing eaperience, with 3 years aperatin of a 3-rai miii. Pleave reply io strict confidence by fax or mail ta: SICPA Noeth Amrce a c. 373 Wyocroft Rosd Oakvill, ON LI 2112 Fax: 905-845-31 E-Mai: ulcpa.oakvllle@slcpa.aom PRODUCTION ASSEMBLERS Hayward Pool Producta Canada, lac., a leadiag manufacturer at swimmîng pool accesoar eqoipment, haa veveral openiaga for productiaa anoamblero. Positiaas are availabie immediateo for appeoxîmafefe 7 moatho ferm. Wages- $0 Ihr. Hauro 8.30am-5OOpm. Please apply en persaa or contact Ailen et 905-829-288, Eit. 241 2880 Plymutli Drive, Gaklle (Wlnston ChurchlIIOEW) FREE TRAINING Drive 4 Us. School Bus Driver's Wanted Cail 905-877-4448 Laidlaw is an equel opportunity Company The C lassifieds Writing An Ad... When composing an ad, lit lis lm portant ta include: what lit i9, prîce, condition, phone # and Cimes to cali. Placing An Ad... ~~ Cali, fax or corne in. We will be happy Ca help with wording and placement. Over phone and fax we accept major credit cards. In per- son cash, debit, cheque or major credit card. Hours & Locations... We're open Ca accept your ad via phone or in persan et 191 Main St E. Man.-Fr. from 9:00 arn - 5pm. You may also fax your ad at any e ime. Deadlines... Monday at il arn for the Tuesday Edition and Thursday at 11 arn for our Friday Edition Q:M Qanabau (efampt'on "Miltan's Chaice Since 1860" Phone Fax 905-878-2341 905-876-2364 vww.miltoncanadianchampion.comf Find the ride of your life in the lEbte (Canabian (Cbampion classif ieds. T_ 1 do